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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Autumn 2019

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I think its unfortunate that the local Green party has joined up with Swinson LDs in trying to undermine the Labour party.

In my opinion, in Dulwich and West Norwood, the "so called pact" is all about the personal vanity of co-leader of the Green Party, Jonathan Bartley, wanting to have the status of being a big beast even though he hasn't a hope in hell of winning the seat.

Plenty of Lib Dem members in Coldharbour, Gipsy Hill, Herne Hill and Thurlow Park (and the Southwark bits of D&WN) were very annoyed that their young, gifted and black PPC Ade Fatukasi was displaced to give Jonathan Bartley a clear run as part of the national deal.
(Ade is now standing in Lewisham East instead)

If I lived in D&WN, I suspect I would find myself voting for Helen Hayes rather than Jonathan Bartley.
In my opinion, in Dulwich and West Norwood, the "so called pact" is all about the personal vanity of co-leader of the Green Party, Jonathan Bartley, wanting to have the status of being a big beast even though he hasn't a hope in hell of winning the seat.

Plenty of Lib Dem members in Coldharbour, Gipsy Hill, Herne Hill and Thurlow Park (and the Southwark bits of D&WN) were very annoyed that their young, gifted and black PPC Ade Fatukasi was displaced to give Jonathan Bartley a clear run as part of the national deal.
(Ade is now standing in Lewisham East instead)

If I lived in D&WN, I suspect I would find myself voting for Helen Hayes rather than Jonathan Bartley.

I like Bartley.

I do think the Remain Alliance is a mistake for the Greens. Listening to the 10 PM news on radio four and ther was report on the TV debate this evening.

The Green party representative said that they disagreed with LD position of Revoke article 50.

So as Ive posted before the Green party position is more similar to Labour party nationally.A second referendum. The Greens have more in common with Corbyn Labour than with LDs. In Lambeth Labour voters like me would vote Green at local elections and for Corbyn at national. Due to Lambeth still being run by New Labour. I will be voting Labour at this national election due to Corbyn.

I'm no great fan of Helen Hayes. She is not a Corbyn supporter.

I think Bartley / Lambeth Greens should have run on local issues. The resented estate "regeneration" policies. etc.

Hayes hasn't been publicly critical of the New Labour Lambeth Council.

So in short I think Lambeth Greens do a good job.

I can't stand Swinson.
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Got the Green party literature today.

I'm in Helen Hayes constituency. A Remainer Labour party MP.

As part of LD and Green party pact LD have stood aside so Green party can undermine Labour party vote. In a seat where the MP has made it clear she is Remain.

The Green party are trying to unseat a Remain Labour party MP.

What a load of bollox.

Green party have been stupid to sign themselves up to Tory lite Swinson effort to get rid of Corbyn.

For Tory lite politicians like Swinson a left government is worse than Brexit.

Swinson and LDs will do everything to stop Brexit except work with a left leader of Labour party.

Btw the Labour party position is another referendum. So I don't understand what Bartlley is going on about.

Its all about getting rid of Corbyn and all he represents as a turn to the left.

Like appalling policies of renationialing BT.

As FT said McDonnell is a Trotskyite.

Can't have these people running the country.

Nor can we have those people who support them having a say in this country.

Why can't we have return to the sensible middle ground?


This is idiotic on so many levels. HH had a solid majority at the last GE - 39,069 votes compared to 4,475 for the LDs and 1,408 for the Greens - so it's wishful thinking of the LD/G pact's part to think they can unseat her. And then, as you quite rightly say, she's a clear remain voter, which is surely what the LDs claim their most important policy/position is. So why are they going against her?

Why? Because of this: "For Tory lite politicians like Swinson a left government is worse than Brexit. Swinson and LDs will do everything to stop Brexit except work with a left leader of Labour party."

Also the Greens might have consulted this before going up against HH.
Guardian climate score: how did your MP do?

She has a 100% record of voting for Green issues. She's on their side. Fucking muppets. They're being taken for a ride by the LDs.

I live in WN, and I'll be voting the same way as last time - for HH and Labour. https://www.theguardian.com/environ.../11/guardian-climate-score-how-did-your-mp-do
This is idiotic on so many levels. HH had a solid majority at the last GE - 39,069 votes compared to 4,475 for the LDs and 1,408 for the Greens - so it's wishful thinking of the LD/G pact's part to think they can unseat her. And then, as you quite rightly say, she's a clear remain voter, which is surely what the LDs claim their most important policy/position is. So why are they going against her?

They're being taken for a ride by the LDs.
Your first paragraph makes total sense. But your ultimate conclusion says more about you that about the Lib Dems or Greens.

