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I know you think it’s bollox.
Didn’t realise you think them putting the blocks there ‘has little to do with stopping terrorism’ though, that’s what I was asking about. Happy to leave it at that if you prefer.
I know you think it’s bollox.
Didn’t realise you think them putting the blocks there ‘has little to do with stopping terrorism’ though, that’s what I was asking about. Happy to leave it at that if you prefer.

Just go back and read my posts I have made it clear.
Every now and then I really do feel like giving up on Urban75. I come here for something different. I often end up feeling , as I do in every day life, like Im some sort of out to lunch person.

I do try to read up on stuff and put in posts with some content.
Putting up terrorist blocks in Windrush Square to protect us from terrorists is both part of the agenda of fear - I'm sure there are a 100 other ways you are more likely to die in Windrush Square/central Brixton - and part of the business of showing us that they are doing something - by doing nothing.
Typical Lambeth Council.
Putting up terrorist blocks in Windrush Square to protect us from terrorists is both part of the agenda of fear - I'm sure there are a 100 other ways you are more likely to die in Windrush Square/central Brixton - and part of the business of showing us that they are doing something - by doing nothing.
Typical Lambeth Council.

Thanks for posting this.
Sorry who is that directed to?
all of you banging on about terrorism or possible terrism in central Brixton, including you. Terrorism had always been in my awareness and daily life, but this debate / non debate is doing my head in. No need to respond to that, so please don't.
At the moment I really need to go shopping in Brixton (my phone hasn't worked for 2 weeks) but based on my last couple of of visits I'm feeling really vary of people not wearing masks or not social distanting so I haven't had the courage to go back yet. Haven't been the market for weeks either. I hate buying overpriced veg from the supermarket.
all of you banging on about terrorism or possible terrism in central Brixton, including you. Terrorism had always been in my awareness and daily life, but this debate / non debate is doing my head in. No need to respond to that, so please don't.

Actually I will. Im the one of few posters here who is not banging on about possible terrorism. So leave me out of it thankyou,

And you gave Bimbles post a like. So its not "all of you" .
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Just want to say sorry especially to Gramsci for my being more of a dick than usual yesterday. I realised in the middle of the night why I've been doing it, its because of the horrific thing i saw from my window a few years back on flaxman road, which I'm obviously still not really over, it was a vehicle used as a weapon to kill a young man (not terrorism it was very targetted). Weird that i didn't realise until later why i was having such strong feelings about the whole topic when i don't even live there any more. Anyway, apologies.
I think the Vauxhall Tories have made a decison (which apparently was rather controversial internally) to Stand Up For Motorists - it is a viable angle and one that local parties sporadically do, ifthey think it benefits them. Knowing some of Vauxhall Tories loosely, they would be in favour of these kind of measures generally, but then I guess politics sometimes ends up in your chosen party championing stuff you don't personally like
One good thing about the concrete block is that the authorities have protected me. When I finally go back to the Ritzy I will be able to enjoy a film without worrying that a terrorist ( take your pick ISIS or far right ) won't disturb my film by driving a truck into the cinema. What a relief that will be. Its been keeping me awake at night. I can sleep soundly now.

Thankyou Lambeth Council and the boys in blue.
The tone of your post in relation to people wanting to harm or maim others (take you pick ISIS or far right etc) is absolutely disgraceful.

I hope you are proud of yourself.
The tone of your post in relation to people wanting to harm or maim others (take you pick ISIS or far right etc) is absolutely disgraceful.

I hope you are proud of yourself.

Im not going to reply to this as editor has asked for topic be left alone.

I assume you didnt see the Eds previous post.

So would be obliged if you out of courtesy delete your post.
I plucked up the courage and shipped in Brixton today. Went to the market for veg and the phone kiosk near Morley's and finally got my phone fixed. It was ok and feeling much better about things now. Agree windrush sq looks horrible with all those blocks . Iwas appauled how they were all at the ritzy end and don't protect the open part of the sq much at all. We need to get down there with paint asap and change how it looks.
Didn't want to aggravate the concerte block situation - but I did a quick reckie this afternoon, and there is one block at the south end of Windrush Sqaure. The whole of the bus stop area facing St Matthews Churchyard (Peace Garden) is completely free of blocks and totally exposed to attack. All the blocks are concentrated around the north-east tip of Windrush Square opposite the Town Hall - going round to the Ritzy along Coldhabour Lane.

I notice these are actaully pre-fabircated commercially - which makes me wonder if some inhenious slaesman has been onto the leader of the council? I'm pretty certain what we have got is these:
Concrete Security Block - UKs #1 Supplier | Safe Fence
concrete blocks.JPG
If so please note that the cost is £175 plus VAT per block.
There can't be more than 20 of them.
What is happening to the rest of the budgeted figure - it was alleged to be £320,000?
Someone' pocket/Jersey Bank account? I think People's Audit might look at this.

It's all very well having a Lambeth Audit of public monuments
Love Lambeth
but if you are cleansing the borough of unsuitable colonial and racist imagery and yet lining officer's pockets at the same time, what then?
To be fair there is probably a bunch of other installation and planning costs involved that are far more expensive than the lumps of concrete themselves. So that's not the best measure of cost.

that being said £320,000 seems a lot. it's blocks of concrete not a house.
And already there's a large group of youths and at least one dealer sitting on the block nearest the pedestrian crossing and the KFC, playing loud music, smoking weed, parking their bicycles on half the section of knobbled pavement which tells blind people where the crossing is. Everyone who uses that crossing has to walk around them and their bikes and enjoy their weed and their music.
Knowing a lot about the installation of anti vehicle blocks and barriers in London I can say firmly this was directed by the police not the council.
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