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Brixton Rec - demolition proposed by council

Never been on so don't know what I'm missing. Am also allergic to old school 'friends' trying to chat to me. Every time I think I'll join, someone gives me a reason not to. And I already waste enough time here.
I know what you mean, if you haven't seen somebody since school, there's probably a good reason for it. ;)
The posters and FB (for those who don't indulge) say the following:


Email and visit your Councillors to make your views known.

Crucial dates to contact them by are:

6th November all Labour councillors Labour Group meeting;
30 November for the Cabinet meeting. Councillor Lib Peck is the Cabinet member for regeneration and the critical person to contact.

BRUG will also be contacting Councillor Peck.

Act now. Do not wait for the formal consultation scheduled for January 7 - February 18.

Cabinet Member Councillors

Leader of the Council Steve Reed
020 7926 1167 sreed@lambeth.gov.uk

Deputy Leader of the Council -Jackie Meldrum
020 7926 1167 jmeldrum@lambeth.gov.uk

Regeneration and Strategic Housing - Lib Peck
07946 218 638 lpeck@lambeth.gov.uk

Children and Families - Rachel Heywood
020 7733 7300 rheywood@lambeth.gov.uk

Culture, Leisure and the Olympics Sally Prentice
020 7587 0160 SPrentice@lambeth.gov.uk

Finance and Resources - Paul McGlone
020 8674 3250 pmcglone@lambeth.gov.uk

Health and Wellbeing - Jim Dickson
020 3149 6657 jdickson@lambeth.gov.uk
Neighbourhood Services Pete Robbins
07946 218 389 probbins@lambeth.gov.uk

Public Protection - Jack Hopkins
020 7091 9010 jhopkins@lambeth.gov.uk

Labour Councillors by Ward

Brixton Hill
Alexander Holland, Florence Nosegbe, Steve Reed
Clapham Town
Nigel Haselden, Helen O'Malley, Christopher Wellbelove
Coldharbour Ward (includes Brixton Town Centre)
Donatus Anyanwu , Rachel Heywood, ,Matt Parr
Ferndale Ward
Paul McGlone, Sally Prentice, Neil Sabharwal
Gipsy Hill
Matthew Bennett, Jennifer Brathwaite, Niranjan Francis.
Herne Hill Ward
Carol Boucher, Jim Dickson, Leanne Targett-Parker
Knight’s Hill
Jackie Meldrum, Jane Pickard, Mike Smith.
Dr Neeraj Patil, Pete Robbins, Christiana Valcarcel.
Jane Edbrooke, Jack Hopkins
Princes Ward
Lorna Campbell, Mark Harrison, Stephen Morgan.
Alex Bigham , Peter Bowyer, Imogen Walker.
Streatham South
Mark Bennett, John Kazantzis, David Malley.
Edward Davie, Diana Morris, Lib Peck.
Thurlow Park
Ann Kingsbury
Tulse Hill
Adedamola Aminu, Marcia Cameron, Ruth Ling
Vassal Ward
Kingsley Abrams, Adrian Garden

emails for all are initialname@lambeth.gov.uk except Mike Smith , msmith10@lambeth.gov.uk

Brixton Rec User Group (BRUG)
The BRUG notice board in Rec also had this quote. Which I posted up previously in #84 of "Council consults on vision for future of Brixton" thread.
full doc here from page 27 ( as last link did not seem to work)
• Brixton Recreation Centre: The current facility is much loved,
enormously popular and serves the entire Borough and beyond. However,
many residents think it is inaccessible because current access arrangements
require the use of an exterior flight of stairs or a long ramp which is dark
and not particularly welcoming. The building is large although much of the
interior space is not efficiently used.
The building is in need of significant levels of ongoing investment and
running costs are forecast to continue to rise significantly. If a decision is
taken to work towards securing a new replacement facility, the temporary
ice rink site may be an appropriate location. If this was the case, the
release of the existing site would present an opportunity to attract new retail-
led investment to this prominent town centre location. The ground floor
provides flexibility for a range of retail uses, with the most appropriate mix
likely to involve a limited amount of new food retail floorspace together with
comparison floorspace to complement the existing pattern of high street and
independent trading in the town. The site presents a major opportunity for
high density mixed residential development on upper floors which takes
account of the exceptional public transport accessibility of the site. Should
a suitable user come forward, the site would also be appropriate for other
town centre/community/education uses. If the site is redeveloped,
advantage should be taken of the existing basement accommodation as this
provides potential for the incorporation of basement parking.
It's true about the ramp.

You go up there and feel like you are meeting Deep Throat in All the President's Men
So from Tesco are going to keep an icerink at Streatham as promised to oh no, actually they're not.
From the Popes Road car park needs a few repairs to not fit for purpose.
From car park for market users to temporary ice rink from Tesco
From Brixton Rec being upgraded and serving the community but with a badly lit ramp to let's knock it down
From well there's not really enough room for Tesco to put a big one so close to the market, the icerink area is not that big to ooh lets make the rec retail space. :hmm:

Of course building a whole new Rec would be expensive for a council being forced to make cuts, and investment would have to be found. Perhaps a corporate entity could be found who would be willing.
The Rec is badly designed inside (I hate how much space is wasted by the chasm in the middle of it), but I can't see any refurb leading to more space for its users. Retail will get the lower floors and everything else will be squeezed upwards.

