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Brixton news, rumours and general chat - June 2017

I'm really enjoying this. For years the Blairites in Labour party thought there "centre" ground was the only way. Whingers going on about class re gentrification , Council housing etc were just sourpusses who had not made much of themselves. Hadn't got off there backsides and bettered themselves.

Now the boots on the other foot Scroll down Chuka there.

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

"Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity"

Chuka who crops up on this forum. ( Asked Tory government to outlaw squatting and helped with very nu Labour think tank "centre for progressive Capitalism") now is saying Corbyn rang good campaign. Chuka who tried to get rid of Corbyn with smears of anti semitism. No word of that know.

I heard Dizzee Rascal on radio this morning talking about the working class. Without being questioned about this. The new normal. How times change.

Chuka and all his Nu Labour ideology is now in the dustbin of history.
I'm really enjoying this. For years the Blairites in Labour party thought there "centre" ground was the only way. Whingers going on about class re gentrification , Council housing etc were just sourpusses who had not made much of themselves. Hadn't got off there backsides and bettered themselves.

Now the boots on the other foot Scroll down Chuka there.

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

"Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity"

Chuka who crops up on this forum. ( Asked Tory government to outlaw squatting and helped with very nu Labour think tank "centre for progressive Capitalism") now is saying Corbyn rang good campaign. Chuka who tried to get rid of Corbyn with smears of anti semitism. No word of that know.

I heard Dizzee Rascal on radio this morning talking about the working class. Without being questioned about this. The new normal. How times change.

Chuka and all his Nu Labour ideology is now in the dustbin of history.
And let's never, ever forget: Chuka Umunna and Helen Hayes vote no confidence in Corbyn with Kate Hoey backing the Labour Leader

If Chuka has any morals he should stand down immediately for the sake of the party.
And let's never, ever forget: Chuka Umunna and Helen Hayes vote no confidence in Corbyn with Kate Hoey backing the Labour Leader

If Chuka has any morals he should stand down immediately for the sake of the party.

I think for me it that's what my namesake Gramsci would call a change in the "common sense". Not just about Chuka.

The common sense after Thatcher was that individual striving was good. "Bettering" oneself, being "aspirational", "getting off ones arse and being entreprenual". All code for the prevailing Neo Liberal ideology. That was not to be questioned. And if you didn't fit in with it you were a loser.

See it in Brixton with the obsession that the root out of poverty is encouraging people to start foodie Pop ups ( Tree Shepherd, Pop, the new LJ Works)

I heard one Blairite say ( prior to Corbyn success) that Corbyns move to redistribute wealth was taking us back to the 70s and that he opposed "aspiration". That she brought up here children to be "aspirational".

Now hopefully this will be all ditched. Why I said about Dizzee Rascal talking about the working class. As though it was most normal thing to do.

I've spent my whole adult life under this neo liberal ideology. It even permeated even this forum. Now I see in public sphere a change. It's heartening.

What Corbyn has done,to his credit, has put the structural reasons for inequality back in the mainstream.
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Beware - I just got issued a ticket for dropping cigarette butt outside brixton tube . Uniformed Lambeth officers
Beware - I just got issued a ticket for dropping cigarette butt outside brixton tube . Uniformed Lambeth officers

They may not be Lambeth officers but a private company working for Lambeth. They make money issuing tickets. There has been criticism of it.

As they are not proper police I don't think they can make you give name etc.
Great news!
A.M. - Morning Gloryville at Brixton Rooftop
On July 12th the hugely popular Morning Gloryville will be hosting another exciting morning rave at Brixton Rooftop after their successful 4th Birthday Party at the rooftop last month. Party goers can expect revitalising morning massages, barefoot dancing in the sand and electrifying musical performances at this truly unique exercise party.

It's not a "party," you twats.

Great news!

It's not a "party," you twats.

A friend of mine went to the last one - she'd spent the night before at my place, then headed out first thing, clad in sporty lyrca, extolling the virtues of an early morning, booze free, drug free "rave". It took great effort on my part to suppress my cynical derision. I texted her shortly afterwards to ask if anyone was selling decent pills - she said no, but they had "lovely fruit juices"....:rolleyes::hmm::facepalm::D
A friend of mine went to the last one - she'd spent the night before at my place, then headed out first thing, clad in sporty lyrca, extolling the virtues of an early morning, booze free, drug free "rave". It took great effort on my part to suppress my cynical derision. I texted her shortly afterwards to ask if anyone was selling decent pills - she said no, but they had "lovely fruit juices"....:rolleyes::hmm::facepalm::D
If Rave was a person and he/she had died, they would be spinning in their graves at the sight of this fake rave. If you, err, get my drift.
I just refuse to stop, to speak to them, or take anything from them. Just keep walking, or better still, jump in a cab. There's fuck all they can do about it.
What if I stopped told them everything but on the ticket they gave me they misspelled my name badly and also forgot to ask me what number in the street I live. Do I have to pay it anyway now?
What if I stopped told them everything but on the ticket they gave me they misspelled my name badly and also forgot to ask me what number in the street I live. Do I have to pay it anyway now?
Can they prove it was you? Can they be bothered if it's going to be tricky? Years ago, back in my smoking days I once got caught out whilst having a fag outside work near Old Street. I didn't bother challenging it because I found out their trick there was they were plain clothes "officers" (a.k.a. council stooges), and they'd been sneakily taking photos of smokers beforehand so they had photographic evidence of the "crime". As I worked in the building I'd been standing outside of, and they'd got me on film, I gave in & paid up. In your case it may be different - if you plead ignorance, could they even prove otherwise, and would they actually bother?
Are you asking whether you're legally obliged to pay, or whether, in those circumstances, you'd get away with not paying? I know what I'd do.
Beware - I just got issued a ticket for dropping cigarette butt outside brixton tube . Uniformed Lambeth officers
There was a BBC programme about this recently. Personally I'm against using private companies to enforce against anti social behaviour (including littering). As the companies are incentivised to issue tickets the results can be perverse.
Partnership with Lambeth Council for zero-tolerance approach to environmental crimes | NSL
Apart from NSL clearly benefiting from an "offence" occurring, there is also the risk of false allegations form NSL staff.

