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I was there having a dance, along with a a wide cross section of people who don't object to a bit of fun. Was great to see so many people, young and old, from kids to people 60+, inclusing lots of local faces, there having a dance and enjoying some music at a truly free and welcoming community event on a bank holiday weekend.
So what? Let me guess, you couldn't hear it when you went to bed?
Playing a club sound system for 3 days straight til the early hours on a residential street isn't community minded no matter how many people had a nice dance during the day.
My point entirely - for those of us who live here, Brixton is not a 'destination' or a 'vibrant' night out, it's our home and people should have some respect for it.
What do you think of the plans to turn Windrush Square into an international tourist destination with a giant screen and program of events?
I was there having a dance, along with a a wide cross section of people who don't object to a bit of fun. Was great to see so many people, young and old, from kids to people 60+, inclusing lots of local faces, there having a dance and enjoying some music at a truly free and welcoming community event on a bank holiday weekend.

This wasn't about people objecting to a bit of fun.

It was about three days of a sound system on a residential street.

It doesn't appear that people on the street were asked about this

From reading the posts it looks like if it was one day most would have accepted it

It's the fact that it went on for three days.

What I really object to is implication from this post that anyone who might be affected adversely is somehow not part of the community.
So the Met have killed another black guy. They haven't said who he is or where he's from, so I don't have a good reason to put it in this thread, but here it is. He was holding a screwdriver, dropped it after being tasered, and officers continued to tase him until he jumped off Chelsea Bridge Man jumps to death in Thames after being tasered by cops
Looking at the video it looks very much like torture.
They have enough problems with "restraint" in mental hospitals, without the Met adding exra-judicial killing outside.
So the Met have killed another black guy. They haven't said who he is or where he's from, so I don't have a good reason to put it in this thread, but here it is. He was holding a screwdriver, dropped it after being tasered, and officers continued to tase him until he jumped off Chelsea Bridge Man jumps to death in Thames after being tasered by cops
surely there is never a good reason to taser someone more than once?
Looking at the video it looks very much like torture.
They have enough problems with "restraint" in mental hospitals, without the Met adding exra-judicial killing outside.
and it is shocking that in a city the size of London they closed the only mental health A&E at the Maudsley.

It seems the police are too often dealing with mental health issues with violence and no compassion and that racism is still such a big issue in how they perceive people as aggressors rather than sufferers.
surely there is never a good reason to taser someone more than once?

and it is shocking that in a city the size of London they closed the only mental health A&E at the Maudsley.

It seems the police are too often dealing with mental health issues with violence and no compassion and that racism is still such a big issue in how they perceive people as aggressors rather than sufferers.
Mental health awareness training is called for. They keep re-running the script. What lessons did they learn from Sean Rigg's murder?
So the Met have killed another black guy. They haven't said who he is or where he's from, so I don't have a good reason to put it in this thread, but here it is. He was holding a screwdriver, dropped it after being tasered, and officers continued to tase him until he jumped off Chelsea Bridge Man jumps to death in Thames after being tasered by cops

Looking at the video it looks very much like torture.
They have enough problems with "restraint" in mental hospitals, without the Met adding exra-judicial killing outside.


(Source: as stated in image)

Condolences to the friends and family of The Late Oladeji Adeyemi Omishore of Pimlico, who is reported to have had some history of mental health issues.

(Source: as stated in image)

Condolences to the friends and family of The Late Oladeji Adeyemi Omishore of Pimlico, who is reported to have had some history of mental health issues.
Everything is so conditional with the police:
"Footage of the incident appeared to show one of the officers firing a taser and knocking the man to the ground."
Not surprising, though I would welcome knowing if he DID have a knife

This cagey reportage does my head in.
Not surprising, though I would welcome knowing if he DID have a knife

This cagey reportage does my head in.

They do reply that they believe he did, but it's up to the courts to decide, which is the right response. I take that to mean there was a knife in the man's possession, and the courts will decide if he had legal excuse for carrying it.
The Rushcroft Rd soundsystem has been at it for 3 days straight. Last night it was as loud in my flat as camping out on the runway at Heathrow, and it didn't stop til 1.30

Sorry, but we've had this shit for three days solid now and I can't even hear myself think inside my own flat. At the moment the DJ is literally screaming into the mic. I'm fed up of it and I want it to stop!

I don't think that's fair.

Rushcroft road was never one of the traditionally noisy bits of central Brixton. When I lived in central Brixton

One day is ok ( like Brixton Splash).

Three days of it comes across as not caring about other people imo. The sound system were placed right next to long term residential bit of Brixton. Not say outside the Rec.


Loads of local, long term residents of the Barrier Block got thoroughly pissed of with the all night - sometimes private and ticketed - parties that used to take place on the green space in front of the estate.

It was noted that much of the crowd and the organisers weren't known to locals. Some parties went on till 6am.

I've never complained about noise in my life, but I know several residents who did, and I don't blame them ...

Playing a club sound system for 3 days straight til the early hours on a residential street isn't community minded no matter how many people had a nice dance during the day.

This wasn't about people objecting to a bit of fun.

