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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Autumn - Winter 2018-19

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Are you suggesting that religion is a mental health condition?
This is an interesting suggestion.

That culture has a strong impact on this was supported by the finding that "n Egypt, the fluctuations in the frequency of religious delusions over a period of 20 years have been linked to changing patterns of religious emphasis." The same analysis reported, "A rate of 36% of religious delusions was observed among inpatients with schizophrenia in the USA." In addition, research found that "in the case of paranoid delusion, the persecutors were more often supernatural beings among Christians than among Muslims and Buddhists."
Bipolar Disorder Can Create Harmful Delusions With Religion

My psychiatrist wrote a paper about 15 years ago on the connection between anti-epileptic medication and suicide. Maybe she shoudl dust down her analytic slkills based on the preaching and cursing street-life around Brixton Market. Since she is Japanese - a fairly unreligious nation - she might simply conclude these are all regular schizophrenics Touretting.

Which comes back to whether the Brixton community at large should be tolerant or even accepting of people with apparent Mental Health conditions.
Or are they a Public Nuisance? Unfortunately due to Thatcher's introduction of Community Care and the selling off of traditional mental hospitals for Tescos Megastores and Barratts Yuppy flats it looks like those who want to lock up the mentally ill will be disappointed.
It’s only public shaming if we can identify the person, we can’t.
Bit difficult to 'publicly shame' someone when the only information given was that (a) it's a woman and (b) she sometimes wears glasses. I guess that must narrow it down to just many multiple millions of people :facepalm:
Potentially bad news for nu-Brixton residents of The Edge


Tate Modern wins privacy case brought by owners of £4m flats
Why? Did you read the judges comments?

He basically said that they could install blinds or other screens - and from memory - that Tate had planning permission before this block.

So no real parallel with the edge at all - unless you count that I can see into my neighbours velux windows as being a sign of dreadful gentrification?
Why? Did you read the judges comments?

He basically said that they could install blinds or other screens - and from memory - that Tate had planning permission before this block.

So no real parallel with the edge at all - unless you count that I can see into my neighbours velux windows as being a sign of dreadful gentrification?
The Edge boasts a similar 'big-window' design which is overlooked from flats nearby - so there's a distinct parallel right there - and I wouldn't be surprised if their new residents complain too. But note that I did use the word 'potentially', so there's no need for you get all flappy.

Besides, it's hardly unusual for new residents to complain about things when they move here. The only person I've ever met from Brixton Square was of the opinion that the Barrier Block should be demolished as it spoilt his view.
so there's no need for you get all flappy.

I know you spend a lot of time on here having internet spats, but you really need to get a grip with your hyperbole.

Please show me the similarities between the Edge windows here and your pics above in terms of window size, distance from neighbours etc. as you seem to be confusing a glass and steel building with floor to ceiling windows with a brick facade one that has windows no bigger than the 60s high density block i live in.

It’s only public shaming if we can identify the person, we can’t.

Somebody with possibly a mental health condition is being shamed for their behaviour on a public board.

It is no different to somebody coming on here and making fun of the fact that they saw somebody so fat that they couldn't fit on one chair. Or that there were some foreigners in talking some nonsense language. I'm wondering aloud why it's acceptable to do that with some things (religious 'nuts') and not others.
I know you spend a lot of time on here having internet spats, but you really need to get a grip with your hyperbole.

Please show me the similarities between the Edge windows here and your pics above in terms of window size, distance from neighbours etc. as you seem to be confusing a glass and steel building with floor to ceiling windows with a brick facade one that has windows no bigger than the 60s high density block i live in.


On the side facing the Barrier Block (you've seen the view from there, right?) they have balconies with full length windows, so anyone living above them in the block can see directly into their rooms.

I would send you photos but that would be a bit stalkery.
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Somebody with possibly a mental health condition is being shamed for their behaviour on a public board.

It is no different to somebody coming on here and making fun of the fact that they saw somebody so fat that they couldn't fit on one chair. Or that there were some foreigners in talking some nonsense language. I'm wondering aloud why it's acceptable to do that with some things (religious 'nuts') and not others.
I see that you're continuing to refer to my posts - and attempting to put me down with the most pathetic and flimsy of arguments - despite the terms of mutual ignore being made crystal clear to repeatedly.

I made no mention of possible mental illness, or anyone's weight, identity or if they were 'foreigners' or not (whaaat?) so you can fuck off with this unpleasant and disruptive projection and attempts at personal slurs.

So for that reason you're banned for two days.

Oh, and everyone has the right to sit in a cafe without being hassled by religious zealots.
Potentially bad news for nu-Brixton residents of The Edge


Tate Modern wins privacy case brought by owners of £4m flats

See the usual suspects have been jumping in to criticize.

The parallel for me is that these flats would not have been built if it were not for the Tate taking a chance a redeveloping the disused power station.

Once this turned out to be a success property developers and the rich decided this part of London wasn't so awful after all.

Like Brixton which is now sold as great place to live due to services like the Ritzy ( built with post riot money to help improve area for the existing residents) and Pop ( apparently a community scheme).

The parallel is that improvement of an area means "regeneration" does not benefit the less well off. It means the rich suddenly fall over themselves to live there.

I particularly like this quote in the Gaurdian article:

Another flat owner recalled visiting the terrace herself and overhearing someone say that the “rich bastards” who live there “deserved the intrusion that the gallery afforded”.

Might be unpleasant but if we are to live in a society where ordinary people get excluded resentment is justified. IMO. Criticised here recently on another post I put up on similar subject.

BTW I'm a Tate member and top marks for previous head of Tate Serota telling these rich bastards where to go.
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On the side facing the Barrier Block (you've seen the view from there, right?) they have balconies with full length windows, so anyone living above them in the block can see directly into their rooms.

