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There is no current specific threat linked to the Windrush Square installation.

But Lambeth has previously been targeted, including in 1999 when a far-right terrorist attacked Electric Avenue with a nail bomb, and in February this year when a man carrying out a knife attack in Streatham High Road was shot dead by police.

This is what the Council say. No specific threat. Then next paragraph go on about the bomb in Electric Avenue.

So I still don't think this is necessary.
Course these blocks are probably exempt from Planning regulations due to Emergency Powers Regulations - either Terrorism or even Coronavirus.
Why are the council then bothering to recruit - apparently - a senior planner to work with world class architects developing out borough?

PS don't forget the seven percent market supplement for working in Lambeth.
Course these blocks are probably exempt from Planning regulations due to Emergency Powers Regulations - either Terrorism or even Coronavirus.
Why are the council then bothering to recruit - apparently - a senior planner to work with world class architects developing out borough?

PS don't forget the seven percent market supplement for working in Lambeth.

I'm guessing that the scope of the advertised role might extend a little beyond the placement of concrete blocks in Windrush Square.
I'm guessing that the scope of the advertised role might extend a little beyond the placement of concrete blocks in Windrush Square.
What did you think of the salary though? The head of planning used to be one more than double that.
So is this really a junior role advertised as a senior one?
Course these blocks are probably exempt from Planning regulations due to Emergency Powers Regulations - either Terrorism or even Coronavirus.
Why are the council then bothering to recruit - apparently - a senior planner to work with world class architects developing out borough?

PS don't forget the seven percent market supplement for working in Lambeth.

Trying to work out what the job actually is. It says its for the:

"Sustainable Growth and Opportunity Directorate that is focused on driving investment into the borough to build strong and resilient communities and attractive places"

Does this still count as a planning officer? The job description makes it sound as though its to work alongside developers and " world famous" architects. As though the post is to facilitate the developer and starchitects work.

Job description shows where this Councils emphasis is.
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I've worked out the logic behind the block placement. The threat is ISIS supporters with a vehicle, doing a Southwark-bridge style attack. The Iceland/Admiral Duncan bomber is not relevant. The target is people drinking at the tables in front of the Ritzy, i.e. degenerates and apostates drinking alcohol. The pavement there is flush with Coldharbour Lane and the tables are only a couple of yards from a busy road. This makes it an exceptionally good target because you can drive into lots of people without any warning. They'd have no opportunity to jump out of the way. The blocks stop an attack from that corner.

It's still possible to drive at the drinkers from the pelican crossing at the start of Effra Road, or from Saltoun Road, but people would have a bit of warning and casualties would be reduced or perhaps avoided altogether.

It's still very easy to drive into a crowd when there's a West Indian/slavery reparations event in front of the Black Cultural Archives, or a remembrance parade by the war memorial. But some of the victims could well be observant Muslims. The intelligence may well say that alcohol drinkers are the preferred target. Better publicity in radical Islamist media.
'No specific threat' just means they don't know of a specific terrorist plan.

Its what the Council say.

There have been a lot of posts imagining why the Council have done this. Its all conjecture.

What the Council say in their own press release is no specific threat.

This is no basis to surround Windrush square with concrete blocks.
By the same logic, do you not support safe spaces for women, BAME, gay men and lesbians either?
For fuck’s sake. You’d be hard pressed to find a more tolerant group of people on all the internet than on Urban.

Civil liberties, as well as allowing people to openly be who they are should allow people to conduct their business without hindrance.

Have you heard of the expression of closing the door after the horse has bolted? These bollards are like a horse bolting so you go round and close an empty stable five miles away. But only one.
The Brixton bomber also did the Admiral Duncan in Soho. A lone terrorist just needs to be able to make a bomb. No amount of concrete blocks is going to stop terrorism.

It’s relatively easy to kill a lot of people with a truck ( eg 2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia ), and trucks have lots of legitimate uses.

Purchases of precursors to explosives are monitored Supplying explosives precursors and poisons.

And are quite hard to do https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-london-41218382

So whilst you cannot stop terrorists you can make it Significantly harder for them to inflict large scale casualties and if you position the blocks correctly you can stop the truck getting a lot of momentum up before they are noticed.

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I get the feeling I'm going to be on my own on this but while they are massively oversized concrete blocks, in a brutalist way they're kind of beautiful. I mean they're by far the nicest oversized concrete blocks I've ever seen - they're not some battered, chipped rough old bits of motorway cast off, they're really rather lovely.

Yes, I'll be really glad to see the back of them but could be a lot worse.
It’s relatively easy to kill a lot of people with a truck ( eg 2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia ), and trucks have lots of legitimate uses.

Purchases of precursors to explosives are monitored Supplying explosives precursors and poisons.