Looking at this from an informed but peripheral point of view, I imagine the dynamic went something like this:
Lib Dems been plugging away at Streatham and Dulwich and West Norwood for forty years, but with no sign of a breakthrough.
For historical reasons I don't understand the Lib Dems in the Southwark part of DAWN have been more resilient, whereas on the Lambeth side only Knights Hill ward has ever been Lib Dem, and one seat in Coldharbour, but this was 25 years ago.

On the other hand, the Greens regard DAWN as a target because they have a councillor in Herne Hill and one in Gypsy Hill.

I don't know what the dynamic was in doing the Remain Alliance deal, but I can see why the Lib Dems might have felt a able to stand down in DAWN in favour of the Greens. Though I said earlier in this discussion that it would have been interesting to see how a fresh young ethnic Lib Dem parliamentary candidate would have done. A sentiment lang rabbie seems to share.

I don't go along with the lang rabbie view about voting choice right now. I think Jonathan Bartley has a place on the Sunday Morning sofa - and maybe even the Moral Maze on Radio 4. His sort of thoughtful analysis of issues is something I value - and even though he is clearly not going to get it this time, I will definitely vote for him.

I don't understand this idea on here that not voting for Helen Hayes is some sort of disloyal nastiness. We do live in a democracy where everyone has freedom of choice.
I don't understand this idea on here that not voting for Helen Hayes is some sort of disloyal nastiness. We do live in a democracy where everyone has freedom of choice.

People can vote for whoever they want, that's not the issue. The issue is forming a "remain pact" against a sitting remain candidate. It's pointless...unless there's some other agenda.
People can vote for whoever they want, that's not the issue. The issue is forming a "remain pact" against a sitting remain candidate. It's pointless...unless there's some other agenda.
Did you say that Labour were asked to participate - and consistently refused?

Obviously in Peterborough Labour got what it wanted by doing this - a Labour MP rather that Femi Oluwole of the People's Vote campaign.

Here in Dulwich and West Norwood it's really not even worth arguing about - unless you happen to be a Momentum/Labour supporter whose attitudes align with Zanu-PF for example. In other words, co-opt moderates and then liquidate them.

BTW in Zimbabwe people are still complaining about Zanu-PF - been going on for 39 years with no end in sight.
On a lighter note - here's some photos from the Effra Social party last night!




Photos: Friday night Brixton Buzz party at the Effra Social, 29th Nov 2019
Your first paragraph makes total sense. But your ultimate conclusion says more about you that about the Lib Dems or Greens.

I agree with clandestino the Greens unfortunately have got themselves mixed up with Tory Lite Swinson strategy to stop Brexit and get rid of Corbyn.

I'm a Remainer just.

It clear to me that the mainstream Remainer movement which includes Swinson LDs want an end to Brexit plus a return to what is called the centre ground. Which means getting rid of Corbyn/ McDonnell. Not them personally but what they represent as a left politics which is regarded by centre politicians as illigitimate in the way the unwritten Constitution of this country works. Its not that Corbyn individually is unfit to govern. Its what he represents is unfit.

Which is why I'm only just a Remainer and have found some of the politics around the mainstream Remain camp off putting.

Swinson has made it clear more than once that she thinks a Labour party led by Corbyn ( or imo anyone from the left) is not how this country should work.

The whole problem since the last eonomic crisis and the referendum is that , to the frustration of centre politicians , that the voters are voting for "populists" . Either Boris ( whose making himself this countries Trump) or shock horror Marxists like Corbyn/ McDonnell. The nightmare of a government with a Trot as chancellor of the exchequer.

I recently heard some Tories on radio saying once the Brexit unpleasantness was out of the way this country can get back to centre politics. Tory Lite with a moderate Labour party equivalent and Cameron like Tory party. That Boris was a moderate sort of chap at heart only behaving like this due to the extreme circumstances.

Its clear to me Swinson strategy is to isolate left Labour party and replace it as the sensible left of centre party.

This isn't about betrayal. Its about politics.

I'm all for populists.

Its still up for grabs. But I don't want return to centre politics. I'm rather enjoying being part of the mainstream for the first time in years.

I also think Greens should stay clear of Swinson.
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I was going up Brixton Hill on the bus at about 2:00 (I think) this morning and part of the Hill was cordoned off behind police lines. The Northbound/downhill side, between Lambert Road and BWL. At least five police vehicles there. As the bus went past several of us stood up for the rubbernecking. I was (rather weirdly, it felt like) hoping to see evidence of a RTA. No ambulance. No wreckage. So then I realised I was hoping for a RTA because the immediate alternative was another knife attack.

It’s come to a pretty pass when one hopes for a car wreck because stabbings are so common. Two other people on the bus expressed the same thoughts.

The White Horse was still busy. My mind went “If it’s a stabbing incident would it have started the WH? Probably not but wouldn’t the OB shut it anyway? Probably not because they’d not want drunk crowds milling about while they do the weapons search” ... etc.

