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Brixton Rec - demolition proposed by council

Found this. Excerpt from minutes of Council meeting 9th July 2008

Council welcomes the Labour administration1s commitment to improve
leisure facilities in Lambeth. Council welcomes this commitment as it
promotes a healthy, active community as well as providing opportunities for
positive activity. Council notes the chronic under funding of leisure facilities
by the previous administration who failed to realise the importance of
investing in local leisure facilities for local people.

Council welcomes increased visitor and membership numbers at Brixton
Recreation Centre after the £2.85m refurbishment funded by this
administration. The number of people taking out gym membership has
increased by more than 270% and visitor figures have risen from 14,000 a
month to 45,000 a month. The centre now houses the largest and best
equipped children1s only gym in the country, a new adult gym with the latest
equipment, refurbished changing rooms, and a new steam room and sauna.
Council welcomes this significant investment in a much-loved and culturally
important building in central Brixton. Council notes that the previous
administration planned to shut down Brixton Recreation Centre which proved
they were scandalously out of touch with the views of the community.

The previous administration was the Tory/LD one. The Council is Labour run when this meeting was called.
Found this. Excerpt from minutes of Council meeting 9th July 2008

The previous administration was the Tory/LD one. The Council is Labour run when this meeting was called.

hilarious! and even more absurd that councils 'welcome' and 'note' things.
My response from Ruth Ling. Doesn't exactly make me feel like saving the rec is her priority, full of a lot of council evasion speak while being quite aggressive. As usual I found the link to the consultation difficult to use, just seemed to go to Lambeth's shit website:


Thank you for writing to me about this.

First of all, I should say that no decisions have been made about the Brixton Rec and any changes that are made will be done so only after consultation with the community and the full involvement of local people.

The speculation in the local press arose from the discussions the Council has been having with local people about a new planning document for the area, which will set out clearly what residents and the council want to achieve together in Brixton.

I am also aware of a posting on a local website which includes such comments as “Lambeth Labour is again embroiled in controversy over plans to demolish Brixton's iconic Recreation Centre,” “Labour has now resurrected the idea as part of its wider Future Brixton redevelopment proposals”, “Despite pumping millions of pounds of public money … on further dubious improvements, Labour is now desperate that a new Recreation Centre will emerge as the prize from whatever megalomaniac high-rise project the developers in partnership with Lambeth decide on for the area” and Labour's leadership cabal sees new leisure centres around the borough as the single most important legacy they can offer the electorate in 2014 and there's clearly a huge political imperative for them to get cracking”. These remarks are so without any foundation that they are libellous.

The Council has worked with and spoken to hundreds of people through workshops, street stalls and individual conversations. People have told us they want better support for markets, for it to be easier to get around, more start-up business space, more affordable housing, more child-friendly spaces and, critically in the case of the Rec, improved leisure facilities that are more accessible and environmentally sustainable. Our job is to make sure that we use our planning powers to ensure this happens. The Council’s Supplementary Planning Document will be produced as a draft later this year and will then go to full public consultation.

We have put up a statement on the Council website www.lambeth.gov.uk/futurebrixton to clarify the situation. We’ve also posted this statement on local neighbourhood forums’ notice boards and have asked Brixton Rec staff to display it on notice boards there.

I do understand completely how integral the Rec is to the centre of Brixton and how many fantastic sporting activities it offers. We have no intention of leaving Brixton without a leisure centre – we are however keen to improve the facilities we have.

You can get involved in the consultation around Brixton generally by emailing Lambeth on futurebrixton@lambeth.gov.uk.

Best wishes,

that is quite aggressive... :eek:

very different response to what Jeremy Clyne said to me.... I don't think I'll post his reply up, but I have told him about Gramsci's post here so I guess if he does look on here he can comment for himself.
So this is the council's statement:

There has been speculation in the local press that Brixton Recreation Centre could be replaced by a new leisure centre in the future.
The story came about because Lambeth Council is currently consulting with local people on a new document that sets out what Brixton could look like over the next 10 to 15 years, what sort of changes local people and the council would like to see in the area, and what opportunities there might be to improve the town.
One of the things the document (called a supplementary planning document or SPD) considers is whether it may be possible to improve Brixton Recreation Centre or even replace it with a brand new 21st century leisure centre providing state of the art sports facilities in the heart of Brixton.
It is very early days but the council is keen to gather as many views from local people about this, so to learn more visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/futurebrixton

so this statement tells us basically nothing whatsoever that we didn't already know...
So this is the council's statement:

