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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014

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Please bare in mind when posting photos and comments on 'eccentric' people that being hyper in the medical sense can cause some outlandish behaviour that can be very distressing when viewed in retrospect. There's a difference between making the choice to present yourself in flamboyant and provocative manner because of your politics / lifestyle and behavour acted out in illness.
It's a fast running river this thread, you step outside for a moment to go to Bromley South for a drink with other Urbanites the you have to play catch up when you are drunk and you could make a misteke in your post.
There's a difference between making the choice to present yourself in flamboyant and provocative manner because of your politics / lifestyle and behavour acted out in illness.

That's the essence of the issue, does anyone know her medical history?

If it had been a man exposing himself in a simiar fashion how would people feel? The "Clapham Tranny", often seen in Brixton springs to my mind.
We are all on camera all of the time, we are the first generation to be subjected to this, we allowed it to happen and we do it to ourselves.

I think the first photograph is an excellent example of street photography, and i love this particular genre because it captures real life.
i'm quite sensitive about mental health stuff, and wasn't too bothered by editor's pictures because they were really of a scene and his comments were fairly neutral, he showed and telled, as it were.
I don't think that publishing them as part of a reportage piece or collection is a problem but I'm not sure a local gossip thread is the most appropriate place to do that.
That's the essence of the issue, does anyone know her medical history?

If it had been a man exposing himself in a simiar fashion how would people feel? The "Clapham Tranny", often seen in Brixton springs to my mind.
We are all on camera all of the time, we are the first generation to be subjected to this, we allowed it to happen and we do it to ourselves.

I think the first photograph is an excellent example of street photography, and i love this particular genre because it captures real life.

If any one does please keep it to yourself - it is none of your or my business. Capturing real life in photos is one thing - and I'm not sure I approve if the person featured has not given informed consent - endlessly speculating about the mental health of the person involved is unnecessary, damaging and downright rude. Are we just malicious village gossips? Please stop it.
i'm quite sensitive about mental health stuff, and wasn't too bothered by editor's pictures because they were really of a scene and his comments were fairly neutral, he showed and telled, as it were.
I took the photos because they were of a happy street scene. That's all. I would never post pictures of her naked, or distressed, or drunk, or in a manner that I felt was ridiculing or belittling her.
If any one does please keep it to yourself - it is none of your or my business. Capturing real life in photos is one thing - and I'm not sure I approve if the person featured has not given informed consent - endlessly speculating about the mental health of the person involved is unnecessary, damaging and downright rude. Are we just malicious village gossips? Please stop it.

That post would be better aimed at those speculating about her mental health.
I don't think that publishing them as part of a reportage piece or collection is a problem but I'm not sure a local gossip thread is the most appropriate place to do that.
The thread title is, "Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014." It's not just 'gossip' that gets posted here, as well you know.
You chose to interpret that question as one of gossip when it was a challenge to those speculating.

That's the essence of the issue, does anyone know her medical history?
I assumed you were making a more general question about the nature of street photography.

Be careful what you ask, it was not obvious if that was a rhetorical question. Someone on here will know her history and won't think twice about sharing it with the urb world, is that what you wanted?
And, on a related note, I wonder how long these businesses will remain operating, given the now-precious land on which they stand...

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Well given that they took over the old petrol station next door and use it for storage, they must be doing OK...and doubled up business when the old Fulham Timber merchants further up closed down. Hope they stick around, I use them a fair bit
The thread title is, "Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014." It's not just 'gossip' that gets posted here, as well you know.
If you are happy that your photo is prima facie distinguishable as news rather than chitter chatter, then fair enough.

A Brixton reportage thread might be quite interesting.
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Well given that they took over the old petrol station next door and use it for storage, they must be doing OK...and doubled up business when the old Fulham Timber merchants further up closed down. Hope they stick around, I use them a fair bit
I think the petrol station is a temporary thing whilst the new school is being planned. FTM is still in Brixton - on the Ellerslie Square industrial estate, Lyham Road.
Well given that they took over the old petrol station next door and use it for storage, they must be doing OK...and doubled up business when the old Fulham Timber merchants further up closed down. Hope they stick around, I use them a fair bit

Not to mention the old Herne Hill Timber being long gone.

Lets just hope this doesnt become a wine and cheese bar anytime soon.

Having said that I've been to scared to shop there - I don't think I'm butch or knowlegable enough to venture in there. Since the demise of HH Timber I've mostly got the odd bits of wood and board I needed from skips.
Acre Lane Timber and Builders Merchants are both really busy and I regularly see their trucks out doing deliveries. Their ultimate future depends on whether they own or rent the land.
Not to mention the old Herne Hill Timber being long gone.

Lets just hope this doesnt become a wine and cheese bar anytime soon.

Having said that I've been to scared to shop there - I don't think I'm butch or knowlegable enough to venture in there. Since the demise of HH Timber I've mostly got the odd bits of wood and board I needed from skips.
I know what you mean (and I spent years going in there and FTM every week :D). They can be ridiculously macho environments - although quite often I think this bluster is to cover up the fact that the knowledge isn't always great on the shop floor.
Acre Lane Timber and Builders Merchants are both really busy and I regularly see their trucks out doing deliveries. Their ultimate future depends on whether they own or rent the land.
Even if they own the land, I could see a developer slithering up and offering them a comparatively almighty sum of money for the land - enough to make them consider relocating and still trouser a healthy profit.

A couple of highrise lifestyle luxury blocks 'a short stroll from the Village' would no doubt make an absolute mint.
Acre Lane Timber and Builders Merchants are both really busy and I regularly see their trucks out doing deliveries. Their ultimate future depends on whether they own or rent the land.
FTM owned their land. The Moores brothers in Clapham North owned theirs too.
I know what you mean (and I spent years going in there and FTM every week :D). They can be ridiculously macho environments - although quite often I think this bluster is to cover up the fact that the knowledge isn't always great on the shop floor.

In the long gone* but not lamented FK Ellis on the corner of Water Lane I was once asked, "Do you know what you're doing with that screwdriver, luv?" I never went back. Peter and Ian in Herne Hill Timber were much more amenable and put up with our ignorance, ineptitude and silliness with good grace.

*So long ago that irony had not been invented.
And, on a related note, I wonder how long these businesses will remain operating, given the now-precious land on which they stand...

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I use Acre Lane Timber and the builders merchants a lot... they're always really busy and have just expanded to open an electrical shop too.

Also, if anyone was going to develop it into residential, I'd think a builders merchants would be perfectly placed to do it themselves.
I once saw, in a nearby park, the mass murder of four moorhen chicks by a crow with seemingly nothing to gain from the situation. :(
Yay spring! Yay nature!

Crows are carrion eaters. More than likely they'd be back to scran the dead chicks after a day or so.
Even if they own the land, I could see a developer slithering up and offering them a comparatively almighty sum of money for the land - enough to make them consider relocating and still trouser a healthy profit.

A couple of highrise lifestyle luxury blocks 'a short stroll from the Village' would no doubt make an absolute mint.

I think the new part that Acre Lane Timber took up is being turned into a school soon.

Cant be that easy to convert business to residential.
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