I would send you photos but that would be a bit stalkery.

I know someone who lived directly opposite the the new flats next the Dhss building on Kennington Park road, and they often 'enjoyed'' candid views of a well known TV personality walking round his penthouse stark bollock naked, fortunately for this gent they did not go all paparazzi on him and offer photos to the highest bidder.
See the usual suspects have been jumping in to criticize.

The parallel for me is that these flats would not have been built if it were not for the Tate taking a chance a redeveloping the disused power station.

Once this turned out to be a success property developers and the rich decided this part of London wasn't so awful after all.

Like Brixton which is now sold as great place to live due to services like the Ritzy ( built with post riot money to help improve wares for the existing residents) and Pop ( apparently a community scheme).

The parallel is that improvement of an area means "regeneration" does not benefit the less well off. It means the rich suddenly fall over themselves to live there.

I particularly like this quote in the Gaurdian article:

Might be unpleasant but if we are to live in a society where ordinary people get excluded resentment is justified. IMO. Criticised here recently on another post I put up.

BTW I'm a Tate member and top marks for previous head of Tate Serota telling these rich bastrads where to go.

I've never understood the fashion for expensive flats to have huge floor-to-ceiling windows that can be overlooked, but this is how much is on show for residents of the Barrier Block. How nice of the architect to to let the council residents see the luxurious living next to them.

For reference: I used a short zoom to capture this view because it's the furthermost block from me, but I'll be able to see right into the rooms of the block opposite. And yes, its not as exposed as the flats by the Tate, but there's an awful lot more window there than in the Barrier Block.
View attachment 161758

I've never understood the fashion for expensive flats to have huge floor-to-ceiling windows that can be overlooked, but this is how much is on show for residents of the Barrier Block. How nice of the architect to to let the council residents see the luxurious living next to them.

For reference: I used a short zoom to capture this view because it's the furthermost block from me, but I'll be able to see right into the rooms of the block opposite. And yes, its not as exposed as the flats by the Tate, but there's an awful lot more window there than in the Barrier Block.

The photos brought to mind two books I read by the sci to writer Ballard. "High Rise" (now a film) and the later novel "Super Cannes" ( imo a kind of sequel to High Rise.)High Rise was not what I expected. It based in as private housing tower where class war erupts. Super Cannes is even more explicit. A Ted talk utopian business park reeks with wealthy resentments towards the excluded poor.

He really is worth a read.
Alleged privacy problems with full length windows are a massive non-issue, as it's instantly solved by the addition of curtains, something that has been around for centuries and which existence most people tend to be aware of. That the home they have bought has floor to ceiling windows is not exactly something that could have escaped their notice until they moved in. Mental.

But regarding privacy concerns, anyone interested into peeking into other people's homes would be as capable of doing so through a standard size window, even if the visible space inside the flat will be smaller. But still more than enough to see plenty of things. Proximity is what matters the most.

I was visiting relatives in Amsterdam recently and it was both surprising and refreshing to see that very few people bother with curtains or blinds, even at street level. It was weird at first to see people in their jammies watching TV of an evening as you walk on the street. Then very quickly you realise that is (and feels) wrong to be purposely looking into people's windows, and you stop doing it. At least that's how I felt anyway. Those who want to ensure privacy still can and do have curtains over there of course, but their absence is not an invitation to outsiders to look into what's going on inside people's homes.
Those who want to ensure privacy still can and do have curtains over there of course, but their absence is not an invitation to outsiders to look into what's going on inside people's homes.
Thing is, when a block has been built directly in your line of vision and the new residents are quite happy to have their full, brightly lit room on public display without curtains, blinds or covers, it's quite hard to avoid looking in their direction. Unless you expect people to shield their eyes when they look out of their window.

But regarding privacy concerns, anyone interested into peeking into other people's homes would be as capable of doing so through a standard size window, even if the visible space inside the flat will be smaller
Good luck to any Edge residents hoping to get a peek into the Barrier Block!
I particularly liked the quote in the Guardian about the rich bastards too.

If i were ever up on that viewing gallery, id be thinking the same. Im glad the rich bastard who was up there gathering ammunition for their pathetic court case overheard that.
Bit of hypocrisy here, behind that building (probably the cheaper side facing south-east) there is a tiny group of almshouses over shadowed completely by the buildings, the also have no privacy & were there a long time before this horror.
I have every sympathy with existing residents who now find their horizon totally dominated by this balcony-stuffed, viewing platform for the wealthy.
On the side facing the Barrier Block (you've seen the view from there, right?) they have balconies with full length windows, so anyone living above them in the block can see directly into their rooms.

I would send you photos but that would be a bit stalkery.
On the opposite side at least the balconies have mauve down-lighting. I only noticed this last night walking along Station Road to Gresham Road. It's quite noticeable from the Fire Station looking back.

What is the aesthetic meaning of this?
On the opposite side at least the balconies have mauve down-lighting. I only noticed this last night walking along Station Road to Gresham Road. It's quite noticeable from the Fire Station looking back.

What is the aesthetic meaning of this?
" Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, grandeur...."
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Bit of hypocrisy here, behind that building (probably the cheaper side facing south-east) there is a tiny group of almshouses over shadowed completely by the buildings, the also have no privacy & were there a long time before this horror.
What about the Friendly Almshouses in Stockwell Park Road then?

They've been done over twice. First by John Major's Stockwell Park Estate known at least in its earlier years as a "sin bin" where people were afraid to go out at night - not least if they were old ladies in the Friendly Alms Houses.

Now they are overshadowed by so-called "New Albemarle".
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