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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

teuchter snowy_again the One Lewisham website is a clear winner in my opinion.
Seems to stick to the facts rather than dispute the ideology.
Their strapline - "Healthy streets for all" is an aspiration no-one could quarrel with.
The One Lewisham counter-anaylsis of Lewisham Council's policy justification leaflet is clear.

Living in Lewisham Borough is the traffic equivalent to living under an approach to Heathrow Airport I imagine.

Nearly 40 years back I attended a Brixton Society meeting where a motorway campaigner showed a film contrasting the rural delights of the South Circular Road with the urban hell of the North Circular Road. All this on Super 8 with projector and portable screen. The point was to campaign against making or replacing the South Circular with a more authentic ring-road (as has been on the cards since World War II).

It's a shame this film is not extant. The flipping from Vivaldi's Four Seasons on the South Circular to super-enhanced traffic noise on the North Circular was a dramatic example of music as agitprop.

As you know I live on Coldharbour Lane. My subjective feeling is that since the Coronavirus outbreak there have been more cars parked up on the street. - night and day. And on both sides. As a non-car owner I don't know what the rules are. But it was normal until recent times for cars to park on the north side and never on the south side.
This rule seems to have been sidelined now.

I guess in LTNs its the same thing. So long as you have a parking permit you can clog up the side-roads. Just make sure no-one else is allowed to drive down them?
Hadn't seen this - it looks like Southwark have decided to make an exemption for blue badge holders. That suggests it's technically feasible so I hope Lambeth decide to do the same

Dulwich Village and Walworth Low Traffic Neighbourhood Schemes
Blue Badge holders who live within the Dulwich Village and Walworth Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) trials can register for a free exemption from the camera enforced traffic restrictions, in their neighbourhoods.

LTNs are designed to make residential streets safer, encourage people to walk and cycle more and reduce air pollution. However, in the course of our work listening to the people who live in the Dulwich Village and Walworth LTN trials, we have learned that Blue Badge holders may be disproportionately impacted by the schemes.

Blue Badge holders often have reduced mobility, which can make walking and cycling much more difficult. In the interest of equality and in response to our residents, we are therefore inviting Blue Badge holders to register for an exemption. The exemption is to allow blue badge holders living in the LTN to travel with ease in their local area. Access to every property within the LTN remains available at all times for all road users
Interesting that those who feel strongly either way are fairly evenly split 19/18%. It's the difference between those who on balance tend towards supporting LTNs and those who tend towards not doing so where the majority in favour lies.

Out of interest - where would people vote?

I would struggle to answer the questions. As an general concept I think that I'd tend to support. Possibly strongly? But I have strong reservations about the local implementation - and I don't think there is a question about that. So my strong reservations would not be noted. I might possibly end up in the IDKs. I wonder whether that is similar amongst those who only tend one way or another? And I wonder whether there is much difference in support between those who live in LTNs and those who don't? (I have not read it so perhaps that info is available).
Hadn't seen this - it looks like Southwark have decided to make an exemption for blue badge holders. That suggests it's technically feasible so I hope Lambeth decide to do the same

It's been technically feasible since day 1. Lambeth have been exempting Veolia vehicles and their own vehicles.
They were asked to extend it to blue badge holders 9 months ago and chose not to.
It's been technically feasible since day 1. Lambeth have been exempting Veolia vehicles and their own vehicles.
They were asked to extend it to blue badge holders 9 months ago and chose not to.

Isn’t the problem that the badge is associated with the individual not the vehicle?
Isn’t the problem that the badge is associated with the individual not the vehicle?
That is true, but

To qualify for a free, local Blue Badge exemption you must:
  • have a valid Blue Badge, issued by Southwark Council
  • live in Walworth or Dulwich, within the boundary area shown on the maps A&B
  • identify one vehicle to be registered for the scheme, per Blue Badge.
Not really any more difficult than registering all the Veolia vehicles or your own council vehicles, if you wanted to.
And of course, it's only available to the select few who live within the LTN. Not all Blue Badges are equal.
Maybe that will make it a more attractive option for Lambeth council though.
The anti LTN movement seems to be a broad church. In Ealing one of the local Labour MPs seemed to be saying that LTNs made woman vulnerable and afraid of assault. In Lewisham I believe at least one Labour MP came out against.

I know Labour activists in Streatham who are anti (although that doesn't mean they necessarily campaign). I know of some Lambeth Greens who are anti too. So would not surprise me of various Lib Dems here and there were too. I also recall reading that Vauxhall Conservatives were quite split when deciding whether to oppose LTNs or not.

On the other hand the One Lambeth plan now seems to be signing up to all of the traditional criticisms against Lambeth Labour (not that this a bad thing) so maybe they could turn into a political party?

I believe that similar groups exist all over, the residents associations that provide councillors in various local authorities for one. So assumedly they are in some way recognised by the EC
The anti LTN movement seems to be a broad church. In Ealing one of the local Labour MPs seemed to be saying that LTNs made woman vulnerable and afraid of assault. In Lewisham I believe at least one Labour MP came out against.

I know Labour activists in Streatham who are anti (although that doesn't mean they necessarily campaign). I know of some Lambeth Greens who are anti too. So would not surprise me of various Lib Dems here and there were too. I also recall reading that Vauxhall Conservatives were quite split when deciding whether to oppose LTNs or not.

On the other hand the One Lambeth plan now seems to be signing up to all of the traditional criticisms against Lambeth Labour (not that this a bad thing) so maybe they could turn into a political party?