I think I'll just go to Flaxman more often and never think about it again.
The Rec is badly designed inside (I hate how much space is wasted by the chasm in the middle of it), but I can't see any refurb leading to more space for its users. Retail will get the lower floors and everything else will be squeezed upwards.

I think I'll just go to Flaxman more often and never think about it again.

Despite the poor design, there is quite enough space.

It just seems crazy to knock down a new-ish building.
Brixton Recreation Centre User Group (BRUG) meeting on 29/ 10 /2012

This was well attended meeting with a cross section of the local community.

The BRUG has been reformed to deal with the latest threat to the Rec. The possible idea from officers/ Council that the rec may be demolished and replaced with a new one nearby. The land to be sold to a developer with a planning gain agreement to build a new Rec. Basically going over what has been discussed on Urban75 and Brixton Blog.

Four of the original members of BRUG had organised the meeting. The introduction was about the SPD consultation.

The chair of meeting asked people for there comments on how the Rec could be improved and what they felt about the Rec.

Following are some of the individual comments from the floor:

It is a large space that is underutilized. With the government cuts there are groups that are losing there space and could use it. It could be used as valuable resource for local community groups.

The maintenance issues are due to poor contractors.

There could be greater usage for other sports like martial arts.

The energy usage of Rec was not a key issue as it is now not to bad in energy efficiency.

There could be better use of the space in Rec. For example using the front ground floor area by windows as cafe.(at moment the creche) This could be used by non users of Rec.

The Rec unlike other centres is not a cramped space. This makes more hospitable. So the fact that it is large is good factor.

A nursery could use some of Rec for non rec users as well as rec users. There are nurseries looking for space.

The BRUG had suggested to Council a design competition to remodel the Rec.

Leaflets could be made to give out to other users. As its important to reach as many people as possible.

The 20c society had come to look at building. They are interested but this is in early stage.

One person said he had lived in Brixton for 40 years. That the rec means a lot to Black people in Brixton.

The Brixton Rec is a model for how people get along from different races. It crossed "all lines".

Nelson Mandela came to visit Rec. So the Rec has an important place in Brixton for the Afro Caribbean community.

The Rec is also used by a lot of families and children.

Get hold of Officer advice to Cllrs on state of Rec. This would be difficult and time consuming to use FOI.

Summary of Action to be taken

Media: Facebook page setup / Brixton Blog have done article / Urban75 have thread on this

There was discussion about leaflets and yahoo group. BRUG asked people to give there emails so stuff could be sent to them.

The most important thing people could do now is to email there local Cllrs about Rec. Include personal reasons for using the Rec as well. To show the variety of ways it is used. Also say what the rec means to you.

Also the BRUG asked for volunteers to join BRUG committee.

The next important date is November 6th. There is a Labour Group meeting. This is closed to public but the issue of SPDs and Rec will come up.

So its important to email Cllrs before then.

Details of how to do this in Gaijinging post #63

It was asked if one could put in email yo Cllrs that one attended this BRUG meeting and that the feeling of the meeting was the the Brixton Rec should be kept. That it should be written into the SPDs that the Rec be kept. (As the original Brixton Masterplan states). Meeting agreed this was ok.

Also it was asked that people email, use there social networks and talk to Rec users to tell them about this.

This issue need to be nipped in the bud now rather than trying to later.
will email today. I hope that the suggestion to put a cafe where the creche is also recognised how important the creche is - rather than suggesting getting rid!
Brixton Recreation Centre User Group (BRUG) meeting on 29/ 10 /2012
Thanks for going and doing a report Gramsci - I couldn't make it at the last minute. Will email councillors today. :)

Is there someone in BRUG who's coordinating all this? Do they have an email/phone no. I could contact them with please? (PM if you want.....cheers.)

E2A: actually, just seen the contacts in gaijingirls email above!
Is there someone in BRUG who's coordinating all this? Do they have an email/phone no. I could contact them with please? (PM if you want.....cheers.)

actually... me too, I'd be happy to do some handing out of leaflets - I could give them out at soft play and outside the Rec when I go to the creche and swimming.
will email today. I hope that the suggestion to put a cafe where the creche is also recognised how important the creche is - rather than suggesting getting rid!
It would be better to put a cafe by the Pope's Road bit, you know where the windows are as there's lots of passing people, would make better use of space and provide another, possibly more accessible, entrance.
It should be said that the children's training pool can so be used for physiotherapy (I know I have used it for this in past) and the nearest heated pool is in Peckham (I think). It could do with being warmer actually but the point stands
The posters and FB (for those who don't indulge) say the following:


Email and visit your Councillors to make your views known.

Crucial dates to contact them by are:

6th November all Labour councillors Labour Group meeting;
30 November for the Cabinet meeting. Councillor Lib Peck is the Cabinet member for regeneration and the critical person to contact.

