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Can someone refresh me on how you get a parking permit for a plumber to mend a leak, a store to install a new cooker or washing machine or have a boiler service?
Obviously SGN don't need a permit to install a new gas meter which cuts you off remotely!
Funnily enough it was a very different place 60 years ago when many of the Windrush generation were able to buy their own houses in Brixton.
Its true that at that time there were serious rent controls. Owners of properties let out basically had to wait for their tenants to die - on controlled rents!
Michael X and Peter Rachman - the winning team who managed to make a profit despite rent controls:
You tube link (age restricted - click "watch on Youtueb") -
I think Rachman owned property on Somerleyton Road by the way
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It has been reliably reported this morning on social media that Elder Judith has now been found and reunited with her family.

Her family have thanked the police and everyone who helped spread information after she went missing.

Thank you for taking the time to draw attention to the case.

no problem, although not sure if this forum has a great deal of reach i think its better to do something than not.
....thank you for the update, and glad to hear t,he outcome is positive.
Rent controls seek to advantage residents at the expense of incomers. They're as toxic as immigration controls.

Arguing that restricting landlords rights to charge whatever they feel like is equivalent to racism is total bollox

This can go on the list of reasons why landlords are such caring liberal people. They oppose rent controls not because it limits their capacity to make a profit but because it's racist. :facepalm:
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I'm old enough to remember rent controls.

Working class people in my neighborhood were able to rent somewhere and accept as normal that they could stay there as long as they want.

Might not have had all mod cons but it was secure. As long as you paid the rent.

Good thing this was all got rid of. Much fairer now.
Can someone refresh me on how you get a parking permit for a plumber to mend a leak, a store to install a new cooker or washing machine or have a boiler service?
Obviously SGN don't need a permit to install a new gas meter which cuts you off remotely!

I have visitors permits. Not sure if you have to buy a block of five now or they have changed it so you can buy one at a time

It's online only now. So you have to set up an account and validate your address. If you live in a CPZ the permit is for that zone only.

When person arrives you put in the car registration into the online page.

dunno really. like most things, the idea of rent controls is complicated.

i'm not old enough to remember pre-thatcher rent controls, but from what i have read, and as others have said, the likes of rachman seemed to do well with rent controls in place. the likes of rachman either directly or via sub-letting of houses in to rooms or even bed spaces within shared rooms - were willing to let to black people on an exploitative basis in the 60s when 'respectable' landlords wouldn't, and landlords would employ dirty tricks from not maintaining the place to outright violence to get rid of tenants that they couldn't legally evict.

i don't swallow the idea that landlords are putting around that homes currently in the private rented sector will somehow just disappear if there is more regulation of renting, but rent controls on their own aren't going to be the answer when policy and developers create an artificial shortage.

i'm also not entirely confident in either the tories or starmerite new labour to act in the interests of working class renters. improved regulation might give more stability to better off renters. but can easily see it creating a grey economy of illegal tenancies for people who can't afford a proper tenancy, with even dodgier landlords and even less rights for those tenants.

or landlords finding a loophole for something like 'holiday lets' where people get moved on every few weeks rather than every 6 months.
I'm not saying rent controls are all the answer. I've been clear on that in recent posts.

Rent controls are a reformist measure.

The anarchist response is the squat the lot and refuse to pay. Fair enough.

But what gets me is that a ( all things considered) reformist measure creates such hostility even on Urban.

After all I'm not saying that landlords should have their properties taken off them by the state and turned into Council flats.

But it is a start. And I get distinct feeling opposition to rent controls is not about caring about renters or being anti racist. Its about anything that undermines the power that landlords have. Their ability to make as much profit as they can.
I have visitors permits. Not sure if you have to buy a block of five now or they have changed it so you can buy one at a time

It's online only now. So you have to set up an account and validate your address. If you live in a CPZ the permit is for that zone only.

When person arrives you put in the car registration into the online page.

Thanks. I registered an account. Why you need an account for parking when you already have an account for council tax I've no idea.
I suspect the contractor I have in mind will give me further guidance. Actually as their office is on Railton Road they ought to be registered themselves in the same zone?
Thanks. I registered an account. Why you need an account for parking when you already have an account for council tax I've no idea.
I suspect the contractor I have in mind will give me further guidance. Actually as their office is on Railton Road they ought to be registered themselves in the same zone?

It might be for data protection reasons.

Khan talking about two year rent freeze for London. Social and private tenants.

At end of two year rent freeze he's hoping to have devised a rent control system for London.

I think he's banking on a Labour government coming in.