It was about three days of a sound system on a residential street.



yeah, probably a waste of time anyway and feels a bit lame to me. just prefer to reserve my right to rant about people being arseholes.
I complained to Lambeth about a neighbour repeatedly stripping huge piles of insulated electrical wires through burning to retrieve copper. It is a horribly toxic smoke, choking smell and a criminal offence under environmental legislation (enforceable by Lambeth). Lambeth took 3 weeks to get back to me and then said that if they weren't doing it right now, what did I expect them to do about it? I pointed out that I had contacted them at the time and several times after but that this was their first response, so I asked what I should do. They said that next time I should record details and they would look into it. I said that that was what I had just done and they had told me that they could not do anything with the details and had asked me what I expected them to do about it? They said they are very busy. Total head fuck.
Same deal with the noise control stuff -pretty sure they now work 9-5 and will "come round to assess it in a week or so".

Since this approach appears to be as useful as a chocolate teapot (cf the 3 day party observations up thread), would it not be prudent for the financially constrained Lambeth to accept defeat and just close these functions completely?

Or so they actually have some successes?
sounds about right. no way they have the staff (or inclination) to bother with 99% of usual queries unfortunately
I can totally accept that they don't have the resources in terms of number. But the ones they do have seem to lack any practical skills too.

Years ago I complained about Fridge Bar holding a new event midnight to 4am on a Wednesday - the whole frontage wide open and sound system (which had been moved up from the lower ground floor) blaring. Even air horns. It happened like clockwork every week. Lambeth said they would look into it. I chased it several times but heard nothing for months whilst the parties continued. When I raised a complaint about the lack of response they replied saying that they had investigated immediately on two separate occasions and found no problem. This seemed unlikely so I asked when they had attended and it was something like Friday at 8pm and Saturday at 10pm - even their website showed they were only just opening at 10pm on a Saturday. Their response to that was that they have procedures to follow (which little people clearly would not understand).

There is just a weird obstructive officiousness about the service.
Lambeth promised to get their act together in 2018, after being taken to the Ombudsman.

Lambeth Council will improve its noise nuisance service, after an ombudsman found it had turned down more than 6,300 complaints since 2016.
The council had changed its policy as a response to budget cuts, only investigating a noise complaint if three people raised concerns.
But local authorities cannot place restrictions on what they will investigate, local government and social care ombudsman Michael King said.
“Ongoing noise nuisance can cause significant distress, but Lambeth Council’s policy unfairly swept many people’s complaints under the carpet,” he said.
“Councils have a statutory duty to investigate and cannot impose their own limits on what they will and will not consider.
“I’m pleased Lambeth council has now changed its policy to recognise its duties, and will now look into any ongoing concerns that have not been investigated previously,” Mr King added.
During the investigation, the ombudsman found 6,353 other complaints had not been considered because of the change in policy.
The ombudsman found fault with the council for changing its policy, which meant it was not meeting its statutory obligations.
A Lambeth Council spokesperson said the council had made changes and would ensure complaints were handled more effectively.
“We’ve fully accepted the findings of the LGO and apologise unreservedly for the inconvenience caused by the changes to the statutory noise service, which were introduced in 2016,” he said.

Same deal with the noise control stuff -pretty sure they now work 9-5 and will "come round to assess it in a week or so".

Since this approach appears to be as useful as a chocolate teapot (cf the 3 day party observations up thread), would it not be prudent for the financially constrained Lambeth to accept defeat and just close these functions completely?

Or so they actually have some successes?
I’m guessing they have a statutory duty to provide that service? Obviously they don’t actually provide it.
Lambeth promised to get their act together in 2018, after being taken to the Ombudsman.

Lambeth Council will improve its noise nuisance service, after an ombudsman found it had turned down more than 6,300 complaints since 2016.
The council had changed its policy as a response to budget cuts, only investigating a noise complaint if three people raised concerns.
But local authorities cannot place restrictions on what they will investigate, local government and social care ombudsman Michael King said.
“Ongoing noise nuisance can cause significant distress, but Lambeth Council’s policy unfairly swept many people’s complaints under the carpet,” he said.
“Councils have a statutory duty to investigate and cannot impose their own limits on what they will and will not consider.
“I’m pleased Lambeth council has now changed its policy to recognise its duties, and will now look into any ongoing concerns that have not been investigated previously,” Mr King added.
During the investigation, the ombudsman found 6,353 other complaints had not been considered because of the change in policy.
The ombudsman found fault with the council for changing its policy, which meant it was not meeting its statutory obligations.
A Lambeth Council spokesperson said the council had made changes and would ensure complaints were handled more effectively.
“We’ve fully accepted the findings of the LGO and apologise unreservedly for the inconvenience caused by the changes to the statutory noise service, which were introduced in 2016,” he said.

That the Council should provide this service was pointed out to local Cllrs more than once.

I remember Cllr Donatus saying at a meeting that it wasn't really needed as Brixton BID could deal with noise issues in central Brixton.

Typical example of how Labour Cllrs ignore residents. It takes a judgement by the ombudsman to get it re instated.

Labour Cllrs should be defending people's right to a service. Not saying a private business organisation can run it.
Same deal with the noise control stuff -pretty sure they now work 9-5 and will "come round to assess it in a week or so".

Since this approach appears to be as useful as a chocolate teapot (cf the 3 day party observations up thread), would it not be prudent for the financially constrained Lambeth to accept defeat and just close these functions completely?

Or so they actually have some successes?
They also have to have 3 separate complaints from 3 different addresses!
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