BRUG will also be contacting Councillor Peck.

Act now. Do not wait for the formal consultation scheduled for January 7 - February 18.

Cabinet Member Councillors

Leader of the Council Steve Reed
020 7926 1167 sreed@lambeth.gov.uk

Deputy Leader of the Council -Jackie Meldrum
020 7926 1167 jmeldrum@lambeth.gov.uk

Regeneration and Strategic Housing - Lib Peck
07946 218 638 lpeck@lambeth.gov.uk

Children and Families - Rachel Heywood
020 7733 7300 rheywood@lambeth.gov.uk

Culture, Leisure and the Olympics Sally Prentice
020 7587 0160 SPrentice@lambeth.gov.uk

Finance and Resources - Paul McGlone
020 8674 3250 pmcglone@lambeth.gov.uk

Health and Wellbeing - Jim Dickson
020 3149 6657 jdickson@lambeth.gov.uk
Neighbourhood Services Pete Robbins
07946 218 389 probbins@lambeth.gov.uk

Public Protection - Jack Hopkins
020 7091 9010 jhopkins@lambeth.gov.uk

Labour Councillors by Ward

Brixton Hill
Alexander Holland, Florence Nosegbe, Steve Reed
Clapham Town
Nigel Haselden, Helen O'Malley, Christopher Wellbelove
Coldharbour Ward (includes Brixton Town Centre)
Donatus Anyanwu , Rachel Heywood, ,Matt Parr
Ferndale Ward
Paul McGlone, Sally Prentice, Neil Sabharwal
Gipsy Hill
Matthew Bennett, Jennifer Brathwaite, Niranjan Francis.
Herne Hill Ward
Carol Boucher, Jim Dickson, Leanne Targett-Parker
Knight’s Hill
Jackie Meldrum, Jane Pickard, Mike Smith.
Dr Neeraj Patil, Pete Robbins, Christiana Valcarcel.
Jane Edbrooke, Jack Hopkins
Princes Ward
Lorna Campbell, Mark Harrison, Stephen Morgan.
Alex Bigham , Peter Bowyer, Imogen Walker.
Streatham South
Mark Bennett, John Kazantzis, David Malley.
Edward Davie, Diana Morris, Lib Peck.
Thurlow Park
Ann Kingsbury
Tulse Hill
Adedamola Aminu, Marcia Cameron, Ruth Ling
Vassal Ward
Kingsley Abrams, Adrian Garden

emails for all are initialname@lambeth.gov.uk except Mike Smith , msmith10@lambeth.gov.uk

Brixton Rec User Group (BRUG)
Excellent post. It would be great if Urbanites who are so inclined would email their councillors as gaijingirl suggests. You could also email or Tweet your local MP - it only takes a few seconds:

Kate Hoey (Vauxhall) - hoeyk@parliament.uk
Chuka Ummuna (Streatham) - chuka.ummuna.mp@parliament.uk - https://twitter.com/ChukaUmunna
Tessa Jowell (Dulwich & West Norwood) - jowellt@parliament.uk - http://twitter.com/jowellt

If you're not sure who your MP is, click here and enter your postcode: http://findyourmp.parliament.uk
It would be better to put a cafe by the Pope's Road bit, you know where the windows are as there's lots of passing people, would make better use of space and provide another, possibly more accessible, entrance.

yes, that seems sensible. I'm all for rearranging to make it work better - just don't want to lose the creche completely. It would be nice for the creche to have windows but we also used to like to use the cafe there which never seems to be open any more - or rarely - it would be good to have one that's used more.
When I went to the Rec yesterday I noticed that one of the reasons the sloping ramp/walkway is so dark (which is stated as one of the main negative factors in the current Rec set up) is because the windows between the walkway and the indoor football pitch have been blacked out. All you need to do is remove the internal window coverings to allow some more light into the walkway. You could also paint the tiles white and improve the lighting - a fairly easy and relatively cheap thing to sort out.
When I went to the Rec yesterday I noticed that one of the reasons the sloping ramp/walkway is so dark (which is stated as one of the main negative factors in the current Rec set up) is because the windows between the walkway and the indoor football pitch have been blacked out. All you need to do is remove the internal window coverings to allow some more light into the walkway. You could also paint the tiles white and improve the lighting - a fairly easy and relatively cheap thing to sort out.

Everytime I push the buggy up that way I think what a simple solution to the dark ramp problem.

As others have mentioned I don't think they use the Rec space to it's best advantage - it could make lots of money.
I emailed Jeremy Clyne yesterday and had a very interesting and informative reply this morning. I also C+P Gramsci's notes from the BRUG meeting to send back to him as he had queried whether BRUG were still meeting.
I noticed that Lambeth's own customer survey of Brixton residents (on the wall at the Rec) shows that most users are very happy with the services provided. Apols for the lopsided pic....basically it shows only a tiny minority of people not satisfied. Will try to get a better pic.

Exactly. It just needs a few tweaks here and there, and paint, to lift the whole place.

If the original architect could be found - and then shot - that would have a salutary effect too.
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