There has been speculation in the local press that Brixton Recreation Centre could be replaced by a new leisure centre in the future.
The story came about because Lambeth Council is currently consulting with local people on a new document that sets out what Brixton could look like over the next 10 to 15 years, what sort of changes local people and the council would like to see in the area, and what opportunities there might be to improve the town.
One of the things the document (called a supplementary planning document or SPD) considers is whether it may be possible to improve Brixton Recreation Centre or even replace it with a brand new 21st century leisure centre providing state of the art sports facilities in the heart of Brixton.
It is very early days but the council is keen to gather as many views from local people about this, so to learn more visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/futurebrixton

so this statement tells us basically nothing whatsoever that we didn't already know...

Nor does it say the original Brixton Masterplan (agreed by Cabinet and also consulted on ) specifically says the Rec will be kept.

The SPD , as Cllr Lib Peck, said at a recent meeting is to give the Brixton Masterplan "teeth". The Masterplan is what the Council aspires to for Brixton. The SPD for Brixton is a planning document that developers and the Council will have to work within.

So the SPD is not a document for "considering" ideas.

Nor is it "early days". There was a lot of consultation on the Brixton Masterplan. Its not "early days". The formal draft for the SPD will be consulted on from beginning of next year. Only a few months away. This formal consultation will need a finished document that the Council want. It can still be altered after formal consultation period. But it will state the Councils aspirations for the area.
My response from Ruth Ling. Doesn't exactly make me feel like saving the rec is her priority, full of a lot of council evasion speak while being quite aggressive. As usual I found the link to the consultation difficult to use, just seemed to go to Lambeth's shit website:


Thank you for writing to me about this.

First of all, I should say that no decisions have been made about the Brixton Rec and any changes that are made will be done so only after consultation with the community and the full involvement of local people.

The speculation in the local press arose from the discussions the Council has been having with local people about a new planning document for the area, which will set out clearly what residents and the council want to achieve together in Brixton.

I am also aware of a posting on a local website which includes such comments as “Lambeth Labour is again embroiled in controversy over plans to demolish Brixton's iconic Recreation Centre,” “Labour has now resurrected the idea as part of its wider Future Brixton redevelopment proposals”, “Despite pumping millions of pounds of public money … on further dubious improvements, Labour is now desperate that a new Recreation Centre will emerge as the prize from whatever megalomaniac high-rise project the developers in partnership with Lambeth decide on for the area” and Labour's leadership cabal sees new leisure centres around the borough as the single most important legacy they can offer the electorate in 2014 and there's clearly a huge political imperative for them to get cracking”. These remarks are so without any foundation that they are libellous.

In fact the Cabinet agreed the Brixton Masterplan which guarantees that the (Labour) Council would protect the Rec. So a decision was made by the Labour Council. It would be more accurate to say that the Labour Council is revisiting its decision to support , what it called, the much loved Rec.

I assume she is referring to Brixton Blog. This is not speculation.

I have looked at BB and this thread. Maybe I missed something but where does she get here quotes from? (edited to say found the referance see post below)

I got more measured reply from my local Labour Cllr. But saying the same. That the press had made to much of this, that no decisions had been made, link to Future Brixton and that he did not want Brixton to lose leisure facilities ( not the same as supporting Rec). But no reply that he would oppose the wording of SPD.

So looks like this will be the Labour groups position at the moment.
My response from Ruth Ling. Doesn't exactly make me feel like saving the rec is her priority, full of a lot of council evasion speak while being quite aggressive. As usual I found the link to the consultation difficult to use, just seemed to go to Lambeth's shit website:

I am also aware of a posting on a local website which includes such comments as “Lambeth Labour is again embroiled in controversy over plans to demolish Brixton's iconic Recreation Centre,” “Labour has now resurrected the idea as part of its wider Future Brixton redevelopment proposals”, “Despite pumping millions of pounds of public money … on further dubious improvements, Labour is now desperate that a new Recreation Centre will emerge as the prize from whatever megalomaniac high-rise project the developers in partnership with Lambeth decide on for the area” and Labour's leadership cabal sees new leisure centres around the borough as the single most important legacy they can offer the electorate in 2014 and there's clearly a huge political imperative for them to get cracking”. These remarks are so without any foundation that they are libellous.

