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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Autumn - Winter 2018-19

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I like yoga, I don't want to end up as an old lady who can't touch her toes and we all need to move. Yoga does seem to be more prone to what my grrlf calls 'woo' than other forms of exercise, but hey it works for some of us, so no need to mock.
Went to this at Block 336 gallery just now, it was pretty cool. (Bit late notice but there's free drinks if you get there before 9pm.) Worth a look, especially if you haven't seen inside the building before.

Process Accelerator 2.0 is a large scale installation, comprising video and 3D printed sculptural objects, by Finland-based artist Anu Suhonen. The exhibition presents a factory that chases maximum productivity, reflecting on late capitalism’s push for constant economic growth. Like a snake eating its own tail at an ever-increasing pace, Process Accelerator 2.0 explores technological advancement; mass production; and short-lifespan goods, considering the effects this vicious circle has on the environment and its limited resources.

I like yoga, I don't want to end up as an old lady who can't touch her toes and we all need to move. Yoga does seem to be more prone to what my grrlf calls 'woo' than other forms of exercise, but hey it works for some of us, so no need to mock.
Nothing wrong with yoga but I'm not a fan of the extra-hip, ya totes, just-for-the-well-off expensive versions that seem to be springing up in some of the poorer parts of town. I find them rather socially divisive when their pricing clearly excludes a large chunk of the existing local population by default.
It seems that yoga is just the latest thing to hate upon, as a visible and easily mockable component of the nu Brixton changes. It's unlikely you'll ever find me attending a yoga class but I know several people, who aren't all London based yuppies, who seem to find it very helpful for various things, from keeping a handle on debilitating back pain to helping in relaxation and general mental wellbeing to an antidote to the effects of approaching old age. There are lots of different types of yoga that are focussed on different things; some involve strenuous physical stuff; some are more about the mental stuff that you could describe as 'zen' if you wanted to; some are associated with hippy nonsense and some aren't. There are different teachers with different approaches and there are classes that happen in school halls for something like £10 a session as well as the heavily branded operations like the Fierce Grace place and so on.

My partner does Yoga at Brixton Rec. And finds it beneficial.

Hot Yoga ( what Fierce Grace do} has been heavily criticised in mainstream Yoga movement. Its a distortion of what Yoga is about.

Its the stereotypical Californian appropriation of a centuries old Eastern practise that fits seamlessly into New Age Capitalist society.
Hello all
Does anybody know what's happened / happening on Acre Lane, past Tesco? My boyfriend is waiting for a bus there and says the street is rammed with police and police cars, and that there is smoke visible - but he can't tell from where. However - traffic is still being allowed past at the moment....
Ah - he's just texted to say it looks like a burnt-out (stolen?) moped in the road... I was just worried in case one of the [last remaining] wood merchants had caught fire!
Went to this at Block 336 gallery just now, it was pretty cool. (Bit late notice but there's free drinks if you get there before 9pm.) Worth a look, especially if you haven't seen inside the building before.

Process Accelerator 2.0 is a large scale installation, comprising video and 3D printed sculptural objects, by Finland-based artist Anu Suhonen. The exhibition presents a factory that chases maximum productivity, reflecting on late capitalism’s push for constant economic growth. Like a snake eating its own tail at an ever-increasing pace, Process Accelerator 2.0 explores technological advancement; mass production; and short-lifespan goods, considering the effects this vicious circle has on the environment and its limited resources.

Looks very interesting - thank you. Also I notice that there is another free event on 13 Feb from 6pm - whether the drinks are free or not I shall go!
And until we live in a society where average people like me can have influence on such things as affordable housing on developments such as Brixton Square I think taking swipes at yuppie Yoga is fair enough.

Don’t forget child literacy rates and the war in Yemen. I think you’re letting them off too easily to be honest.
Let's hope that this service isn't used and abused by incoming yups complaining about long established venues

Lambeth Council promises a faster response to noisy neighbour complaints
Wasn't there a court ruling last october that Lambeth that were failing in their response to noise complaints. Let's hope Lambeth finally listens to the valid noise complaints from its own residents, especially those who live in the centre of Brixton, who have had to cope with endless street noise, nuisance and ill health directly linked to sleeplessness. I can not understand why the late night entainment of tourists from all over London been allowed at the expence of the welfare of Lambeths own residents and electorate.

Why is it that venues need to have sound proofing and to close their doors and have patrons only inside at a certain hour for licencing? - whereas the streets are awash with drunk, noisy people and amplified buskers. I feel utterly excluded from Brixton night life now.
Wasn't there a court ruling last october that Lambeth that were failing in their response to noise complaints. Let's hope Lambeth finally listens to the valid noise complaints from its own residents, especially those who live in the centre of Brixton, who have had to cope with endless street noise, nuisance and ill health directly linked to sleeplessness. I can not understand why the late night entainment of tourists from all over London been allowed at the expence of the welfare of Lambeths own residents and electorate.

