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Brixton Ritzy staff in pay dispute for London Living Wage with Picturehouse Cinemas

Good to see Owen Jones interviewing Russell Brand wearing a Ritzy strike t-shirt.

In Russell Brand's words, "First the Ritzy, then the World!"

I went to the Ritzy last week for the first time in many months last week (I thought the boycott was done).

Among the pre-film trailers was an excruciatingly condescending advert for Picturehouse Cinemas that featured lots of 'behind the scenes' footage of all the dedicated staff setting up, opening up, making ready, serving up tickets and drinks and popcorn and then finally closing up for the night at the end of a long day.
A bizarrely patronising advert given the way they regard their own staff. That kind of choice, to elect to make an advert like that in that way, as if perhaps it could convince audiences and staff that they give a shit, made me pretty sure that the hapless cretins at the helm don't even know how to give a fuck.

They are back on boycott from me.
It gets worse: Picturehouse prepare to axe a QUARTER of all Brixton Ritzy staff

From the workers' statement:
We are utterly dismayed and saddened by the brutality which was thrown at us yesterday by Picturehouse Cinemas.

In what can only be described as a cynical attempt to ‘improve customer service’, they plan to axe the positions of 2 managers, ALL 8 supervisors, 3 technical staff, numerous Front Of House and numerous Bar staff.

The announcement of a ‘consultation’ period regarding these redundancies will start from the 3rd of November for a minimum of 30 days. It is anticipated that the redundancies will occur within a period of 90 days beginning towards the end of November.

We have been told that our positions will be ‘renamed’ and that a yet undisclosed ‘pool’ of people will interview us and consider us for our existing jobs. The selection criteria proposed will be based on performance, skills, qualifications, attendance and our discipline currently kept on individual employee files. Redundancy payments will be in line with statutory levels.

Whilst there is no evidence of financial problems at the site, in fact we regularly come number 1 in monthly profits, the company propose that lowering it’s workforce by a quarter will improve the cinematic experience which a skeleton number of staff are already working incredibly hard to deliver.

NO OTHER site in the company is facing redundancies and NO OTHER site is subject to these dramatic changes.
It gets worse: Picturehouse prepare to axe a QUARTER of all Brixton Ritzy staff

From the workers' statement:

Emailed the directors as suggested by Ritzy staff in Brixton Buzz piece.

Dear Alastair/ Lyn,
I am emailing to express my disgust at the recent proposed redundancies at the Ritzy. This is clearly an attack on the workforce for striking for the London Living Wage. A dispute that was recently resolved.

I am a long time user of the Ritzy and supported the staffs strike for the LLW.

Instead of keeping to the spirit of the agreement with the workforce to resolve the dispute the management of Picturehouse have proposed redundancies. I can only see this as a cynical move. Its not about customer service. Its about punishing the staff for striking. I also regard it as Union busting.
I was in a meeting with Luke Crawley from Bectu yesterday and he said he would update me with any developments.
On the East Dulwich forum someone is saying that, according to the Picture House, part of the negotiation included the discussion that the amount of income available to staff would not be increasing and that the consequence of the increase would mean fewer employees, with better paid jobs.
That is their argument. Not a very good one.
If it is what was discussed - and I have no idea whether it was or how much emphasis was put on it - then I'm not then sure what anyone thought was meant by it . If it was said at all then BECTU should have been all over the statement seeking clarification rather than suggesting the offer be accepted.
I've just resigned my membership and got the full year refunded as I hadn't used it due to the boycott. The lady I spoke to on the phone urged me to email head office and let them know the reason that I am leaving.
That's good to know. I'm in the same position.
Will Self article about boycotting in the Standard tonight.

Also, I heard from a union colleague that part of the original agreement was that staff cannot support another boycott. Obviously this doesn't mean there can't be one, but it must be community led, or led by a support group or some other external group.
Emailed Ritzy a few days ago, telling them they've lost my business for good if they proceed with these vindictive redundancies. Have had no reply.
Been avoid the Ritzy for a while, I seem unlikely to return after this obvious attempt at union busting.

Does anyone know if ANY London indie cinemas (realise Ritzy was only faux-indie) pay the London Living Wage? Was disappointed to find the Prince Charles Cinema doesn't.
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