And are quite hard to ://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-london-41218382

So whilst you cannot stop terrorists you can make it Significantly harder for them to inflict large scale casualties and if you position the blocks correctly you can stop the truck getting a lot of momentum up before they are noticed
So you get a handheld weapon and run in on foot. If someone is determined to do damage, unfortunately they will do it.
The vehicle killings became an issue because they are easy. But take them away and you don’t take away the desire to go and kill a load of people.

Someone deranged enough will kill with a kitchen knife, a bike lock, even their bare hands. We can’t prepare for every eventuality.
So you get a handheld weapon and run in on foot. If someone is determined to do damage, unfortunately they will do it.
The vehicle killings became an issue because they are easy. But take them away and you don’t take away the desire to go and kill a load of people.

Someone deranged enough will kill with a kitchen knife, a bike lock, even their bare hands. We can’t prepare for every eventuality.

Apparently if we prepare for any eventuality, Gramsci will have an issue with it unless someone comes round and explains it to him in detail.
I get the feeling I'm going to be on my own on this but while they are massively oversized concrete blocks, in a brutalist way they're kind of beautiful. I mean they're by far the nicest oversized concrete blocks I've ever seen - they're not some battered, chipped rough old bits of motorway cast off, they're really rather lovely.

Yes, I'll be really glad to see the back of them but could be a lot worse.
They are a lot nicer looking than the ones we've had in Winchester, for the last 2 years. I think ours are battered, chipped rough old bits of motorway cast off.
I get the feeling I'm going to be on my own on this but while they are massively oversized concrete blocks, in a brutalist way they're kind of beautiful. I mean they're by far the nicest oversized concrete blocks I've ever seen - they're not some battered, chipped rough old bits of motorway cast off, they're really rather lovely.

Yes, I'll be really glad to see the back of them but could be a lot worse.
Would you like one in your garden? Like a proxy for a Henry Moore perhaps?
Apparently if we prepare for any eventuality, Gramsci will have an issue with it unless someone comes round and explains it to him in detail.
That is hyperbole. Essentially he is applying a rigorous common sense analysis. If that is no longer desirable we are all doomed.
They are a lot nicer looking than the ones we've had in Winchester, for the last 2 years. I think ours are battered, chipped rough old bits of motorway cast off.
Do you think Lambeth got the idea from Winchester then? All Lambeth's planning applications go through Winchester these days.
That is hyperbole. Essentially he is applying a rigorous common sense analysis. If that is no longer desirable we are all doomed.

Common sense is that its desirable to reduce risk wherever possible. Fuck it though. Let people get murdered if its not reasonable to the lefties.
Common sense is that its desirable to reduce risk wherever possible. Fuck it though. Let people get murdered if its not reasonable to the lefties.
I doubt Claire Fox, Frank Furedi and crew would agree with you. Its not a left right thing. Its a case where you destroy quality of life for the sake of an imaginary threat.
In other words it is social control.
I doubt Claire Fox, Frank Furedi and crew would agree with you. Its not a left right thing. Its a case where you destroy quality of life for the sake of an imaginary threat.

So people got runover with vans. That wasn’t imaginary.

Quality of life as defined by absence of concrete on edge of squares.

Good point. Well made.
So people got runover with vans. That wasn’t imaginary.

Quality of life as defined by absence of concrete on edge of squares.

Good point. Well made.
Sorry but that is ridiculous. Unless you are going to protect all the squares in Lambeth/London/UK/THe World with concrete blocks.
And you need to do a better job on this one - as has been pointed out.
If Cineworld were required to pay for their customers to be protected you wouldn't see them for dust.
Wonder what the 'long term permanent protection for the square' will be which the council says will replace these blocks.
So far i think its just in America but there have been many (this says 68) incidents of racists ramming cars into BLM protests recently and there is a whole industry around people on the internet 'joking' about doing exactly that, there's even special bumper stickers and T-shirts promoting the idea so i think this is a very sad but not surprising move.
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Sorry but that is ridiculous. Unless you are going to protect all the squares in Lambeth/London/UK/THe World with concrete blocks.
And you need to do a better job on this one - as has been pointed out.
If Cineworld were required to pay for their customers to be protected you wouldn't see them for dust.

Indeed. Get them off London Bridge. Oh we did? And people died?

What a shitty argument that must have been.
Wonder what the 'long term permanent protection for the square' will be which the council says will replace these blocks.
So far i think its just in America but there have been many (this says 68) incidents of racists ramming cars into BLM protests recently and there is a whole industry around people on the internet 'joking' about doing exactly that, there's even special bumper stickers and T-shirts promoting the idea so i think this is a very sad but not surprising move.
Ironically if they hadn't spent hundreds of thousands of pounds remodelling this civic area twenty years ago it would not now need blocks - if indeed it does.
I see you are one of those who doesn't allow their previous posts to be interrogated.
You are talking rubbish - on purpose.

Interrogate as much as you like. People arguing against protecting an area from a terrorist attack should be able to live with themselves in the event a preventable attack occurs.
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