I have sympathy that its someone else feeling the same pain over the same issue. I saw Sofia speak at the first protest (in September?) so its hardly like she is new to the scene. I don't really have empathy because I don't know her struggle, I don't have to look after anyone disabled (just old). I am not fighting for disabled rights, for other rights. I'm fighting these because they have affected me. I cant think of a single other initiative that has affected me so much. Even Brexit is no non issue compared to life impact.
People were upset, united and protesting before they decided to go legal. Its one aspect of the whole thing.....and of course she has support of the group. Shes seen as being on the same side but is no way considered teh spearhead.
The legal case gets a lot of attention because it's reportable... but the small time I get to browse Facebook and other places I see 20 different things happening. Different areas meeting to flyer, people making big signs for the outside their house (like for sale signs), petitioning, people in streatham doing their own detailed before and after traffic counts and on and on. It might appear like it was centered around her but that's given the court case was literaly just going on, it was an exciting time.