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There’s a venue above Herne Hill station, next to off the cuff. Unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.

It's going to be really hard to find a venue prepared to give up their Saturday night unless they're prepared to pay out shitloads.

I can't think of any two room venues, although the Dogstar could be a possibility as their two upstairs rooms aren't currently open.
Hi any recommendations please, my DJ mate is asking?
"I need a 2 room venue- any ideas in Brixton- October 15th and 16th?", not Jamm or Hoots. It'll probably be tecno and house, ta!

...not a recommendation but a suggestion, I’ve seen some promoters use this place, might be worth a look...

It's 'sold out' now anyway. Might have been nice if they'd got in touch with Brixton Buzz about this...

What/who is 'The Advocacy Academy' anyway?
Some of their young people featured in the 'We the people' documentary film 2019. They are a small organisation.

Very interesting evening. It was packed.
What/who is 'The Advocacy Academy' anyway?
Remember the 'visibly black' fly posters a few years back - the ones spoofing Hollywood movie posters that appeared arround Brixton? That was from the project of one of the young people at the Advocacy Academy. The soc media campaign last year (or was it the year previous) challenging prejudice and school exclusions because of trad afro hairdo, that was one of there's too. They do good work educating and empowering 16- 25 year olds.
<Please visit the community forum: ed>

Saw this and its relevant to Brixton Forum.
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Apparently 4 stabbed on Leander and Josephine AVE, according to local WhatsApp. I walked past and did see police cordons around 820
A very vibrant report here Updates after 4 people stabbed, one Tasered and 7 arrested in huge knife fight
Even includes a tasering in Coldharbour Lane.

PS I think Sadiq Khan is wrong in his diagnosis. This is nothing to do with the heatwave or schools being shiut.
Rather it is a moral meltdown produced by social media, Brexit, Tory leadership loons and sundry other causes of Mad Max 2.1 - and I would lump the shit they have shown at the Ritzy into that too!!
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A very vibrant report here Updates after 4 people stabbed, one Tasered and 7 arrested in huge knife fight
Even includes a tasering in Coldharbour Lane.

PS I think Sadiq Khan is wrong in his diagnosis. This is nothing to do with the heatwave or schools being shiut.
Rather it is a moral meltdown produced by social media, Brexit, Tory leadership loons and sundry other causes of Mad Max 2.1 - and I would lump the shit they have shown at the Ritzy into that too!!

...in the report you linked to it says the cause was a dispute over a parking space
...surprised no-one has blamed ltns.......
...in the report you linked to it says the cause was a dispute over a parking space
...surprised no-one has blamed ltns.......
I was so moved by all this decadence that I went to church this morning (St Matthews Lilford Rd). ANOTHER three car pile up in Coldharbour Lane outside the smartest social housing development in Lambeth SE5, No news report of this - so I assume it was a "straight" non-LTN situation.
This seems to be what happens when you divert idiots onto Coldharbour Lane, unfortunately.
I was so moved by all this decadence that I went to church this morning (St Matthews Lilford Rd). ANOTHER three car pile up in Coldharbour Lane outside the smartest social housing development in Lambeth SE5, No news report of this - so I assume it was a "straight" non-LTN situation.
This seems to be what happens when you divert idiots onto Coldharbour Lane, unfortunately.
My apologies for misleading you above.
The pile-up was the same one as involved in the tasering.
Presumably it was just thought expedient to dump the bashed up cars outside Embassy Court and Printworks Court for a week or two - only social housing after all.
Was thinking of standing for a Governor of SLAM again. Now Covid has finished (?) maybe might even get a cup of tea out of them - when I was appointed a Governor last year everything was on Microsoft Teams - a most useful management tool whereby you can only speak when permitted to do so.

Thinking back to how I came to encounter SLAM in the first place, when a friend - and then chair of The Brixton Society - very helpfully called the men in white coats to take me to the Maudsley emergency clinic - because I was experiencing paralysis due to poisoning by "the Russians". That was 1997.
Now the Maudsley is part of SLAM - a foundation hospital.
The emergency clinic closed down long ago in 2006.
If you have an emergency now, you need to go to SLAM's web page (naturally) How to get help in a mental health crisis
One might choose to download SLAM's Lambeth Crisis leaflet https://slam.nhs.uk/download.cfm?doc=docm93jijm4n877.pdf&ver=1256

The amazing thing here is one of the Lambeth organisations listed - People First Lambeth has not existed since 2011 when Lambeth Council itself cut off their funds! Step forward Cllr James Chatterton Dickson MBA (Westminster): People First Lambeth to close | LDT
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Just to remind everyone:

The future of Lambeth Hospital​

As part of our ambitious plans to modernise our buildings and services, Lambeth Hospital will be closing in 2023 and all our wards and services based here will be moving to new locations.