Anyway. No idea what happened, can’t find anything online, logging it here for the benefit of future sociologists mining forums for evidence if the past.
I was going up Brixton Hill on the bus at about 2:00 (I think) this morning and part of the Hill was cordoned off behind police lines. The Northbound/downhill side, between Lambert Road and BWL. At least five police vehicles there. As the bus went past several of us stood up for the rubbernecking. I was (rather weirdly, it felt like) hoping to see evidence of a RTA. No ambulance. No wreckage. So then I realised I was hoping for a RTA because the immediate alternative was another knife attack.

It’s come to a pretty pass when one hopes for a car wreck because stabbings are so common. Two other people on the bus expressed the same thoughts.

The White Horse was still busy. My mind went “If it’s a stabbing incident would it have started the WH? Probably not but wouldn’t the OB shut it anyway? Probably not because they’d not want drunk crowds milling about while they do the weapons search” ... etc.

Anyway. No idea what happened, can’t find anything online, logging it here for the benefit of future sociologists mining forums for evidence if the past.
That was already cordoned off shortly after midnight; I went past on a bus then. No evidence of an RTA.
This is idiotic on so many levels. HH had a solid majority at the last GE - 39,069 votes compared to 4,475 for the LDs and 1,408 for the Greens - so it's wishful thinking of the LD/G pact's part to think they can unseat her. And then, as you quite rightly say, she's a clear remain voter, which is surely what the LDs claim their most important policy/position is. So why are they going against her?

Why? Because of this: "For Tory lite politicians like Swinson a left government is worse than Brexit. Swinson and LDs will do everything to stop Brexit except work with a left leader of Labour party."

Also the Greens might have consulted this before going up against HH.
Guardian climate score: how did your MP do?

She has a 100% record of voting for Green issues. She's on their side. Fucking muppets. They're being taken for a ride by the LDs.

I live in WN, and I'll be voting the same way as last time - for HH and Labour.
I'm a voter in HH's ward. The massive majority basically means that my vote has zero effect on the outcome of the general election. I'd be tempted to use a green vote to register a futile protest against Lambeth council's housing policies and the failure of HH to speak out against it. I wouldn't do that in a more marginal seat where what you voted might contribute to the outcome of the GE.
Why, why?
:D I just uttered those words before scrolling down and seeing your post!

On a pedantic note - Mass was never in the crypt where Gremio is - it was on the fourth floor. The crypt was Bug, Bar Humbug and latterly Babalou. Perhaps she only frequented when Torture Garden was on, one of the few events which linked the two venues. :eek: :eek:
:D I just uttered those words before scrolling down and seeing your post!

On a pedantic note - Mass was never in the crypt where Gremio is - it was on the fourth floor. The crypt was Bug, Bar Humbug and latterly Babalou. Perhaps she only frequented when Torture Garden was on, one of the few events which linked the two venues. :eek: :eek:
I quite liked it. She’s got a love of the place, wasn’t completely hipster and included the buses.

Yes, she’s young(ish), pretty, enthusiastic and vegan, none of which I am, but I’ve seen a lot worse in the past.
Ridiculously short sentence. He'll be out in, what, 7 years?

The victim was just 24.

Man jailed following fatal collision, Brixton

I don’t see why that isn’t manslaughter. He might not have set out to kill, but when you drive at 90 in an urban area then it becomes an inevitability. Crime plus death equals manslaughter in my mind.

what a fucking bastard.
Look at this fucing awful 'studio' on offer for £758/month in Brixton



Check out this property to rent on Zoopla!

So the owner has managed to put in a small space as possible a rentable flat.

I've had enough of this. I was listening on the Today Programme this morning of the plight of older renters in other parts of the country.

Basically landlords are scum this country could do without.

What actual useful contribution to society do private landlords make to society?

None that I can see.
So the owner has managed to put in a small space as possible a rentable flat.

I've had enough of this. I was listening on the Today Programme this morning of the plight of older renters in other parts of the country.

Basically landlords are scum this country could do without.

What actual useful contribution to society do private landlords make to society?

None that I can see.
They were given absurd tax advantages when Buy To Let mortgages were legalized. And BTL mortgages are a grossly unjust mechanism for widening the gap between rich and poor. A rental property is a speculative investment, but you're allowed to borrow 6 or 7 times your stake money at low interest. How can that be right? You wouldn't get a loan in order to buy stocks or bonds. It's the biggest step we've taken back to the feudal system in modern history. A few years ago it was even worse - there were syndicates of landlords buying up entire blocks off-plan with a deposit of 5% or less. They were supposed to increase their stake when the blocks were built, but they connived with dodgy surveyors and solicitors to get around it. I don't know whether that's still going on. Maybe the banking crisis put a stop to it, Plenty of BTL specialist lenders went bust.
Coldharbour Lane outside the Albert is blocked. A police car had a minor collision with 2 other cars, and none of the cars can be moved an inch until traffic officers have inspected the scene.
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