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Brixton news, rumours and general chat - February 2017

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Oh, I'm not a subscriber either, it must do that to the links automatically. The headline is "
Network Rail looks at options for £1bn property sale"
If you want to google it.
I suspect pop is open more days/hours than those eg market/village is closed most bank holidays.

It's still far less accessible and inviting to those in need. Expecting them to navigate past bouncers - and quite possibly endure a bag search - is hardly welcoming, and then there's the venues own rules which forbid people bringing in the own food...

Do you think Pop is the best location for this food fridge then?
I can think of loads of better locations. Places like Brixton Village, Market Row, Brixton Library etc. Putting it behind security guards in a trendy box park is a terrible idea.
I was a bit confused by this but looking at the Frome example I think I have a clearer idea, I don't think the aim is to cater to those who are hungry but rather to cut down food waste, the reheating instructions on the Frome fridge would be impossible for homeless people for instance.... I will go and have a look at the fridge next time I'm in the area and see what's on offer.....
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I was a bit confused by this but looking at the Frome example I think I have a clearer idea, I don't think the aim is to cater to those who are hungry but rather to cut down food waste, the reheating instructions on the Frome fridge be impossible for homeless people for instance.... I will go and have a look at the fridge next time I'm in the area and see what's on offer
The Brixton one is just for fresh food. There's no reheating. The project is to prevent food waste by giving excess edible food to those in need. Which is a great idea.

The Frome project looks a bit more organised:

A friend mentioned that someone he knew was mugged outside TK Maxx, middle of last week around 7.30pm. She was surrounded by 3 guys who managed to take pretty much everything. They lifted her backpack from her shoulders as well.
A friend mentioned that someone he knew was mugged outside TK Maxx, middle of last week around 7.30pm. She was surrounded by 3 guys who managed to take pretty much everything. They lifted her backpack from her shoulders as well.
That sucks. I hope they got the cops involved because there's shit loads of CCTV around there.
The Brixton one is just for fresh food. There's no reheating. The project is to prevent food waste by giving excess edible food to those in need. Which is a great idea.

Mans first sentence in the vid you posted says the fridge will be "on the street"
Why doesn't somebody try asking them to clarify whom it is for, where it is and how it works. Then you can all save your breath and stop passive aggressing about it until you know.
It's still far less accessible and inviting to those in need. Expecting them to navigate past bouncers - and quite possibly endure a bag search - is hardly welcoming, and then there's the venues own rules which forbid people bringing in the own food...

Do you think Pop is the best location for this food fridge then?

I never said pop was a good idea - I've come up with some hypotheses about it being the least worst choice.

Why doesn't somebody try asking them to clarify whom it is for, where it is and how it works. Then you can all save your breath and stop passive aggressing about it until you know.
Reading the article and watching the video might be a good start for you :rolleyes:
I never said pop was a good idea - I've come up with some hypotheses about it being the least worst choice.

Can't say I'm convinced by the argument that because Pop might be open for, what, a whole 100 hours or so more every year, it's automatically a better location than more, accessible and welcoming premises. Given that Pop's own rules forbid the eating of food that hasn't been purchased on the premises, I'm not even sure how it will work - and that's assuming that those in need can get past the security/bag search.
Oh, I'm not a subscriber either, it must do that to the links automatically. The headline is "
Network Rail looks at options for £1bn property sale"
If you want to google it.
Thank you - the FT article is much clearer and more informative IMHO.

I does not negate my original point. The Parliamentary Select Committee ought to investigate the whole topic. If making arches ready for privatisation in Network Rail's dreams causes mass loss of small businesses - surely that could be regulated so as to balance the requirements for raising cash from the legacy asset with nurturing the small business sector that the Tories have habitually gone on about?
Why doesn't somebody try asking them to clarify whom it is for, where it is and how it works. Then you can all save your breath and stop passive aggressing about it until you know.
Or they could just shut up and organise their own community fridge project instead of slagging off what others have managed to set up, presumably with no financial reward and involving various practicalities not obvious to the armchair critic, if they think they could do better.

I imagine the location inside Pop is also to do with the location of the people who have set it up - as I understand, they are based at the impact hub there - who are also taking on the responsibility for cleaning/managing it. Plus the location of the food businesses who have agreed to participate. Plus the opening hours.
Are 'those in need' prone to failing bag searches?
I wouldn't say that Pop gives off the appearance of being particularly welcoming to those in need and/or homeless people who may be looking for food. I've certainly seen one Brixton street character being denied entry. But what do you think? Perfect location?

As I've said before, I think the project is a brilliant one, but outside of a tiny handful of people here, I've yet to find anyone who thinks the location is a good one.
Are 'those in need' prone to failing bag searches?
In my experience there's only ever been bag searches during very limited busy "leisure time" periods, usually evenings on weekends. Most times people just come and go. It seems that the concern is being rather predictably overstated. I wonder what the next angle will be?

ETA And if they need to get in late, I'm still not sure what people in need have to fear about a bag search, to be honest.
MoreYoga, another yoga chain, will soon be unfurling their mats in Brixton.

No ordinary yoga chain though, no sir. These guys take a "forward-thinking and entrepreneurial approach to the health and fitness industry." Which is always nice to know.
MoreYoga, another yoga chain, will soon be unfurling their mats in Brixton.

No ordinary yoga chain though, no sir. These guys take a "forward-thinking and entrepreneurial approach to the health and fitness industry." Which is always nice to know.

Yeah. Never mind all that ancient, junction-of-mind-and-body stuff. We want entrepreneurial yoga. :facepalm:
I was just in town and went to see where the fridge is. There was no security at all at the entrance to pop, just walked straight in. When I first saw an article about the fridge last week my initial question was whether it's located somewhere very visible because maybe people would feel uncomfortable using it in view of lots of people sitting around. It's down at the far corner from the main entrance so not in view of the main seating area.

I see the main seating area has those gas heaters which were all on. That's not really in line with any claimed eco credentials. If anyone wants a suggestion for valid complaints against pop. Maybe a local news outlet can do a carefully researched energy use audit.
Yoga was invented to train the military was it not?

Not to my knowledge. How it was (strong word) "invented" appears to be anything but clear-cut, evidence of it emerging gradually in various ancient texts.

Also, lexical note. The term "yoga" in its original form describes a whole philosophy, deriving from Hindu and Buddhist tradition. In the West, it has come to describe the breathing, stretching and movement exercises which form a small part of its overall theory and practice.
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