Best wishes,


Found it. Its on the LD website. Her quotes are from the LD website. Why did she not just say so? Does she think people cannot use the internet ? Should have known. :rolleyes: More interested in hating each other than listening to what people say here and on Brixton Blog.

Though sadly the LD article is not exactly supporting Rec either.
Found it. Its on the LD website. Her quotes are from the LD website. Why did she not just say so? Does she think people cannot use the internet ? Should have known. :rolleyes: More interested in hating each other than listening to what people say here and on Brixton Blog.

Though sadly the LD article is not exactly supporting Rec either.

I replied to her about how I'd so far found all the consultations I'd tried to be a part of inaccessible and lacking in transparency, which I have. I told her I hoped this would not be the case again and also asked for an explanation as to why Streatham still did not have it's leisure facilities.
On one of the ice rink thread someone posted a map showing the footprint of the ice rink, and possibly the rec too but I can't find it. @Crispy maybe?
The "libellous" LD article makes interesting reading. Whoever wrote it should post here.:D

This for example:

Officials have been forced to clarify that the Council is still consulting over proposals that could be some way off but there has been no denial that the rumours are based in fact. Indeed anyone with the patience to wade through the turgid Supplementary Planning Document for Brixton will easily spot the foundations of them.

Spot on:D
It is wading through the small print that counts. Easy to miss.
I replied to her about how I'd so far found all the consultations I'd tried to be a part of inaccessible and lacking in transparency, which I have. I told her I hoped this would not be the case again and also asked for an explanation as to why Streatham still did not have it's leisure facilities.

ahh.. Jeremy Clyne did reply about this and the pool is currently being built it seems but there are lots of unsatisfactory issues over it. For example apparently there have been no stakeholder meetings for the "non ice" users of the Recreation Centre, which means that Tesco and the Council have just designed it as they wish. It appears there was a meeting finally held a few weeks back where lots of users expressed concerns over the changing facilities and other areas but apparently it is now too late to change anything. Allegedly promisese were also made to make sure that there was reprovision of the pre-exisiting facitilies (such as the sauna and steam rooms) but (whilst some other additional facilities such as a sports hall have been provided) they have been left out.

This is EXACTLY what I am concerned for with Brixton Rec. that.. they will tear it down, rebuild somewhere else (eventually) with a fraction of the services currently being provided, or the services they feel are needed rather than those users actually wish to have. I simply cannot believe that we will get "as good" or "better". It is bound to be smaller, more cramped, more expensive... the kind of "changing village" that we see in Clapham, E. Dulwich etc etc. Will ALL the money raised by selling the land the Rec is currently built on be ploughed back into the new Recreation Centre? Will there be guarantees that the cost of entry will remain the same for a reasonable period after the opening of a new centre (not just for a few months and then suddenly a huge increase?).

I think the dark ramp thing.. it's an excuse to sell that land for more flats, shops etc. So much money was spent on the refurb - if they are still worried about the ramp etc, why not think creatively? Open up a competition to create a "tunnel of light" amongst lighting companies/artists etc... make it somewhere that people will come from just to see. Get some large paint companies to sponsor/work with students at local art colleges to "brighten up" the Rec etc. Maybe those ideas are just fanciful - I'm not a businesswoman but I really do think it must be possible to find other ways of making the Rec more profitable. Work with the community, not just with property developers and more chain stores.
Emailing councillors - is it better to email them individually or just cc in everyone?
(i.e. your own ward councillors plus the cabinet member ones)

Someone I spoke to (about a different matter) reckoned a big cc list had a kind of snowball effect but I couldn't quite work out what she was getting at.
I emailed all three of mine at once and got a response from one which suggested that the 3 of them had discussed it together and indeed are bringing it up at a meeting soon. My response copied in the other 2 councillors.
Emailing councillors - is it better to email them individually or just cc in everyone?
(i.e. your own ward councillors plus the cabinet member ones)

Someone I spoke to (about a different matter) reckoned a big cc list had a kind of snowball effect but I couldn't quite work out what she was getting at.

On an issue like this I email all three. Unless you have cllrs from different political parties. I have emailed all three Coldharbour ward cllrs starting "Dear Ward Cllrs" to start with. Giving them a chance to respond first.
The email I sent

Dear Ward Cllrs,
I attend the Brixton Rec User Group meeting on Monday 29th October. This was well attended meeting with a representative cross section of Brixton. It was agreed that the feeling of those attending the meeting was that the Brixton Rec should be kept. That this should be written into the SPDs for the Brixton area.

