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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Autumn 2019

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Vaushall RVT Hustings
I went to this event on Saturday afternoon. The atmosphere was very different to the Herne Hill hustings the previous Tuesday, which was a capacity 300 crowd in the Half Moon Baptist Church.
The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is not an exceptionally large pub, and I would be surprised if there were many more than 100 at the hustings. Compèring was a bit different at the RVT too.

My most memorable take-ways were:
1. Lib Dem candidate Sarah Lewis saying chem sex drugs should be legalised - and access to addiction services improved. [that might have raised some eyebrows in Herne Hill Baptist Church]

2. Andrew McGuinness, BREXIT party guy was both eccentric and direct. When asked by Stonewall about trans people's rights he said he was in favour of everybody's rights, but this aspect was such a small section of the community it wasn't worth bothering with.

The compère retorted - "You heard it first here!" which seemed the only response in the circumstances.

The compère offered up a personal story on the NHS. He said his GP practice had been taken over by Lloyds Pharmacy, and when after a month-long wait he got an appointment it was with pharmacist, not a doctor, which he said was a cost-saving measure.

I haven't been able to trace any GP surgery which is owned by Lloyds Parmacy, can anyone point me in the right direction? Just curious.
Some pics from our Sat bash at the Dog. Great to see the place as busy as it used to be!





In photos: Queen Bitch party night at the Brixton Dogstar, Sat 7th Dec 2019
An absolute shitload of police cars have just hurtled alone Coldharbour Lane towards Loughborough Junc. Anyone know what's going on?
Vaushall RVT Hustings
I went to this event on Saturday afternoon. The atmosphere was very different to the Herne Hill hustings the previous Tuesday, which was a capacity 300 crowd in the Half Moon Baptist Church.
The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is not an exceptionally large pub, and I would be surprised if there were many more than 100 at the hustings. Compèring was a bit different at the RVT too.

My most memorable take-ways were:
1. Lib Dem candidate Sarah Lewis saying chem sex drugs should be legalised - and access to addiction services improved. [that might have raised some eyebrows in Herne Hill Baptist Church]

2. Andrew McGuinness, BREXIT party guy was both eccentric and direct. When asked by Stonewall about trans people's rights he said he was in favour of everybody's rights, but this aspect was such a small section of the community it wasn't worth bothering with.

The compère retorted - "You heard it first here!" which seemed the only response in the circumstances.

The compère offered up a personal story on the NHS. He said his GP practice had been taken over by Lloyds Pharmacy, and when after a month-long wait he got an appointment it was with pharmacist, not a doctor, which he said was a cost-saving measure.

I haven't been able to trace any GP surgery which is owned by Lloyds Parmacy, can anyone point me in the right direction? Just curious.

Good report.

Can u post about the Herne Hill one?
Apparently Brixton is awash with VFX artists. Jellyfish Pictures has two offices here. Their new one has room for 200 artists and a 50 seat screening room Jellyfish opens 200 artist ‘virtual’ studio in Brixton

Greetings to all you new Jellyfishes, whoever you are. Nice to have some more creative types around the place.
It's opposite the Barrier Block. Been there for ages. Can't say I've met or had any interaction with any of their employees, either personally, socially or via the popular Brixton site I run.
It's opposite the Barrier Block. Been there for ages. Can't say I've met or had any interaction with any of their employees, either personally, socially or via the popular Brixton site I run.

i know quite a lot of people who’ve freelanced there. Meant to be good to work for on the whole.
Because an awful lot of new businesses moving into Brixton tend to send Buzz a press release to introduce themselves/invite us to a launch/drinks etc.
Aah Buzz. Understood.
Guess I was positing the chance that there are several thousand active Urbs who also work with/for Jellyfish (whatever that organisation may be).

no biggy
Aah Buzz. Understood.
Guess I was positing the chance that there are several thousand active Urbs who also work with/for Jellyfish (whatever that organisation may be).
This is them:


They've got offices in The Edge in Brixton too. They seem to be doing very well for themselves with awards a-plenty and happy shareholders.

