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Blocks in Windrush Sq. If it is to protect the public from terrorist attacks due to right-winged fascist or otherwise, then you may as well place similar blocks wherever there are ethnic minorities living in inner London.
Blocks in Windrush Sq. If it is to protect the public from terrorist attacks due to right-winged fascist or otherwise, then you may as well place similar blocks wherever there are ethnic minorities living in inner London.

most public spaces already have them
What was the point of opening up the square to block it off again. What is the risk? If we're helped to understand and get a say in if we we're willing to live with that or not and then get provided with a view of what measures/options can be put in place that maybe take a little less away from the space.

It's not a lot to ask to involve the people that live here. They might meet a lot less resistance and find they can save money keeping projects small and local.

They say there was no benefit in looking at alternative suppliers, but don't say why. That is a lousy procurement summary.

The leg work on this would have been minimal so the price doesn't stack up unless they are hiring them for a very long time.
What was the point of opening up the square to block it off again.

To say you are doing something.

I mean it could be because as more information came in decisions changed about what the best way to do things were. However i'm not sure that much consideration went into it.
also most action were probably done to deal with one specific issue. the council may have swallowed a spider to catch the fly.
What was the point of opening up the square to block it off again.
The square was redone around 2010, and I think that was before these vehicle attacks became a "thing". I think the first was the Nice one in 2016? Had the redesign of the square taken place more recently, then this kind of thing would have been designed in from the start.
Design / architecture aren't of public spaces aren't just neutral problem solving exercises.

Should public space design be about whatever the police / security services think is best?

Is designing public space to be fortified really a good thing?

I don't think so.

Windrush square is to symbolise a society that is open and tolerant to others. Fortifying it undermines and changes its meaning.
The square was redone around 2010, and I think that was before these vehicle attacks became a "thing". I think the first was the Nice one in 2016? Had the redesign of the square taken place more recently, then this kind of thing would have been designed in from the start.
The Sun claims that the French have spent 16.5 million pounds on anti-terror fencing in Nice.
They did of course have an attack there - before they chose to erect the new fencing.
I'm afraid I remain sceptical as to why any terrorist elements would want to attack the Ritzy.

'At court he was handed a six-week curfew, where he is ordered to be at home between the hours of 20:00hrs and 05:00hrs. He was also handed a Youth Referral Order, exclusion requirement from the Angel Town Estate and ordered to pay a fine totalling £107. '

'At court he was handed a six-week curfew, where he is ordered to be at home between the hours of 20:00hrs and 05:00hrs. He was also handed a Youth Referral Order, exclusion requirement from the Angel Town Estate and ordered to pay a fine totalling £107. '
That'll learn 'im.
Brixton news

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The contractor says he's just putting 4 blocks on the Effra Rd side of the square. No more blocks after that. They're a temporary measure which does not conform to the standard (PAS69?) The permanent solution will be bollards, to be installed in October. They'll replace the blocks and also be installed on the Saltoun Rd side. In the meantime the trees on that side are regarded as a temporary vehicle barrier, even though a car can fit between them.

So the whole square will be equally protected. My Ritzy theory is thoroughly debunked.

e2a: there are 3 blocks on the Saltoun Rd side now.
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The contractor says he's just putting 4 blocks on the Effra Rd side of the square. No more blocks after that. They're a temporary measure which does not conform to the standard (PAS69?) The permanent solution will be bollards, to be installed in October. They'll replace the blocks and also be installed on the Saltoun Rd side. In the meantime the trees on that side are regarded as a temporary vehicle barrier, even though a car can fit between them.

So the whole square will be equally protected. My Ritzy theory is thoroughly debunked.
Well when they've finished I hope they manage to do everything within the tasteful guidelines below.


  • design-tech-issues.pdf
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'At court he was handed a six-week curfew, where he is ordered to be at home between the hours of 20:00hrs and 05:00hrs. He was also handed a Youth Referral Order, exclusion requirement from the Angel Town Estate and ordered to pay a fine totalling £107. '

This is just cut and paste with no comment. Your view is what?
So the Council and Met have decided to surround Windrush square with bollards.

