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Putting unsighty blocks of concrete on Windrush square using money that was for much needed community infrastructure is questionable.

From the Council report:

1.3. Applying guidance issued by the Police, the CONTEST Board has been notified that that one
particular site within the borough’s public realm is a priority for improved safeguarding against the
threat that a hostile vehicle poses to residents, workers and visitors. This location is identified in
Part II of this report and is referred to from this point on as the “area to be protected”.

Part two of report is withheld from public.

This does not make sense to me. Brixton Road is ful of people in central Brixton. So also an area under threat.

The exact reasons for choosing Windrsh square are not available to the public.

I can think of many areas in Lambeth where "hostile vehicle" could do an attack aimed at pedestrians.

This as usual is planning decision by the Met. Needs to be remembered the design of "Windswept" square was influenced by "secured by design" . The Met wanted clear sightlines across the square to make policing easier. Now they want it enclosed.

The report says the blocks are temporary. Further to permanent design.

It does not look like Joe public is going to have much of a say in this.

I object to these measures. This does not make area safer. It makes it feel like its under siege.

This is not the answer to terrorism. To gradually turn the public realm into a fortified encampment.
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Well, these are... large!

In photos: hefty concrete blocks installed in Windrush Square late at night, 10th July 2020

As large concrete blocks go they're pretty aesthetically pleasing but they're huge - surely for that sort of money could have done something more like Whitehall.
As the Met are now the urban design experts Im sure the permanent structure will be as anti people as is possible
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As the Met are now the urban design experts Im sure the permanent structure will be as anti people as is possible
There seems something a bit perverse here in London.
Have they done similar in Manchester? I certainly didn't see it last November when I visited.

Maybe a fact-finding visit to Rome or Madrid might be in order?
But then in Madrid it was a train that got blown up.
Don't recall any special measures regarding booking rail tickets or boarding trains in Spain though.

Gramsci is right. There is a general paranoia around which -combined with Corona lockdown- feels incredibly oppressive.

BTW the Brixton nail bomb was outside Boots. No concrete blocks there.
From the Council report on the ant terrorist measure in Windrush square:

Report summary
The police have confirmed a specific site in the borough as a priority for improved safeguarding against
the threat posed by a vehicle-borne terrorist attack. The design and installation of physical measures to
achieve this outcome are recommended.
Finance summary
The cost of the measures proposed in this report is estimated to be £321,364. The funding for this can be
met by Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts, provision for which has been made in the
capital budget. There is approximately £3m in the budget being put forward to Cabinet from which the
service will be requesting this sum now, due to the urgency of this procurement.

The is coming out of the Community Infrastructre Lecy ( formery Section 106 ) . This is money that Developers pay when building large developments. Its part of the planning agreement between planning and Council. Money is for local infrastructure:
the levy to be used to fund a very broad range of facilities such as play areas, open spaces, parks and green spaces, cultural and sports facilities, healthcare facilities, academies and free schools, district heating schemes and police stations and other community safety facilities. This flexibility gives local areas the opportunity to choose what infrastructure they need to deliver their relevant plan

Looks like Council regard this a community safety facility. Its pushing the use of the Levy to use it for anti terrorism measure.

The £321.364 is only the start. This is the cost of the temporary concrete block. A permanent structure is going to cost a fortune.

This is money that could have gone on much needed community facilities as listed above. The whole point of the levy is that a large development of housing would mean moore pressure on services and more use of local facilities like parks. So Levy was to add to these community needs. Not shove concrete blocks on open space,
looking up more on to the concrete blocks on Windrush square.

The Council report says it comes under the "Contest" part of Lambeth Council. I was wondering what this is.

Googling found another report:

2.4 The CONTEST board monitors all aspects of counter-terrorism work in the borough.
This includes Prevent, Protect and Prepare. It was created in early 2018 in response
to the growing number of terrorist incidents in London, and the need to ensure the
Council and Police are working together to best protect Lambeth. It is chaired by the
Chief Executive, and is currently prioritising work to protect our physical spaces in
Lambeth, and the roll-out of the borough’s new Prevent action plan.

The Prevent strategy has had a lot of criticism. Started by New Labour its continued with the Tories.

So the concrete blocks around Windrush square come up the "Protect" of the four Ps

The Contest Board have decided that Windrush square is the place to throw community money at to justify there existence.