About Us - Jellyfish
Good report.
Can u post about the Herne Hill one?
My apologies - I started at the time but I had IT problems. You will appreciate, due to passage of time - and the fact that most of the messaging from candidates was standard stuff I'm only giving the over-view.
Herne Hill Hustings - Half Moon Lane Baptist Church Tuesday 3rd December 2019
Present on the podium - Jonathan Bartley (Green Party), Helen Hayes (Labour), Anthony Hodgson (Christian People's Alliance), Jane Lyons (Tory party)

Ms Lyons sought to take first blood by calling out financial mismanagement at King's College Hospital - which has been put into special measures.

This produced an interesting reaction. Both Jonathan Bartley (Green) and Helen Hayes (Labour) came back citing the history of the Orpington PFI hospital being bolted onto Kings - which was supposed to sort out the bankrupt PFI.

The Christian People's Alliance modestly and naively asked "What is PFI? - Is it some sort of investment scheme?".

Further interventions from Mr Hodgson (CPA) elucidated that he didn't expect to win, and was only really concerned about sorting out knife crime. Fair enough - but does he know anything more about knife crime than about PFI?

The other interesting spat was when Jane Lyons (Tory) pointed out that the Brexit Party candidate (who wasn't there) had previously been a Green Party approved cadidate. Not only that but Baroness Jenny Jones of Moulscoombe - an active Green member of the House of Lords - is in favour of Brexit.

I imagine Jonathan Bartley found this quite embarrassing, but could not see as he was about 25 yards from me and I hadn't taken my glasses.

I can't think of anything else that stepped outside the expected zones.

The compère of the Herne Hill forum hustings made a big thing of asking how many people had made their minds up how to vote at the beginning and the end of the event. He seemed a bit disappointed that there was not much movement!
I just voted and despite rain looked like a constant flow of people- Minet Road polling station.

I looked at the polling figures and slow in early morning. Lot of people around six PM.

I've been hearing that looks like high turnout across London

Massive queues outside London polling stations as people flock to vote

Hope this works well for Corbyn.

As I've said before at least one of my New Labour Cllrs wants to use this election to get rid of Corbyn. IMO so Labour party can be put back in hands of the "centre " again.
Got sent this. Yes it's a nice idea but when the comparatively tiny size of the gift is telegraphed to local media outlets via an expensive PR agency, the cynic in me is less impressed.

Dark nights, bright kids in Brixton

150 children in Brixton will be more visible when they are out and about, thanks to their local Specsavers store.

Inspired by Road Safety Week last month, Specsavers Brixton has teamed up with road safety charity, Brake, to encourage people to ‘step up for safe streets’.

The store has donated high-visibility vests to schools and community groups across the country to help make sure children are seen as the days get darker.

In Brixton 150 high visibility vests were given to Sudbourne Primary, St Judes and Jubilee Primary.

Fred Agyarko, store director at Specsavers Brixton, says: ‘We’re proud to be teaming up with Brake to try and make our roads safer. With the days getting darker, these vests will help make sure children are visible when they are out on the roads. After Road Safety Week we also want to encourage drivers to “step up for safe streets” by having regular eye tests to make sure their eyesight is as good as it can be.’

Mrs Bayford from St Judes Lambeth shares her gratitude: ‘Thank you to Specsavers for the very generous donation of 50 jackets for the reception children.’

Joshua Harris, Director of Campaigns from Brake, says: ‘School children are some of our most vulnerable road users and so it’s fantastic to see Specsavers partnering with local schools in light of Road Safety Week’.
I didn't see the point in voting in one of the safest Labour seats. Not voting for Corbyn makes me feel the tiniest bit less miserable about what he's done.

What has he done?

Given that all three local seats got comfortable Labour majorities Corbyn led Labour party did ok in Lambeth.
I've witnessed some awfully drunk people tonight - puke everywhere - and developed a hatred of Shed Seven based on the state of their fans.
Word is that the Brixton Brewdog really isn't doing very well at all, despite an expensive refurb so soon after opening. Oh dear, how sad.
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