The hospital’s closure is part of a £186 million investment we are making to provide modern, safe, and therapeutic environments for people who use our services and our staff so they can provide the very best care.

(Newspeak if ever I heard it!)
re: Oxbridge BA/MA degrees
Up thread I commented that a Lambeth regeneration officer might have an Oxford Poly degree rather than an actual Oxford degree - because Oxford graduates customarily are "M.A." Oxon or M.A. Cantab.
Further perusal of LinkedIn today reveals not only that our very own Cllr James Chatterton Dickson says on LinkedIn that he has a B.A from Jesus College Cambridge, but also Duncan Hames - until now a senior non-executive director at SLAM (and husband of Jo Swinson) has a B.A. from Oxford.
I therefore wish to withdraw any imputation that the Lambeth officer's credentials are in any way unearned - even if her enormous salary is.
And shouldn't LinkedIn truly reflect privilege in the English education system if it is to be truly cross-cultural?
Ian Taylor (also known as Fluximus) lived in the Brixton area, performed in the Brixton area, and ultimately died in the Brixton area. When he lay dying in police custody in the street three years ago, the primary concern of many on this internet forum was the redirection buses and whether or not a local domino club was involved. Therefore, it is unlikely that they will want to contact their members of parliament regarding the treatment of Mr Taylor.


"He died on the street begging for help not from just one, but seven police officers who casually dismissed his pleas and even went so far as to laugh and mock him."

- Ian Taylor’s Aunt, Pauline Taylor

A response from the Independent Office for Police Conduct that is as predictable as the continued silence of those who rushed to the internet to publish misleading misinformation about the harrowing circumstances of Ian Taylor's death in custody before his body was even cold:

"The police watchdog has cleared seven officers of wrongdoing following the death of an asthmatic Black man who pleaded for help while struggling to breathe after his arrest ...

... Despite repeatedly telling the officers that he could not breathe and saying he believed he was going to die, Mr Taylor was left handcuffed and lying on the street on one of the hottest days of the year, without an inhaler, water, shade or medical assistance ..."

Police watchdog clears officers of wrongdoing after Black man dies begging for help after arrest
I've just sicked up a bit

It never ends

I just downloaded the brochure, which includes filling a form that asks for your phone number. A few minutes later a salesman called. I told him that I'm not interested in the flats, but that I had heard that the photos depict only white people, and that this is true. I asked him why he was whitewashing Brixton. He immediately started dissociating himself from the company. It was funny. If you have a spare few moments I suggest that Urbanites might do the same. I mentioned that they have a PR disaster on their hands.
I've just sicked up a bit

I wonder what revelations are on this
I don't even know if I can access it. I'm busy with Mahler's Resurrection Symphony right now.
A response from the Independent Office for Police Conduct that is as predictable as the continued silence of those who rushed to the internet to publish misleading misinformation about the harrowing circumstances of Ian Taylor's death in custody before his body was even cold:

Police watchdog clears officers of wrongdoing after Black man dies begging for help after arrest
Didn't this happen with Sean Rigg's case? And when the going got tough one of the 4 Sean Rigg officers took holy orders. I assume (though I don't know) that was before the Church of England took an interest in Black Lives Matter.
A response from the Independent Office for Police Conduct that is as predictable as the continued silence of those who rushed to the internet to publish misleading misinformation about the harrowing circumstances of Ian Taylor's death in custody before his body was even cold:

Police watchdog clears officers of wrongdoing after Black man dies begging for help after arrest
I own up to posting a retrospectively injudicious comment at the time - the facts only came out much later.

Mind you I'm not Mystic Meg, How was I, editor Gramsci or even xsunnysuex supposed to know the police had allowed a man to die of suffocation when our road was indeed blocked off. For a couple of days as I recall.

GarveyLives you want to stop blaming residents of the poorest street in Brixton - or "the arsehole of Brixton" as Peter Strick of the South London Press once called it.
Its all very well pontificating and shell-shocking us with huge pictures of murderers and people who had died under police restraint.

I do not agree with death by policing. Having your home blocked off by police is no joke either. And being told you can only enter your road by going through Wyck Gardens and Barrington Road etc. Get real and pick on the Olive Morris developers - I've lived here since 1986. And you don't live here - or you wouldn't post like that.
I've just sicked up a bit

I saw that story and wondered what you might think.

Sort of related, I was at Clarkshaws the other day for a quick pint and a ransom beer tour party turned up. So I guess the tour guides are already on it
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