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Brixton Rec - demolition proposed by council

full doc here from page 27 ( as last link did not seem to work)

• Brixton Recreation Centre: The current facility is much loved,
enormously popular and serves the entire Borough and beyond. However,
many residents think it is inaccessible because current access arrangements
require the use of an exterior flight of stairs or a long ramp which is dark
and not particularly welcoming. The building is large although much of the
interior space is not efficiently used.
The building is in need of significant levels of ongoing investment and
running costs are forecast to continue to rise significantly. If a decision is
taken to work towards securing a new replacement facility, the temporary
ice rink site may be an appropriate location. If this was the case, the
release of the existing site would present an opportunity to attract new retail-
led investment to this prominent town centre location. The ground floor
provides flexibility for a range of retail uses, with the most appropriate mix
likely to involve a limited amount of new food retail floorspace together with
comparison floorspace to complement the existing pattern of high street and
independent trading in the town. The site presents a major opportunity for
high density mixed residential development on upper floors which takes
account of the exceptional public transport accessibility of the site. Should
a suitable user come forward, the site would also be appropriate for other
town centre/community/education uses. If the site is redeveloped,
advantage should be taken of the existing basement accommodation as this
provides potential for the incorporation of basement parking.​
I wouldn't be surprised if Tesco had its beady little eye on that space and in return would build a shit new rec somewhere away from the centre. Then renege on the deal anyway.
New food retail floorspace? Do we need any more eating opportunities in the area? Will this be when we get all bar one, strada, Pizza Express, Burger king and all the other chains?
I can't believe they have the gall to propose this with Streatham still unbuilt.
Quite. Lambeth Council seems to have a habit of starting expensive improvement/rebuilding/regeneration projects and then running out of steam.
its an eysore, its very very expensive to run. was badly designed in the 1st place.

theres a need for it, but a what cost. why on earth would you build a swimming pool on the 3rd floor
its an eysore, its very very expensive to run. was badly designed in the 1st place.

theres a need for it, but a what cost. why on earth would you build a swimming pool on the 3rd floor
Not enough reason to even think about starting work on it when it was only recently refurbished and the nearest alternative public swimming pool (Streatham) won't be available for at least another year.
its an eysore, its very very expensive to run. was badly designed in the 1st place.

theres a need for it, but a what cost. why on earth would you build a swimming pool on the 3rd floor

Do you use it much?

Can you recommend an alternative local to the area?
Do you use it much?

Can you recommend an alternative local to the area?
i used to go, but was a victim of a mugging on the walkway from the car park, so dont go any more, there is no alternative in the area,exept for fitness 1st... or they could stick a roof on brockwell pk lido
i used to go, but was a victim of a mugging on the walkway from the car park, so dont go any more, there is no alternative in the area,exept for fitness 1st... or they could stick a roof on brockwell pk lido
FYI the lido is listed, so bunging a roof of it is highly unlikely to ever happen.
i used to go, but was a victim of a mugging on the walkway from the car park, so dont go any more, there is no alternative in the area,exept for fitness 1st... or they could stick a roof on brockwell pk lido

Well the walkways could do with a bit of sorting however this is not a reason for the whole site to be demolished. Have you seen what they did to the Clapham Swimming pool?? It's shininess distracts you from the fact it is a little useless.
Well the walkways could do with a bit of sorting however this is not a reason for the whole site to be demolished. Have you seen what they did to the Clapham Swimming pool?? It's shininess distracts you from the fact it is a little useless.
and ugly the clapham manor street site was great, thats gone thou
its an eysore, its very very expensive to run. was badly designed in the 1st place.

theres a need for it, but a what cost. why on earth would you build a swimming pool on the 3rd floor

The new "suits" who are going to live in Brixton Square wont like it. Oh no. They will want new shiny one with high membership costs to keep out the riff raff.:rolleyes:
I went past last weekend and looked at the lighting. Half the lights on the entrance stairs were not working. So no wonder it looked dark and uninviting. Simple maintenance can overcome some problems that people consulted complained about.

So I was there again today and looked again.... I think you were looking at the stairs and I at the ramp. On the ramp there are overhead lights that have clearly been out of action for a long time, but there are very bright, wall mounted lights which work well. There is also a CCTV camera at the bottom of the ramp. At the top landing by the entrance and down to the steps they are relying on the overhead lights, some of which are broken as you mention - but of course it is also open to the light from the sky to a certain extent. It's not the bright white glare of Clapham pools or similar but I think it's adequate and could very easily be spruced up.

It's a bollocks excuse anyway to tear down an entire building! :D
Exactly - as someone said on the other thread, it would be better to spend a few £thousands on improving the entrance, rather than using that as a justification to knock the whole place down and start again. But LBL seem to want to become property developers and sell off most of central Brixton....
Seriously, is someone on the council getting backhanders? Building private flats and retail units seems to be their knee jerk reaction to damn near EVERYTHING
Seriously, is someone on the council getting backhanders? Building private flats and retail units seems to be their knee jerk reaction to damn near EVERYTHING

I was talking to my Dad about the Rec recently. He was a London borough architect in the 70s and 80s and did a lot of leisure facilities. He claims he once got a job, shortly after the Rec was completed, by answering the question 'what are your design principles' with the response 'never build a swimming pool upstairs'.

Less facetiously he actually reckons the Rec is a pretty good building, but very badly used - and could be hugely improved for next to nothing.
Just received this email:

Dear Brixton Rec Users,

Lambeth Council is considering another Brixton Town Centre regeneration plan that includes demolishing the Rec.
I attach the relevant sections, some commentary from Veronica Ball, and names of Councillors and their email addresses.
The crucial councillor is Lib Peck, Executive member for regeneration (and was for leisure at the time of the 6 month closure of the Rec, so well versed in it and the opposiation that closure generated). The crucial first Council meeting is that of the Executive Committee on 6 November.
The old BRUG committee of 4 is meeting Monday 9am at the Rec cafe to discuss a plan of campaign. The first thing we must do is extend the committee and publicise the plan, askiing everyone to raise objections with Peck. Anyone else is more than welcome to attend.
Emma Calder has set up a Facebook site on which everyone will be able to view and comment on the plans and campaign. We will circulate further info about this ,

BRUG has had to use an old contact list. Apologies if you no longer use the Rec or are not interested. Please let me know so that I can clean up the lists. Also apologies if you receive it twice for similar reasons
Robyn Dasey
BRUG Secretary.
Just received this email:

Dear Brixton Rec Users,

Lambeth Council is considering another Brixton Town Centre regeneration plan that includes demolishing the Rec.
I attach the relevant sections, some commentary from Veronica Ball, and names of Councillors and their email addresses.

Emma Calder has set up a Facebook site on which everyone will be able to view and comment on the plans and campaign. We will circulate further info about this ,

Thanks for this info.

What is the name of the Facebook site? I searched but could not find anything.

Can you put up some of the "relevant sections" and commentary?

Could u email them back with a link to this thread. So they could put up info here?
Thanks for this info.

What is the name of the Facebook site? I searched but could not find anything.

Can you put up some of the "relevant sections" and commentary?

Could u email them back with a link to this thread. So they could put up info here?

I'll email them the link. I'm not on Facearse so can't do anything connected to that.
Not on FB. How do you get by without it?:)

Never been on so don't know what I'm missing. Am also allergic to old school 'friends' trying to chat to me. Every time I think I'll join, someone gives me a reason not to. And I already waste enough time here.
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