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Brixton Splash 2016 cancelled over complaints and safety concerns

Well you're back now and my 'demands' as you put it are simply a request to apply your own rules.
Is it really necessary too publish my home address. Yes i know it variously available but Im a uncomfortable with it and it place my family in a vulnerable position. I'll be publishing my views on Brixton Splash shortly, but of we could remove my home address Id be grateful.

Your address is freely available via a quick Google of "Companies House Lee Jasper", as has been the case for the past 17 (seventeen) years. You can, of course, apply for the information to be removed if you genuinely feel "at serious risk of violence or intimidation".
Your address is freely available via a quick Google of "Companies House Lee Jasper", as has been the case for the past 17 (seventeen) years. You can, of course, apply for the information to be removed if you genuinely feel "at serious risk of violence or intimidation".

Posting up personal info is against the FAQs of this forum. Ed has now taken it down for that reason.
Politician? You're confused son Im a community activist ask anybody.
You're also being highly selective with the truth regarding Splash airbrushing its founder out of existence. That's why you're unable to answer my simple question regarding how many times his name has appeared on the official site from 2006 onwards.
Don't want to get involved here too much, but its not just about his name, it was also about his original vision for the event too, wasn't it? Pretty sure Ive read on this thread that people feel that has changed also, and similarly been airbrushed out?
I stepped down as Chair not a Board member. Id like to do a live podcast interview with you. You have such strong opinions about me I think its time we had a public debate on line.

Although worth noting that LJ did resign as a director of Splash on 16 December 2014.

Something worth discussing in the podcast perhaps - the crowdfunding effort ( gogetfunding.com/save-brixton-splash/ ) has so far raised £69 towards the £100,000 target. Based on this, there doesn't seem to be much grassroots support for Splash.
the crowdfunding effort ( gogetfunding.com/save-brixton-splash/ ) has so far raised £69 towards the £100,000 target. Based on this, there doesn't seem to be much grassroots support for Splash.

Don't know about anyone else but as an enthusiastic local punter what i feel is very confused about what's actually going on, what is the real reason why it got cancelled this year, will it ever come back, whether there is still a functioning board of directors or anyone in charge at all, and how to help if there's even anything going on to help with.
Splash's website is no help at all (it's still counting down to 2016's festival). I did email a few weeks ago asking how someone could help the effort to see it reappear in 2017 and got no answer so far. Looks like a very divided and confusing sort of shambles at the moment but I reckon lots of people would want to help if/ when things become a bit clearer.
Although worth noting that LJ did resign as a director of Splash on 16 December 2014.

Something worth discussing in the podcast perhaps - the crowdfunding effort ( gogetfunding.com/save-brixton-splash/ ) has so far raised £69 towards the £100,000 target. Based on this, there doesn't seem to be much grassroots support for Splash.
I've no interest in a playing any part in any podcast of any kind - I don't 'do' podcasts - and given the improbability of many people being remotely interested in the thoughts of me and Mr Jasper on this topic, it would seem a colossal waste of time and energy.

I certainly can't summon up the energy or interest to ask him anything other than the one question I've asked him three times, which he has refused to answer.
From wikipedia: "Jasper was selected as Respect's candidate for the Croydon North by-election on 29 November 2012. Attracting only 2.9% of the vote, he lost his deposit."

Surely people who stand as candidates for political parties are politicians ?

Respect is a political party? :eek:
There was I thinking they were first a Swappie front, then Galloway's figleaf for remaining in electoral politics, once Yaqoob et al walked.
Looking at the Lambeth Press release it signed by several leading Afro Caribbean community activists- Devon and Paul Reid for example.

Its confusing as it also about divisions in the local Afro Caribbean community.

Brixton Splash – open letter

I understand the desire to stop the massively overcrowded tourist juggernaut, regroup and somehow bring it back to what it once was but really don't get how that can happen, unless you somehow strictly enforce a locals only admission policy into Brixton for the day.
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I understand the desire to stop the massively overcrowded tourist juggernaut, regroup and somehow bring it back to what it once was but really don't get how that can happen, unless you somehow strictly enforce a locals only admission policy into Brixton for the day.

What I meant in my original post was to suggest that a factor in the demise of Splash is due to rivalry between different community activists in the Afro Caribbean community. Which is unrelated to what actually did or did not happen at last years Splash.
The crowdfunding campaign to 'Save Brixton Splash' seems to be struggling:

View attachment 87062

They could do with being a bit clearer about what they're actually going to do with the cash if they want people to stump up. How will donating actually help make sure the event goes ahead next year, seeing as it looks to be a licencing issue they have?
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