Additionally NSL probably give guidance to staff to ticket nice middle class people who will pay the tickets. Imagine ticketing Windrush Square alkies, some of whom are psychiatric patients with social workers looking after their interests.

Basically we live in a society where nobody is allowed to stand up for community standards as an individual - even to the point where the Police would say "don't get involved". Then some asshole beaurocratic councillors think they've got the solution by employing what is basically a bailiff to intimidate some of the population who might be intimidated - and thereby claim they are solving the problem at no cost to the council tax payer.

I can't spit on their graves - that would no doubt be a £200 penalty notice.
I was amazed and delighted to see the highly eccentric Owen Luder - designer of 336 Brixton Road amongst many other modern concrete monstrosities - interviewed on ITV news wrt the Grenfell Tower disaster.

Why did the deadly Grenfell Tower blaze spread so quickly?

Seems Mr Luder was once President of RIBA. He also issued the following statement to the Architects Journal. You will note how he compares and contrasts the safety features of private towers compared to social housing:

Owen Luder, former RIBA president
Firstly this is a disaster - as is the case with most disasters - that should not have happened. I’ve designed multi-storey residential blocks - both private and council - and I live in a converted residential block with 168 flats when in London. This has designed-in fire precaution and means of escape measures as well as self-closing four-hour fire resistant doors.

The fire alarm system, that should be throughout at Grenfell Tower, should have given immediate warning of a fire in any individual flat. If that worked there would have been ample time for everyone to safely evacuate the building.

That clearly did not seem to happen. Having been in a fire disaster, although on a ship, I know the first sign of smoke or a fire you get out into the open air as quickly as you can.

From what can be seen from the TV the fire started low down - some said the second floor, others the fourth floor - but it appears from a corner flat and the fire then spread rapidly as you would expect upwards and spread horizontally across all upper floors.The reports indicate it spread at great speed until the whole block [was engulfed] apart from a small number on the lower floors which appear to be still largely intact.

’How did the fire spread so rapidly upwards without adequately warning the resident in their beds’

The key investigation will be how the fire which started in one flat (as that appears to be the case) spread so rapidly upwards without adequately warning the resident in their beds and enabling them to escape in safety.

It appears that the 1970s block was very recently renovated. That appears to have included new windows and cladding. There is always the risk, and there have been cases in the past, that the design of the replacement windows and the cladding did not provide the necessary fire checks to prevent fire spreading externally from one flat to the one above. However the nature of this fire from what I have seen on TV that does not appear to be the case. Although I wouldn’t rule it out.

As for the stability of the block this is unlikely to be affected by this fire - intense and hot as it was - as the structure is almost a reinforced concrete frame with a central concrete lift shaft which should have remained. In the case of New York’s Twin Towers the main structure was steel and the heat generated by the explosion of aviation fuel created heat at such a level that the steel structure on the floors where the planes hit, bent and the top floors above collapsed which then caused the blocks to completely collapse.
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Anyone know what the old Diamond Hire on Acre lane is going to be, some big lettering been painted on saying "DOOGOOD"
Anyone know what the old Diamond Hire on Acre lane is going to be, some big lettering been painted on saying "DOOGOOD"
More ugly faux luxury, if Lexadon gets its way.


Lambeth refuse planning permission for the ‘excessive’ bulk of proposed Lexadon Acre Lane redevelopment
Anyone know why all the construction workers were heading en masse to St Matthews Peace Gardens this morning? They had little placards, but I couldn't see what they said.
Yep. I feel a bit gutted to be honest to see that for the same price I could have had a pee.
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I object to private companies handing out fines in public place. It's a civil matter not a criminal offence. I don't like the language used.

This is intrusion into public sphere. My opinion is that the police ( real cops not the plastic community support officers) who police the public sphere.

I think you can refuse to give name and address to these people. They are not real cops.
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