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Brixton Splash 2016 cancelled over complaints and safety concerns

Some random photos from the first Splash back in 2006. It pissed it down soon after these were taken.

I can't ever see Splash going back to the original roots. It's pretty much the same for everything in life. Enjoy it whilst it is there, and then move on and find or start something new.

I'll miss the Splash of 2006 and possibly up to around 2010. The past couple of years weren't a great deal of fun to be honest.










Could it be that Lee Japser is the person who was at the recent meeting with the council ?
(I haven't a clue am just guessing, but from the link above it seems he was very seriously on the case about the financing side of Splash, which Lambeth would like).
I wondered that but noticed a tweet from him slagging the council so assumed not. Then again, the man plays the game so who knows!
Could it be that Lee Japser is the person who was at the recent meeting with the council ?
(I haven't a clue am just guessing, but from the link above it seems he was very seriously on the case about the financing side of Splash, which Lambeth would like).

I would guess it's someone who claims to be one of the original founding members of Splash. Someone who has ALWAYS looked out for their own personal interests. Ironically, if it is the person I think it is, the local authority and the police were dubious about allowing them to continue in their role, as it was alleged they'd been quoting one set of figures to the LA and another to the Police, in an attempt to get both parties to contribute more. And now the fucking LA and police are gonna do business with them again?!! Words fail me.......
The name that crops up on the news reports is Ros Griffiths:

Ros Griffiths, who helped found the festival but stepped aside in 2010, said she hoped the postponement would allow a fresh start.

Brixton Splash party cancelled after surge in drug-taking and violence

Significantly notice how she is quoted as saying "we":

“Last year the local reaction was that it has lost direction,” she told the Evening Standard. “Traders were complaining, residents were complaining and there was a problem. The event got too big and moved away from what it was meant to be about. This year’s event has been put on pause to be reviewed and planned for 2017. We want it to be the centrepiece in everyone’s social diary next summer.”

The council is recruiting a new team of volunteers to plan the 2017 Splash. And you’ll have to go to carnival this year.
Could be that the Council is going to bypass the original Splash organisation and run the event itself?

A job for its events team?
The name that crops up on the news reports is Ros Griffiths:
Significantly notice how she is quoted as saying "we":


... just how much public money has been milked to promote coonery at the expense of growing awareness of Emancipation Day celebrations?
Gramsci is this as hideously, unacceptably racist as it sounds or am I missing something?
If so the ban button is going to be struck with maximum force

GarveyLives - explain this now please.

I have only just got in and been catching up on Urban.

Still trying to work out what on earth GarveyLives is going on about. Or what relevance it has to this thread.

Certainly do not like the C worked being used on here.
I Googled it when I saw it. Couldn't work out if it was racist or black power thing. Glad everyone else appears as confused as I.
Coonery: Acting in such a manner as to perpetuate black stereotypes in society such as music videos solely about cars, money and women. Term used within the African-Caribeann community, mainly in US.
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Gramsci is this as hideously, unacceptably racist as it sounds or am I missing something?
If so the ban button is going to be struck with maximum force

GarveyLives - explain this now please.

I shouldnt argue with an Editor for my first post but...

Why do you think its alright to use the "R" word (Racist) for this Lady but wont talk about the elephant in the room:
Brixton Splash is full of Blacks (Youth & Old) and it scared the shit out the establishment to have too much black peoples at the same time at the same place.

I've loved Brixton Splash in the past, but last year's was a bit OTT. I wandered down for a short while but couldn't actually get anywhere, see anything or meet up with anyone. It was way beyond crowded. Shame as it's been great before - fingers crossed for 2017.

so lets hope no one turn up at the next events and we will call it a success? This is not a close events so people will turn up AND ITS GOOD! you just have to adjust the logistic.
Why would you closed an event who bring money and a new image to the area. More than 30 000 peoples, Drinking, Eating, filling the restaurant and clubs after dark, is that bad for business? Lambeth Country Show is crowded, Clapham will host (private) festival on the common but... its not the same crowd.

I enjoyed the last Events for few hours (my kids hate it so I was alone!) and I loved the interaction between the Black community and the eclectic crowds of revellers dancing on house music in electric avenue.

This is the last date on the calendar where the pre-Brixton Village crowd can gather and party to the sound who made Brixton famous. Yeah, no more Blackadread and Red Records blasting BLACK music for the passer-by. No more MASS Club, no more Fridge Bar. I was a minicab 3 years ago, and when tourists was asking me where could they listen to reggae in Brixton, I was embarrassed... nowhere.

Street party (or family party, if you prefer) are going to be noisy, bring unwanted aspect but you supposed to deal with this like any event organiser. What is too much people or what is a lot of people?, Did you try to go to the carnaval at pop Brixton? the queue was phenomenal so I guess they shouldn't do it next year. Splash was a success, not a failure and lambeth is not trying to help Splash to manage this success but just try to shut them down as a reward.

I arrived in Brixton 20 years ago and people (Black, White and others) who liked the place enjoyed the multicultural aspect but mostly the Afro-Caribbean aspect.

So you can talk about this lady or about Jasper but MOST BLACK PEOPLE BRIXTON, think about the same think: gentrification, ethnic cleansing (ouch) but we dont want to be associated with the dumb peoples who called everyone racists, so its a tight line.
The cancellation of Brixton Splash is just another part of this agenda (I didnt say conspiracy, thank you)

So please dont use words like "hideously, unacceptably racist" for this lady, if you can hold back for all the people who could fit the description

PS: I like sex, Drugs, Rock,n,Roll, Ignorant Rap and... cooning so this lLady might not like me very much but...
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