It was also agreed that people should email there local Cllrs about this.

Recently in the consultation on the Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) ,for the Brixton Masterplan area, officers suggested as an idea that the Rec could be demolished, the land sold to developer and a new Rec built nearby with a Section 106 agreement. This is in the recent draft consultation SPD

I have used the Rec for swimming for a long time. It is a large friendly pool. With space for all. Parents with infants, children and lane swimmers. All in one space without feeling crowded. It is a nice place to swim. It is a place where all ages and races mix. So is representative of the what is best in Brixton.

I would also like to point out that the last time the Rec was under threat was in a Tory/ LD Council. The Labour Group at the time did a lot to oppose the plans of the Tory/ LD administration to demolish it.

See here minutes from 2008 where it is clearly stated what the Labour group did in opposition to the Tory/LD plans.

background information:

I have looked up the old Masterplan. In that the Rec is to be kept. This was agreed by Cabinet but does not have planning weight. That is what SPDs are for. So this is change from Masterplan. Page 108 section called "Brixton Section Road" 5.1.10 of the Brixton Masterplan says under heading "Brixton Rec":

"The Rec will be refurbished and opened up as a major community resource, incorporating retail, leisure facilities and social infrastructure. The potential to open up the frontage of the Rec is being reviewed, including the implementation of ground level access and new signage along Brixton Station Road. The Masterplan recognises further potential to review the blind eastern frontage of the building. The potential to better and more appropriately enclose the service yards, currently contained by palisaded gates and open gates and open security fencing to the northern end of the street, will also be reviewed."

FYI this is what it says in the draft SPD doc that was used for recent consultation

from page 27
• Brixton Recreation Centre: The current facility is much loved,
enormously popular and serves the entire Borough and beyond. However,
many residents think it is inaccessible because current access arrangements
require the use of an exterior flight of stairs or a long ramp which is dark
and not particularly welcoming. The building is large although much of the
interior space is not efficiently used.
The building is in need of significant levels of ongoing investment and
running costs are forecast to continue to rise significantly. If a decision is
taken to work towards securing a new replacement facility, the temporary
ice rink site may be an appropriate location. If this was the case, the
release of the existing site would present an opportunity to attract new retail-
led investment to this prominent town centre location. The ground floor
provides flexibility for a range of retail uses, with the most appropriate mix
likely to involve a limited amount of new food retail floorspace together with
comparison floorspace to complement the existing pattern of high street and
independent trading in the town. The site presents a major opportunity for
high density mixed residential development on upper floors which takes
account of the exceptional public transport accessibility of the site. Should
a suitable user come forward, the site would also be appropriate for other
town centre/community/education uses. If the site is redeveloped,
advantage should be taken of the existing basement accommodation as this
provides potential for the incorporation of basement parking.
article from Brixton Blog here.
Emailing councillors - is it better to email them individually or just cc in everyone?
(i.e. your own ward councillors plus the cabinet member ones)

Someone I spoke to (about a different matter) reckoned a big cc list had a kind of snowball effect but I couldn't quite work out what she was getting at.
I emailed all three councillors and got a reply from one saying that the boss (Lib Peck) would reply more fully in due course. She basically echoed the same arguments that are in the planning doc - i.e. that centre is well used and loved but is too expensive to run:

Thanks very much for getting in touch and sharing your views about Brixton Recreation Centre. I’ve visited the Rec twice in the last few months and I very much appreciate how popular the sports centre is with all sections of the community.

I’d like to reassure you that the Council has not made any decisions about the future of Brixton Recreation Centre. We are, however, thinking about the whole regeneration of Brixton Town Centre, and therefore it makes sense to think about leisure facilities. The Rec is a much loved facility but it is very expensive to run, and in an era of rising energy prices, this is an issue that we need to think about. Accessibility is also an issue. We therefore think it is sensible to discuss with local residents about whether the Council should invest in building a brand new leisure centre in Brixton to replace the Rec.

The Council is very committed to investing in sports and leisure facilities – you may have visited the new Clapham Leisure Centre which has replaced the 1930s Clapham Pool, and we are currently building a brand new leisure and health centre in West Norwood and building a new ice rink and leisure centre in Streatham.

My colleague Cllr Lib Peck is leading on the consultation on the SPD and will be able to answer your more detailed points about the consultation.