  • 2018 Safer Lambeth Partnership Scrutiny Report.pdf
    807 KB · Views: 1
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An old mate of mine from Environmenal Services Committee pointed this out
Making Anti-Terror Infrastructure Pretty: The Most Depressing New Urban Design Challenge - Failed Architecture

It's an article about anti terrorism design in New York - where it says Bill de Blasio reserved a budget of $103 million for anti-terrorist measures following a car driving into 8 people in 2017. Nice blocks though - specially designefd \and scultped. Naturally such paces as Wall Street and Broadway have higher expectations than we are getting here.

In Lambeth's case the only precedents for a terrorist attack seem to be the Brixton Bomber (1999) and the recent incident in Streatham where an alleged terrorist stabbed two people (non fatally) - and was shot dead by the police, whose gunfire caused glass injuries to a member of the public (Wikipedia).

Frankly I don't see any relevance at all of these blocks to these two alleged terror attacks (the Streatham one in my opinion is as likely an case of the poor mental aftercare provision in mentally disturbed ex-prisoners).

I reckon the London Boroughs have been tasked with spending large sums on anti terrorism to satisfy the Tory loony right, and Lambeth have therefore decided to waster £300,000 of CIL money on this preposterous addition to Windrush Square.

The only plus side as far as I can see is it enormously increases the seating (and sleeping) space greatly assisting those who wish to "share" Kestrels etc. Oops shot themselves in the foot there!
Here is photo of the concrete blocks outside the Ritzy and by the main road They go all the way around. It makes it feel unwelcoming outside the Ritzy.

They are inviting spray painting.

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It would not be so bad if the government funded this. Instead it comes out of existing budget for much needed community provision.

I do think the Council should not always take police advice. We vote in Cllrs. Not the Met.

i also think things like this should go out for public consultation/ Planning approval.

Withholding documents on basis of security is not on either. Name can be redacted if need be.
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This project seems so daft you have to ask who's getting a kickback. Look where the blocks are...tightly grouped by the Ritzy but with gaps you could drive a truck through the other side of the square. And no blocks protecting the other places where crowds gather. You'd kill a lot more people with a car on Electric Avenue most days. Windrush Sq in front of the Ritzy usually has about 6 people in it. Even by Lambeth Council standards it's just batshit. Did somebody order too many of these blocks, and now they need the storage space? Did some Tory donor sell them to a Tory minister? How do we find out?
This is the kind of thing that someone suggests in a meeting, and then no one wants to be on record as the person who decided it wasn't necessary, and who would then have the finger pointed at them if something did happen, even if unlikely.

Naturally the bollards are plonked in the pedestrian space, instead of on the side of the kerb where the weapons they are designed to defend against are coming from.
Just watching Othello on BBC Four. Apparently this is the first Royal Shakespeare Production to cast a black actor as Othello - and only five years ago. Amazing.

I wonder if anyone on here remembers the stunning ITV Othello set in Brixton Police station nineteen years back. Othello (2001 film) - Wikipedia

That production was undated to the present time, using modern English, Christpher Ecclestone played Ben Jago - Iago. He did Dr Who. four years later
As a dramatic synthesis of police corruption, racism and riots in twentieth century Brixton Police station this production hit the nail on the head for me.

Surprised me its on Youtube - non officially

Edited to add the film in question
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i hope some local people with talent and spraycans turn them into something worth looking at

I'd be happy for them to be spray painted as much as people want and I think they are ugly. But I'm also happy that they have been done. Go to most cities, Manchester, Sheffield, Hull, Leeds and so on, and you'll see similar stuff. In Hull they covered them in knitted outfits.
But I'm also happy that they have been done. Go to most cities, Manchester, Sheffield, Hull, Leeds and so on, and you'll see similar stuff. In Hull they covered them in knitted outfits.
But what's the point, when so many other spots don't have this protection? I can't see how this will make any difference to the number of people killed in some future attack.
I’d rather be in a safe space than a non safe space. Wouldn’t you?
That only makes sense if you spend your whole time penned into Windrush Square. With the A23 going through the centre of Brixton, there's plenty of scope for car attacks, sadly, although given current traffic levels any car may struggle to get up enough speed.
That only makes sense if you spend your whole time penned into Windrush Square. With the A23 going through the centre of Brixton, there's plenty of scope for car attacks, sadly, although given current traffic levels any car may struggle to get up enough speed.

By the same logic, do you not support safe spaces for women, BAME, gay men and lesbians either?
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