Rent freeze whilst new rent control system is set up sounds reasonable to me.

Of course the Tory opposes this. Not surprising.

Khan talking about two year rent freeze for London. Social and private tenants.

At end of two year rent freeze he's hoping to have devised a rent control system for London.

I think he's banking on a Labour government coming in.

Rent freeze whilst new rent control system is set up sounds reasonable to me.

Of course the Tory opposes this. Not surprising.
Two year rent freeze is not in the mayor's power to grant, so unless he can persuade Labour HQ that it's a good idea then it's just a hollow promise to support his re-election campaign.
People talking about housing affordability going back to 60s and 70s levels.

For that to happen we need a WW2 like event again to shake things up a bit. It's not a coincidence baby boomers had good luck with the economy, it's all about rapid post war recovery, labour shortages and owning a larger slice of the pie.
People talking about housing affordability going back to 60s and 70s levels.

For that to happen we need a WW2 like event again to shake things up a bit. It's not a coincidence baby boomers had good luck with the economy, it's all about rapid post war recovery, labour shortages and owning a larger slice of the pie.
House prices weren't low then because of the war. It was because CAPITAL was rationed.
To get a mortgage you needed to save with a building society for several years.
Banks weren't allowed to lend to house purchasers in the domestic market.
People with building society mortgages were not allowed to borrow unless they were going to live in the property themselves - and could not have two mortgages.

It was Thatcher's banking deregulation which caused the initial house price boom in the 1980s - and led to the virtual disappearance of building societies as societies chose to de-mutualise and merge or be taken over by banks.
Since then there were two house price crashes with periods of negative equity.
These pages from a Mark Boleat Council of Mortagage Lenders report in 1994 may be instructive. These tables show the housing boom in the 1980s peaking and then turning down.
Note the levels of unemployment - less than now I think.
Also the arears and repossessions in 1993 became very high.
Quite likely this would never happen now - they would simply release money into "the system". But each boost to the money supply makes property more unaffordable for first time buyers.
Look at the interest rates by the way. During this period the market was actually working. Shortage of money caused inflation - and higher interest rates.
Now - post the DotCom boom/bust really government/central banks simply flood the economy with free money which goes straight into things like buy to let mortgages.

1985-88 boom.png
1988-9 turning point.png
the downturn.png
regioinal house price decrease 88-92.png
The only way this can be fixed ( realistically ) is decades of economic growth ( none of that recently - thanks Dave and George ) so everyone gets richer, and enough house building to keep house prices flat, so house prices relative to wages fall over time.

I’m sure lots of people are going to tell me that crashing house prices is a good idea - nearly 15 million houses in the U.K. are lived in by their owners. This is not viable for any politically party.
The only way this can be fixed ( realistically ) is decades of economic growth ( none of that recently - thanks Dave and George ) so everyone gets richer, and enough house building to keep house prices flat, so house prices relative to wages fall over time.

I’m sure lots of people are going to tell me that crashing house prices is a good idea - nearly 15 million houses in the U.K. are lived in by their owners. This is not viable for any politically party.
People managed to move even though they had negative equity. The person I knew who that happened to moved from London to Leicester. Maybe it only worked if you were "trading down".
Two year rent freeze is not in the mayor's power to grant, so unless he can persuade Labour HQ that it's a good idea then it's just a hollow promise to support his re-election campaign.

Khan is aware of that and so am I.

What he's positioning for is imo future Labour government to give him the powers.

Meanwhile I think his idea of two year rent freeze for London given the economic situation many people find themselves in due to pandemic and now war in Ukraine a reasonable one

What do you think? Do you support London having a two year rent freeze?

And then during that time the Mayor works on a rent control regime for London.

Do you support that idea?

I do.
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People talking about housing affordability going back to 60s and 70s levels.

For that to happen we need a WW2 like event again to shake things up a bit. It's not a coincidence baby boomers had good luck with the economy, it's all about rapid post war recovery, labour shortages and owning a larger slice of the pie.

We are having one. Pandemic , war in Ukraine and longer term effects of climate change on food production.

Seems to me there has been a lot of things to shake things up

But Westminster wise it's back to centrist Dad politics

Also it is the political will to make changes. Yes WW2 shook things up. There was also an alternative - Communism. Which it's hard to imagine now was seen as one

Soldiers and colonial people simply were not going to go back to the Thirties after WW2 ended.

Though the war went on in the European colonies after WW2 officially ended.

It was not inevitable that people would get a bigger piece of the pie.

