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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014

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Sunday after next (ie. 25th May), the Restart Project are holding one of their repair sessions in Herne Hill

There have been previous sessions at St Matthews Estate and other locations around Brixton. If you've got broken or malfunctioning electronics, bring it along and see if it can be brought back to life.
Have you been to any other of these events? My friend linked me to one In camberwell but I didn't go. I would like to learn about electronics etc but at the minute I can't think of anything broken... Actually, how advanced does it go? I have a shitty old mixer that sounds bad on one channel, could it cover that?
This is the state of play today;
My ankle is also swollen by the injected poison. The council ought to do something about the flies or whatever they are that are attacking innocent people in Brockwell Park, we never had mosquitoes back in the day.

Looks like the fly bites you get from insects / flies in the grass at HH velodrome.
Re: the conversation the other day about secure cycle parking, there is now a Lambeth Consultation about them, which asks if you want them for your street / outside your house:


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Lucky escape. I left my bike with keys in the top box for and hour and a half tonight. Back of town hall.A bit stressed going back to the bike but the keys were just dangling in the lock. :)
Whilst my Mum was visiting last year she called me to say she's lost her keys whilst she was out. When I got home I found them in the front door where they'd been all day.
It's as participatory as you want it to be. I haven't been to one myself, but know a few of the people involved. Some people learn to solder at these things, some just bring their broken stuff and get it repaired for free. Your duff mixer is an ideal candidate :)
cool i might swing by :)
Whilst my Mum was visiting last year she called me to say she's lost her keys whilst she was out. When I got home I found them in the front door where they'd been all day.

I did that overnight once - scary :eek:
It's beautiful out there, power walked to Clapham, did some Cup Final food shopping, power walked back to Brixton. Enroute return (Hargwyne Street), gave a house hunting couple directions to Stansfield Road, at least i think they were house hunters; they looked loaded. I used my phone satnav to do this as location was on the tip of my tounge and i was lost in music, "sorry to disturb you", they said, they were very polite.
Is that new Brixton Booty still on? The website seems to have gone. Was gonna give it a go on Sunday.

They are still tweeting updates (yesterday) and some photos so maybe just updating the website.
It looks a bit underwhelming to me from the pics but I have not actually visited.
Anyone been?

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Lots of basketball courts on council estates, just had a great forty minutes on my own shoot hoops including one from just inside the half way line, thrown underarm; yes i'm that good. Fantastic exercise. Maybe other Urbanites would like to join in? A little one on one, a bit of two on two? My court is in central Brixton but i would be willing to travel a short bike distance. PM if interested.
I think that might be someone getting their SW2s in a twist...

the article quotes SW16 and, reading the text, seems to be very much going on postcodes for related prices. It seems surprising but (as you know) there's some very pricey SW16 streets out there.

nothing much surprises me anymore tbh..
the article quotes SW16 and, reading the text, seems to be very much going on postcodes for related prices. It seems surprising but (as you know) there's some very pricey SW16 streets out there.

nothing much surprises me anymore tbh..

I live in SW16 next to a very pricey road.
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