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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

It’s still congested at times, new rush hours at various times including for Ubers at the weekends. Noise and arguments still happening - the increased traffic on Ferndale Road West as the only entry/exit is not nice for peoples mental health.
It sounds like how Railton used to be pre-LTN. Sorry I don’t know much about the local road layout but here, Dulwich road takes the traffic, could Acre/Bedford do the same if ferndale was blocked off?
It sounds like how Railton used to be pre-LTN. Sorry I don’t know much about the local road layout but here, Dulwich road takes the traffic, could Acre/Bedford do the same if ferndale was blocked off?
Sounds like we were like Railton is now before the LTN went in. Still waiting for stage 2 report but residents have done counts too periodically and the increased traffic hasn’t stopped.
It's called effective campaigning, look it up.

I think they're finding that tweeting something, having that tweet reported, and then resharing the original tweet and request to take it down as screenshots is not actually an effective way to get around the rules.
I don't have, as the kids say, receipts, but just the usual guff about dictators and racists and so on and so on. The usual sensible campaigning stuff, y'know.

But it's getting more personal and just nastier. I guess once you've effectively claimed that this is the worst atrocity ever committed, you can't really back off from that to a more sensible position.
They do seem to hate any sort of walking or cycling scheme, anywhere, even when they claim to not drive themselves.
They do seem to hate any sort of walking or cycling scheme, anywhere, even when they claim to not drive themselves.

It’s bizarre and cult like - complains about congestion, demonises people who stop driving.

Logically - they should want everyone off the roads apart from themselves.
He’s the only person who posts about Boris all the time too. Would be surprised if there wasn’t a connection to the stickers. Yet he also complains about the planters looking a mess.
He’s the only person who posts about Boris all the time too. Would be surprised if there wasn’t a connection to the stickers. Yet he also complains about the planters looking a mess.

They are all a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.
Looks like the kind of thing foxes do to me tbh.
They aren't talking about the sign in the picture, they are taking about a police report of someone who has reported having someone try to break down their door, police filled a as attempted burglary, no further action.

The anti LTN loon is claiming it was attempted murder ("just asking questions") by Pro LTN activists ("alleged")

Which is hilarious if you know the area and the pro LTN activists, which I do because I live here.

But I would report that tweet if I had a Twitter account. It's a fucking disgusting accusation and if it was against an actual individual it would be good evidence of harassment and of course defamation but that's expensive and difficult to pursue.
Local Tories coming out strongly against the LTNs. One very vocal opponent seems to have joined them as well.

They also believe the Tulse Hill LTN has been made permanent (it hasn't) so good news there!

Oh are they running in those areas? I'd assumed they would be campaigning in Dulwich/Clapham
I doubt it. The issue is that the local conservative party chairman lives on a road just outside an LTN..... You can work out the rest. They just want to stir it up rather than trying to be part of a solution
I think the Brixton Hill LTN will include my kids’ school. I don’t care if it becomes a LTN, a school road with limited access at x times of day, or even gets a zebra crossing or lollypop person, something has to change. Fed up with rat running motorists whizzing down it thinking they’ve got priority over 10 year olds walking solo and much younger kids walking with their parents. One of my daughter’s friend’s mum got literally run over some years ago. :mad:
I think the Brixton Hill LTN will include my kids’ school. I don’t care if it becomes a LTN, a school road with limited access at x times of day, or even gets a zebra crossing or lollypop person, something has to change. Fed up with rat running motorists whizzing down it thinking they’ve got priority over 10 year olds walking solo and much younger kids walking with their parents. One of my daughter’s friend’s mum got literally run over some years ago. :mad:
Don't know if it's New Park Road if you're talking about but that just goes to show you can't improve streets without drastically reducing traffic The 'improvements' there have been a complete failure and waste of money. Bent cycle hoops and the trees will be lucky to last long.


As you say, why should we prioritise motor traffic over kids, particularly when it's just trying to avoid the main roads.
There’s also Morrish Road with its weird house/studio/storage place which takes up the space where the pavement should be. You either have to properly cross to the other side and then back again, or just walk in the road past the house. Psychologically people are wired to do the second. Add in the big vans that park illegally on the double yellows, particularly infuriating at school run time, and motorists taking their technical right of way and it’s really not very pleasant.
There’s also Morrish Road with its weird house/studio/storage place which takes up the space where the pavement should be. You either have to properly cross to the other side and then back again, or just walk in the road past the house. Psychologically people are wired to do the second. Add in the big vans that park illegally on the double yellows, particularly infuriating at school run time, and motorists taking their technical right of way and it’s really not very pleasant.
I've always wondered how that ended up like that - whether it's a quirk of the property ownership or whether someone just decided to build on the pavement at some point and no-one stopped them. Either way, the pavement ought to be built out around it, parking spaces on other side removed if necessary. As it is, there's not even a dropped kerb to let you go onto the roadway to go around or to cross.
I think the Brixton Hill LTN will include my kids’ school. I don’t care if it becomes a LTN, a school road with limited access at x times of day, or even gets a zebra crossing or lollypop person, something has to change. Fed up with rat running motorists whizzing down it thinking they’ve got priority over 10 year olds walking solo and much younger kids walking with their parents. One of my daughter’s friend’s mum got literally run over some years ago. :mad:
Outside my kid's school is traffic chaos but I'd say it is largely parents rather than rat runners. Some really terrible driving and cars always mounting pavements.

I had an interesting exchange with a Lambeth engineer who was marking up a new position for a bollard slap bang in the middle of a pavement. The last bollard - put there to prevent vehicles from mounting and driving along the pavement - had been flattened by a reversing truck. He said it was being repositioned into the middle of the pavement so that it was away from the kerb and protected from vehicles driving into it. It did not appear to have occurred to him that he was making an allowance for vehicles to encroach half way onto the pavement and that it no longer fully protected pedestrians. Which seems like very bizarre thinking.
Outside my kid's school is traffic chaos but I'd say it is largely parents rather than rat runners. Some really terrible driving and cars always mounting pavements.

I had an interesting exchange with a Lambeth engineer who was marking up a new position for a bollard slap bang in the middle of a pavement. The last bollard - put there to prevent vehicles from mounting and driving along the pavement - had been flattened by a reversing truck. He said it was being repositioned into the middle of the pavement so that it was away from the kerb and protected from vehicles driving into it. It did not appear to have occurred to him that he was making an allowance for vehicles to encroach half way onto the pavement and that it no longer fully protected pedestrians. Which seems like very bizarre thinking.

Historic answer to motorists encroaching on pedestrian space always seemed to be to take away pedestrian space. The bollards effectively taking about a third of the width of the busy pavements here on CHR are a particularly poor example. I wonder what driver behaviour necessitated these in the first place?


Nursery Road another one
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