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Brixton Village/Granville Arcade indoor market, Brixton

Bit spammy for a first post? And its not delivering boxes of fresh ingredients from market stall holders but meals from restaurants as far as I can tell

This idea has been suggested a few times.

I'd ditch Tesco completely if the market delivered.

I guess it is too difficult to pull off though.
Ms T said:
reckon many people like me are using Nour and the farmer's market for their veg needs.

Has anyone seen any asparagus btw?

We get pretty much all our food from Nour, they've got everything. Only ever use supermarkets for wine and meat.
And, I think supermarkets, and people working very long hours and thus being unable to get to the market before it closes, are the real culprits that are killing the market.

If anything, Brixton Village and Market Row are bringing more people to the (already struggling) market. Not that I particularly like what's happened to them. But I don't think they're to blame.
I reckon many people like me are using Nour and the farmer's market for their veg needs.

We use the shop on the corner of electric lane and electric avenue for a lot of our food shopping... basic selection of veg and e few more of the exotic bits, loadsa spices and tinned stuff. Chinese one next door for well, chinese bits... We get some of our stuff from wholefoods but the veg is a lot more expensive there and often not that fresh looking. They do good eggs tho :)
We get pretty much all our food from Nour, they've got everything. Only ever use supermarkets for wine and meat.

We rarely go to supermarket, apart from iceland for cat food. So we mostly get wine from market row wines now... £8.50 for a really nice bottle of red is pretty decent imo... When we have meat it often comes from Dombey's. Massive chicken for six quid does us for sunday lunch and monday and tuesday tea as well. We'd spend so much more if we bought it all from supermarket
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I've never been to Market Row Wines, or Dombeys. Must check them out. Where's Dombeys?
I want my chicken etc to be free range so mostly get it from the farmer's market. On Sunday I got two big packets of thighs and two partridges (which were great - try them!) for a tenner.
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I hate carrying cash and visiting cash machines. If there was a way for market traders to take card, i would definitely use it more.
Ms T said:
I want my chicken etc to be free range so mostly get it from the farmer's market. On Sunday I got two big packets of thighs and two partridges (which were great - try them!) for a tenner.

Ooh. I bought a partridge once from the Thursday farmers' market by SOAS. It was lovely. Didn't realise they sell stuff like that at the Brixton one.
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