Although they say no decision has yet been made, it sounds very much like they have a strong preference for replacement of the Rec.
I emailed all three councillors and got a reply from one saying that the boss (Lib Peck) would reply more fully in due course. She basically echoed the same arguments that are in the planning doc - i.e. that centre is well used and loved but is too expensive to run:

Although they say no decision has yet been made, it sounds very much like they have a strong preference for replacement of the Rec.

You may be right. It's madness. You grow to love that place.
I emailed all three councillors and got a reply from one saying that the boss (Lib Peck) would reply more fully in due course. She basically echoed the same arguments that are in the planning doc - i.e. that centre is well used and loved but is too expensive to run:

Although they say no decision has yet been made, it sounds very much like they have a strong preference for replacement of the Rec.

Did you see the Lip Peck tweet the other week about how please they were that the new pools/leisure centre were done under Labour in Lambeth.

That email response sounds like a civil service cut and paste job... which I'm beginning to think it is. I'd like to know what the accessibility issue is. So far, it's fine for parents with buggies.
Did you see the Lip Peck tweet the other week about how please they were that the new pools/leisure centre were done under Labour in Lambeth.

That email response sounds like a civil service cut and paste job... which I'm beginning to think it is. I'd like to know what the accessibility issue is. So far, it's fine for parents with buggies.

It this according to officers

FYI this is what it says in the draft SPD doc that was used for recent consultation

from page 27

• Brixton Recreation Centre: The current facility is much loved,
enormously popular and serves the entire Borough and beyond. However,
many residents think it is inaccessible because current access arrangements
require the use of an exterior flight of stairs or a long ramp which is dark
and not particularly welcoming.

It was already dealt with in the original Brixton Masterplan by altering the front of building.

My reply also looks like the Labour Cllrs are all singing of the same hymn-sheet on the issue of the Rec. Some of the wording is similar. I wonder if Labour Cllrs got briefed on it? Make sense politically.
I emailed all three councillors and got a reply from one saying that the boss (Lib Peck) would reply more fully in due course. She basically echoed the same arguments that are in the planning doc - i.e. that centre is well used and loved but is too expensive to run:

Although they say no decision has yet been made, it sounds very much like they have a strong preference for replacement of the Rec.

Yes I agree. But its frustrating that they will not come clean and say that there preference is to replace it. Then we can have a real debate.

What I think could happen is that the next months will be spent by Council discussing and "consulting" but saying no "decision" has been made.

Then the SPD will be worded in a vague fashion. That officers will "explore" options.

Two years later they assume people all will be so tired of it all that they will accept a replacement. The Rec will also not get any major maintenance and so later on officers will say its has to be replaced as its unfeasible to upgrade.

Call me cynical but thats the long term strategy. Above all officers and Cllrs will be careful never say definitively that the Council wants the Rec to move off that piece of real estate.
Is it possible to get a Freedom of Information thing about costs of running, income, user numbers etc? Or is that out there anyway, somewhere?

How much would it cost to build something that would provide the same amount of activity/capacity? I suppose the idea would be to fund it from selling that land and moving it somewhere less central and cheaper and, in the end, smaller with fewer functions. Or some PPI thing like Streatham Hub...

Is it possible to get FOI on emails between ward councillors which mention 'Brixton Rec' or whatever? :hmm:
I emailed all three councillors and got a reply from one saying that the boss (Lib Peck) would reply more fully in due course. She basically echoed the same arguments that are in the planning doc - i.e. that centre is well used and loved but is too expensive to run:

In Brixton Blog Cllrs Lib Peck is reported as saying:

Cllr Lib Peck, cabinet member for regeneration, denied that there would be a financial reason to move sites, saying: “I wouldn’t say it’s economically unviable.”
I found on Lambeth website the following comment on the new lighting.( Here is website of the company that made the new lighting on outside of Rec.)

Architects Amenity Space have been commissioned to produce a new sign and light sculpture that will be installed at the leisure centre’s main entrance to create a warm welcome for the centre’s users.

So somehow this got forgotten when the draft consultation SPD was written. Or is this lighting now regarded as a failure?

this is what it says in the draft SPD doc that was used for recent consultation

from page 27
• Brixton Recreation Centre: The current facility is much loved,
enormously popular and serves the entire Borough and beyond. However,
many residents think it is inaccessible because current access arrangements
require the use of an exterior flight of stairs or a long ramp which is dark
and not particularly welcoming.
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