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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014

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The fella in that photo was born on a council estate in Brixton, has lived all his life on a council estate on Brixton and even worked at the Albert for a while, so he's got a full deck of Brixton cred cards :)
Clint Eastwood?
Not exactly Brixton related but I have just had a call back from an ebay seller trying to explain that the gravel bag measuring 70cm x 80cm and filled 65cm deep which he sent me yesterday actually contains 1 cubic meter of material.
The fella in that photo was born on a council estate in Brixton, has lived all his life on a council estate on Brixton and even worked at the Albert for a while, so he's got a full deck of Brixton cred cards :)
I don't know who the guy is, I wasn't talking about him, it's the selection of pictures. But I'm sure there is something old Brixton about dim sum I'm not privy to
Yesterday i was bitten by a flying insect in Brockwell Park. It's the second bite in as many weeks, the other one was not local. Both bites have caused bad swelling at the puncture point. I'm normally immune to insect attacks.
Not exactly Brixton related but I have just had a call back from an ebay seller trying to explain that the gravel bag measuring 70cm x 80cm and filled 65cm deep which he sent me yesterday actually contains 1 cubic meter of material.
Does not compute, unless the gravel was shovelled loose into a standardised measure, then heavily compacted as it was bagged. I could swear there's been something in the air, bringing out rogue ebay sellers in droves this last month.
Yesterday i was bitten by a flying insect in Brockwell Park. It's the second bite in as many weeks, the other one was not local. Both bites have caused bad swelling at the puncture point. I'm normally immune to insect attacks.
I think there are horseflies or similar in the park- I know a couple of people who've had horrible bites recently.
Try real Lemon Juice on the bite
Or antihistamine cream, and stock up on insect repellant.

The only time I've had such a bad reaction was a Polish mozzie bite last summer - It stayed swollen and full of gunk for long enough to leave a scar. BTW don't get me wrong, I get bitten pretty badly by midges, gnats, and horseflies, but that's quantity not severity.
Or antihistamine cream, and stock up on insect repellant.

The only time I've had such a bad reaction was a Polish mozzie bite last summer - It stayed swollen and full of gunk for long enough to leave a scar. BTW don't get me wrong, I get bitten pretty badly by midges, gnats, and horseflies, but that's quantity not severity.
eat garlic and take a B12 supplement. Apparently it makes you less tasty. Works for me, I used to be insect-magnet.
Or antihistamine cream, and stock up on insect repellant.

The only time I've had such a bad reaction was a Polish mozzie bite last summer - It stayed swollen and full of gunk for long enough to leave a scar. BTW don't get me wrong, I get bitten pretty badly by midges, gnats, and horseflies, but that's quantity not severity.

Them Polish mosquitos coming over here drinking our blood.......
eat garlic and take a B12 supplement. Apparently it makes you less tasty. Works for me, I used to be insect-magnet.
Glad that it works for you, I already do both, no change. *adds jungle formula to the urgent list*
Yesterday i was bitten by a flying insect in Brockwell Park. It's the second bite in as many weeks, the other one was not local. Both bites have caused bad swelling at the puncture point. I'm normally immune to insect attacks.
Just been getting annihilated by mozzies in the garden - first time this year.
Thankfully they are not as bad as Welsh midges. Just a couple of bites from those pin prick sized beasts and my alter ego of Michelin man starts to emerge.

ETA - not really annihalated, to be fair. A few bites around the ankles. :oops:
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