Why is it that venues need to have sound proofing and to close their doors and have patrons only inside at a certain hour for licencing? - whereas the streets are awash with drunk, noisy people and amplified buskers. I feel utterly excluded from Brixton night life now.
Brixton is overflowing with shiny new bars and licensed restaurants and council policy seems to be all about encouraging the place be a boozy, piss-drenched, party-town 'destination' for revellers.

Pop Brixton is effectively one big subsidised late night bar, and poor old Electric Avenue finds itself on the flightpath for their boozy clientele while Coldharbour Lane keeps on getting more and more bars.

I have great sympathy for residents suffering at the hands of this increased late night noise, but the cunts who move into shiny upmarket flats right next to an existing night club and then start complaining can fuck right off.
Now that Brixton is on the party-town map you encounter some right wankers in bars these days, but few were as fuckwitted as this pissed young twat who sidled up to me in the Prince of Wales and demanded to know if I was "Portsmouth or Southampton." When I reminded the twat that he was in Brixton and that I - along with (I imagine) everyone else in the pub - couldn't give a a flying about his moronic south coast football rivalry, he started to get all lippy.

Thing is, I'm no muscle bound gym-monkey, but this kid couldn't have been more 5ft 5 inches, extremely lightly built and looked like he'd topple over in a drunken heap if he was so much as nudged.

He became irritating after a while, so I had a word with the bouncer and asked that he be told to behave (rather than thrown out). Which he subsequently did. But what a fucking twat. And there'd been different, older twats in the Albert earlier that night given it all the "youwantsome" nonsense to each other.

So fucking tedious.
Wasn't there a court ruling last october that Lambeth that were failing in their response to noise complaints. Let's hope Lambeth finally listens to the valid noise complaints from its own residents, especially those who live in the centre of Brixton, who have had to cope with endless street noise, nuisance and ill health directly linked to sleeplessness. I can not understand why the late night entainment of tourists from all over London been allowed at the expence of the welfare of Lambeths own residents and electorate.

Why is it that venues need to have sound proofing and to close their doors and have patrons only inside at a certain hour for licencing? - whereas the streets are awash with drunk, noisy people and amplified buskers. I feel utterly excluded from Brixton night life now.

What Lambeth have done is merely to reinstate the noise nuisance team they cut. And you were right this was because resident had complained to Ombudsman that Lambeth was not fulfilling its statutory duties.

The resident who took this action had been plagued by noise from a neighbour.

I remember a while back taking this up with Cllr Donatus ( Coldharbour Ward ) at a local meeting. He didn't think the noise nuisance team needed reinstating.

But thing about the noise team is that they would come out and measure noise. Then see if it was above level of licence agreements or in case of neighbour disputes was a justified complaint. They had there own measuring equipment.

Donatus didn't seem to think this was necessary. The Council replacement , which he supported, meant no one came out to measure the noise so see if it was above a certain level. Also Council would only real with complaints next day if several people complained.

Without a measured reading of noise by Council official nothing in practise could be done. Which suited Council as it saved them officer time and money.

Council were not fulfilling the statutory duty we all pay for through Council tax to provide way to deal with noise issues.

Lambeth Council the un cooperative Council.

Some of the venues in Brixton take the piss. Donatus thought that Brixton BID could deal with noise/ disturbance issues of late night bars. Laughable as Brixton BID main players are those who rake it in on entertainment.

I have every sympathy with Sleepless in Brixton as ex resident of Central Brixton who has to dealt with these issues on behalf of residents in the past.

Council encouraged Brixton becoming entertainment centre rather than rounded shopping plus entertainment centre. They never have put in safeguards to protect residents. Brixton is what it is not just because of the market and bars but also because its a home to a lot of people. This gets forgotten.
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Some of the venues in Brixton take the piss. Donatus thought that Brixton BID could deal with noise/ disturbance issues of late night bars. Laughable as Brixton BID main players are those who rake it in on entertainment.
Funny thing is that it seems a lot of the older businesses - the ones that helped keep Brixton afloat back when things were rougher - are the ones who get the most hassle about noise/soundproofing, whereas some of the new groovy businesses are given an easier ride. I remember some of the residents from the flats by Pop Brixton getting pissed off by the sudden increase in noise every weekend as it transforms into Brixton's Biggest (and Most Subsidised) Bar/Club and they felt like they weren't being listened to.
Trying to work in a cafe in Brixton. Not sure what's worse - the distant toe-curling screech of the busker with the 'big' voice or the random rantings of the super religious nut next to me who is currently blaming Satan for losing one of her gloves.
Trying to work in a cafe in Brixton. Not sure what's worse - the distant toe-curling screech of the busker with the 'big' voice or the random rantings of the super religious nut next to me who is currently blaming Satan for not losing one of her gloves.
The sights and sounds of Brixton !!
I've put in my earphones as the religious one was getting more annoying. Apparently Satan was also responsible for her not closing her purse properly. He's a cheeky one, isn't he?
Yes I agree that religious rankings or mutterings can be quite intrusive
Mighty Hoopla delivered a consultation letter in Tulse Hill it seems today, with some meetings at the Half Moon Pub I think 27 Feb
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