So despite imo events shaking up the Neo liberal world it seems to me in Westminster after the interlude of populist Boris and Corbyn the same old people are in charge again.
I sometimes wonder if the ageing population on Urban75 blinkers them to what the younger generation have to deal with.

When Im talking to Generation rent at some places I work at or watching Novara Media ( run by younger generation) the idea of rent control isn't an issue.

Here I'm having to argue about it.

Could it be some here have their old flat kept on as an BTL Investment when they traded up to bigger house ?

Could be that Khan feels he has to appeal to the younger Generation rent demographic in London.

Rather than appealing to the baby boomer supposed liberal minded who have one or two BTL flats.
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Khan has gone up in my estimation now I've realised he is going for rent controls.

I'm more inclined to vote for him next time
I sometimes wonder if the ageing population on Urban75 blinkers them to what the younger generation have to deal with.

When Im talking to Generation rent at some places I work at or watching Novara Media ( run by younger generation) the idea of rent control isn't an issue.

Here I'm having to argue about it.

Could it be some here have their old flat kept on as an BTL Investment when they traded up to bigger house ?

Could be that Khan feels he has to appeal to the younger Generation rent demographic in London.

Rather than appealing to the baby boomer supposed liberal minded who have one or two BTL flats.
It's not an age thing, it's a class thing.

Where I live (Lewisham, next borough but one from Lambeth) the people buying £7000,000 houses are young.
It's not an age thing, it's a class thing.

Where I live (Lewisham, next borough but one from Lambeth) the people buying £7000,000 houses are young.

FaIr enough.

As an anecdote.

Someone I work with who has a Council house has Dad who bought his Council house under RTB when Thatcher brought it in. When he retired it was worth a fortune. So sold it and got big house and garden outside London. Voted Tory ever since.

His son has no chance of realistically buying his place. And votes Labour. Is scathing about Starmer.

And he is not a hard lefty. More worked for himself in markets / delivery work etc. Stand on his own feet type of guy. But sees the way the system works as stacked against the little guy now.

So short of it is that Thatcher RTB was a brilliant political masterstroke.

But long term unless the Tories come up with some new idea the present London working class feel shafted.

However the London working class , unlike Red Wall , are not imo enamoured by Starmer.
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Quite likely this would never happen now - they would simply release money into "the system". But each boost to the money supply makes property more unaffordable for first time buyers.

Which is something Grace Blakeley goes on about.

Remember the first big financial crisis? At beginning the Bank of England was lecturing bankers on the moral hazard of bailing them out.

This was dropped pretty quickly.

Now QE and releasing money into the system is regarded as normal.

I know people who genuinely feel they have worked hard and bought a house so its government responsibility to make sure it increases in value.

Idea of market place being where ones asset may go up or down is now shelved.

Im wondering what would happen to any government or party trying to get to power that said we arent going to prop up your assets any more. And we are going to let the market ( in theory) adjust prices. I somehow don't think the average BTL landlord would be happy with that. Whilst same landlord lectures renters on how the so called market should set rents.
Khan has gone up in my estimation now I've realised he is going for rent controls.

I'm more inclined to vote for him next time

....when i look at him i see another blair, adept at the nlp, p.r, photo-opportunities etc but a very u.s style politician.
wouldnt touch him with a bargepole tbh.
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....when i look at him i see another blair, adept at the nlp, p.r, photo-opportunities etc but a very u.s style politician.
wouldnt touch him with a bargepole tbh.

Yes and no

Seems to me that people like Khan and say Andy Burnham are nearer the coalface of politics so to speak.

Starmer I can't fathom.

It's like their is a narrowing circle of people who he listens to.

Khan and Burnham might realise you can't just expect people to vote Labour just because that's the only alternative.

That just rehashing New Labour policies isn't going to hack it for very long.

I was surprised Khan wants a rent freeze and rent controls.

Take Cressida Dick. He finally got rid of her. Got the feeling he realised the average Londoners confidence in the Met was rock bottom.

I suppose I gain heart by fact that my adopted City ( at least in inner London) is imo to the left of the actual Labour politicians who run it. And the more in tune of them realise this
.....surely not 😂

....ageist bollocks, gen x and even millenials are at it too, maybe even more so.

I was referring to the aging profile of Urban.

Generation rent I meet on regular basis definitely aren't at it. Basically because to they don't have the means.

Maybe I'm meeting the wrong young people.

I do know a few who seem to float in a world of expensive houses. But they come from wealthy backgrounds to start with . And I mean not average middle class. People whose parents were high up. The ones with house in London and a house in the country.. They don't seem to me to be what I'd say was the average person. I'd say in the top few percent.
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