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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Lambeth Green party clearly in favour of LTNs according to their website. Also in favour of segregated cycle lanes, workplace parking levies etc.
This statement seems pretty unequivocal though there always seem to be some individual green activists way off message on various things (look at Lord Jenny Jones ffs)

"Not rip up LTNs, they're literally apartheid" types I hasten to add. Just don't like Lambeth Labour's way of implementing
"Not rip up LTNs, they're literally apartheid" types I hasten to add. Just don't like Lambeth Labour's way of implementing
There was some criticism of “process” by greens the Herne Hill hustings. I never hear a clear plan fo how they’d do it differently - you’ll never get consensus and agreement from everyone. The history of Rosendale Road and Dulwich Village shows that - through 6 years of consultation the same voices have objected to every type of scheme you can imagine, even just to a signposted route through the area without anything but painted symbols. a load of voices attacking LTNs are just as much against even 20mph speed limits.

i can’t think of a better, fairer, way to make changes than to implement them as trials and see what the real impacts are. And to make changes based on feedback. That’s surely better than en paper consultations that never lead to anything actually changing. Unless your objective is to maintain the status quo.

but all this has been said many times before in this thread.
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There was some criticism of “process” by greens the Herne Hill hustings. I never hear a clear plan fo how they’d do it differently - you’ll never get consensus and agreement from everyone. The history of Rosendale Road and Dulwich Village shows that - through 6 years of consultation the same voices have objected to every type of scheme you can imagine, even just to a signposted route through the area without anything but painted symbols. a load of voices attacking LTNs are just as much against even 20mph speed limits.

i can’t think of a better, fairer, way to make changes than to implement them as trials and see what the real impacts are. And to make changes based on feedback. That’s surely better than en paper consultations that never lead to anything actually changing. Unless your objective is to maintain the status quo.

but all this has been said many times before in this thread.
The one thing I agree could have been done better is communication beforehand, but they needed to be rushed to get the funding.

The new proposed ones - Brixton Hill & Streatham Wells - have had really good engagement. Yet the same people will oppose an say the weren't consulted....
The one thing I agree could have been done better is communication beforehand, but they needed to be rushed to get the funding.

The new proposed ones - Brixton Hill & Streatham Wells - have had really good engagement. Yet the same people will oppose an say the weren't consulted....
How could comms be better? This stuff is in the council mags they deliver, it’s on BrIxton Buzz and Brixton Blog. There are letters sent to every home

how little attention engagement do th complainers have with their local area? ( I remember years back at a new park road meeting someone saying they threw away without reading anything that looked like it came from the council).
How could comms be better? This stuff is in the council mags they deliver, it’s on BrIxton Buzz and Brixton Blog. There are letters sent to every home

how little attention engagement do th complainers have with their local area? ( I remember years back at a new park road meeting someone saying they threw away without reading anything that looked like it came from the council).
I mean the emergency covid ones. There wasn't time for consultation beforehand.
I mean the emergency covid ones. There wasn't time for consultation beforehand.
Except the Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood consultation that was underway - as shown by the start of this thread in may 2019, more than a year before the trial LTNs went in.

Thread 'Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists'
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

At the heart of our proposal is transforming Atlantic Road in the town centre, but the ambition goes well beyond this, with proposals to create ‘low traffic neighbourhoods’ in adjacent residential areas that link communities together and ‘healthy routes’ for walking and cycling.
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Except the Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood consultation that was underway - as shown by the start of this thread in may 2019, more than a year before the trial LTNs went in.

Thread 'Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists'
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

At the heart of our proposal is transforming Atlantic Road in the town centre, but the ambition goes well beyond this, with proposals to create ‘low traffic neighbourhoods’ in adjacent residential areas that link communities together and ‘healthy routes’ for walking and cycling.
When do we get a livable Atlantic road ??
Makes sense, I think generally it is possible to have a nuanced position on LTNs without being a climate change denier or similar
Try to espouse a nuanced opinion online, however, and Ian Armstrong and the rest of his lot will soon be gaslighting you in the most unpleasant terms. Which you might find makes you less interested in finding common ground with them. Kinda like ukippers that way.
When do we get a livable Atlantic road ??
It feels like through traffic count is way down due to the Railton LTN. What it needs now (in my view) is wider pavements/repaving (expensive and will be attacked as gentrification ) and ruthless parking enforcement. Traffic volumes and speeds aren’t high but it’s not fun to walk along or cross it

All the onesie complaints about the impact of the Railton LTN on custom for the shops there suggests parking enforcement will be seen by some as an attack on BAME businesses. Buses and Emergency Services are held up all the time due to illegal parking on Atlantic Road but we never hear a word of concern about it.

This is electric avenue on a typical Sunday. Supposedly “no stopping/parking” at any time.

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and looks like the Dulwich Village Labour councillors have increased their vote share! Maybe the anger is actually mostly from people not from the area!

Maybe the onesies tweeting that the vote was going to be fixed wasn’t the best way of getting out their support ?

Sounds like LTNs are the will of the people - Southwark should crack on
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Wandsworth tory council abandoned their LTNs - and have been voted out for the first time in decades.

And Westminster have not tended to be very supportive of changes in favour of pedestrians & cyclists.

Were LTNs / traffic measures presented as major issues in either of these areas?

Of course it's difficult to untangle it from all the other reasons people have turned against the Tories.
Whilst I’m a fan of LTNs, I think interpreting the result in such a way is dodgy. I could equally argue that the redevelopment of Cressingham Gardens is obviously extremely popular on that basis. And it’s clearly not.
If the conservatives and onesies hadn’t made this central to their campaigning and canvassing in these wards I’d have more sympathy, but these results clearly demonstrate that. It really is a tiny number who care enough to register a protest vote.
If the conservatives and onesies hadn’t made this central to their campaigning and canvassing in these wards I’d have more sympathy, but these results clearly demonstrate that. It really is a tiny number who care enough to register a protest vote.
Did they actually campaign much in that ward.? I have some sympathy with your argument in Dulwich Village for example with this result where there was a heavy campaign on this, but I just don’t think you can interpret in this way across all wards. And I’m super pro LTNs.
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