As I said earlier a permanent "solution" would be so that people would not be able to sit on the "fortifications" of Windrush square.

Brilliant plan by the Urban design section of the Met.

They had made sure the revamped Windrush square was "Windswept" square. They wanted clear sightlines across it for policing.

So no Victorian style landscaped garden.

I was sitting in the Victoria Embankment gardens today. Very pleasant. Mix of people there enjoying it.

How is it Victorians , who were hardly lefties , saw the need for nice places to sit with trees and flower?

What we get in 20th Century is arid windswept space courtesy of the police experts.

Now its going to be encased in bollards.

This is the state of urban planning in 2020s. Its shit.
most public spaces already have them

Parliament square doesn't have concrete blocks/ bollards or other anti VAW devices surrounding it.

Neither does Trafalgar square.

Oxford street is also place with lots of pedestrians with no anti VAW bollards separating pedestrians from the road.

So your argument is wrong.
So the Council and Met have decided to surround Windrush square with bollards.

As I said earlier a permanent "solution" would be so that people would not be able to sit on the "fortifications" of Windrush square.

Brilliant plan by the Urban design section of the Met.

They had made sure the revamped Windrush square was "Windswept" square. They wanted clear sightlines across it for policing.

So no Victorian style landscaped garden.

I was sitting in the Victoria Embankment gardens today. Very pleasant. Mix of people there enjoying it.

How is it Victorians , who were hardly lefties , saw the need for nice places to sit with trees and flower?

What we get in 20th Century is arid windswept space courtesy of the police experts.

Now its going to be encased in bollards.

This is the state of urban planning in 2020s. Its shit.
I think some people might have forgotten how crap Windrush Square used to be, with bollards and fences and so on, and sliced up by roads. Most people think it was an improvement. Let's see what these new bollards are like.

Before, and now:

Screen Shot 2020-07-17 at 23.42.49.jpgScreen Shot 2020-07-17 at 23.43.20.jpg
I think some people might have forgotten how crap Windrush Square used to be, with bollards and fences and so on, and sliced up by roads. Most people think it was an improvement. Let's see what these new bollards are like.

Before, and now:

View attachment 222705View attachment 222706

Your not getting the point.

The design of Windrush square was heavily influenced by Secured by Design.

This has affected planning proposals in LJ.

Your pictures are selective.

Im talking about the whole square.

Outside the Tate Library for example there was a really nice fountain that went when the land was revamped. Council said it was to expensive to upkeep.

The space outside the Ritzy and Tate Library was very run down and not what it was in its glory days. ( believe editor has done some history on this).

Placing bollards around the Windrush square should not be lets see what these bollards are like. Thats crap. Changes to Windrush square, which is public space should go through planning.

Planning is hardly perfect system. But at least its some democratic say in ones environment.

What you are saying is I should shut up and wait to see what its like.

Im not going to do that.

I also think as i keep saying urban design is not value free problem solving.

Its bound up with politics.

The "wait and see" attitude is trying to be neutral . Which is not neutral in practise.

There is no justiification for fortifications around Windrush square imo.

Money would be better spent maintaining it properly. Its been poorly maintained since it was finished.
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If they were putting up railings that decreased permeability for pedestrians, I'd agree that would be a fundamental change.

Bollards though - not such a big deal really, although there can certainly be better and worse designs. If they are done well, they will not really register - unlike the big concrete blocks, which a couple of pages ago you were complaining looked like fortifications.
Another thing.

If the Met and Council want to fortify Windrush Square they should not take money from the communtiy to do so.
Let’s get rid of the gyratory system that is still used around Windrush Square. There’s definitely an attitude from drivers to speed away from the lights at KFC, to own the lane they want to be in. Cyclists don’t stand a chance.
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