I believe that similar groups exist all over, the residents associations that provide councillors in various local authorities for one. So assumedly they are in some way recognised by the EC
Given the heavy handed way I and many others were treated by OneLambeth on Facebook - where even the mildest criticism results in instant banning without appeal - I don't see them as a particularly credible or even likeable alternative.
The anti LTN movement seems to be a broad church. In Ealing one of the local Labour MPs seemed to be saying that LTNs made woman vulnerable and afraid of assault. In Lewisham I believe at least one Labour MP came out against.

I know Labour activists in Streatham who are anti (although that doesn't mean they necessarily campaign). I know of some Lambeth Greens who are anti too. So would not surprise me of various Lib Dems here and there were too. I also recall reading that Vauxhall Conservatives were quite split when deciding whether to oppose LTNs or not.

On the other hand the One Lambeth plan now seems to be signing up to all of the traditional criticisms against Lambeth Labour (not that this a bad thing) so maybe they could turn into a political party?

I believe that similar groups exist all over, the residents associations that provide councillors in various local authorities for one. So assumedly they are in some way recognised by the EC

I agree with your analysis.

The hardening of battle lines on both pro and anti sides is due to Council using pandemic to push this through without the consultation they promised before pandemic. Gone are "we have learned lessons from failed LJ project" as one officer said pre pandemic.

Take this a woman with disabilities being part of One Lambeth case against Council.

I notice in the article the Council response is dismissive to the point of being insulting. Back to business as usual for Lambeth consultation.

The Council reply in article funnily enough omits this Tory government told them to do this as well as giving funding.

Would not fit the narrative of this right on Council doing its best for underprivileged local people.
I hope that One Lambeth put up lots of candidates, so we can get a good picture of how much support they really have.

If they are turning into an active political entity rather than just a collective of objectors on a single issue, then they can be asked what their proposals are to deal with air pollution, congestion, road safety and equitable access to transport. If they are going to put people up for election then surely they will have some policies that deal with all things better than LTNs do. I look forward to seeing them. And then if they get into power I look forward to going along to all the consultations they'll be organising to get feedback on their proposed interventions.
At least One Lambeth candidates might be proposing that people are consulted and listened to properly unlike the One Party State of New Labour Lambeth.

I think a few more Cllrs independent from the New Labour Party would be good thing.
While my observations of course are not going to be neutral, I feel it's now a while since I've seen traffic backed up along Coldharbour Lane.

We're now partially out of lockdown, and today I happened to walk from Brixton to Loughborough Junction at around 5.30 which ought to be rush hour time, but I was struck by how quiet the roads seemed (with the exception of a queue of cars waiting to get into the car wash by the barrier block).

Have the dwellers of Coldharbour Lane noticed things being better than they were a few months back? I know there is currently the complication of CHL being closed in central Brixton, but on the other hand Atlantic Road is now open again. And Gresham Rd as far as I could see did not seem to be particularly busy.

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While my observations of course are not going to be neutral, I feel it's now a while since I've seen traffic backed up along Coldharbour Lane.

We're now partially out of lockdown, and today I happened to walk from Brixton to Loughborough Junction at around 5.30 which ought to be rush hour time, but I was struck by how quiet the roads seemed (with the exception of a queue of cars waiting to get into the car wash by the barrier block).

Have the dwellers of Coldharbour Lane noticed things being better than they were a few months back? I know there is currently the complication of CHL being closed in central Brixton, but on the other hand Atlantic Road is now open again. And Gresham Rd as far as I could see did not seem to be particularly busy.

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Your point is?

Perhaps you should go an look at where CHL traffic has been displaced.

On general note I'm seeing a lot more traffic in West End. Since shops re opened.

'normal " road use will only happen when pandemic is fully ended.

There may be some changes as depending on how much WFH becomes permanent.
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While my observations of course are not going to be neutral, I feel it's now a while since I've seen traffic backed up along Coldharbour Lane.

We're now partially out of lockdown, and today I happened to walk from Brixton to Loughborough Junction at around 5.30 which ought to be rush hour time, but I was struck by how quiet the roads seemed (with the exception of a queue of cars waiting to get into the car wash by the barrier block).

Have the dwellers of Coldharbour Lane noticed things being better than they were a few months back? I know there is currently the complication of CHL being closed in central Brixton, but on the other hand Atlantic Road is now open again. And Gresham Rd as far as I could see did not seem to be particularly busy.

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Photos can lie - particularly if the Coldharbour Lane Atlantic section is closed due to Gas Main replacement work. I note the photos are not date stamped anyway. Could even be early on a Sunday morning.

My living room and kitchen look out over Coldharbour Lane.
I can assure everyone that it is still full of intensive traffic at busy times - LTN ot no LTN.
Why don;t you get the council do a traffic count here instead of Railton Road which is now next best thing to Desert Island Discs apparently.
Quite strong reactions to someone asking a question there.

For what it's worth the queues westbound on Christchurch Rd (Sth Circular) seem to have gone down a lot in the last few months. Traffic's going to be doing very odd things though this year so it's going to difficult to tell what is causing what.
I live in Shakespeare Road just round the corner from Coldharbour Lane.
Coldharbour has been quiet since they closed off the section where it joins the main junction at Brixton a few weeks ago.
Up to that point it was very busy and when they reopen it I don't doubt it will be very busy again.

We'll see the full impact of these schemes as the lockdown slowly ends and people start to drift back to normal work patterns and traffic resumes.
I did also notice yesterday that Robsart street had quite a bit of traffic on it and looking at google maps it's quite plausible that some journeys are being diverted that way.

We will have to see what happens when the gas works finish.

As far as I know Lambeth are doing a count - somewhere near the LJ Tesco. As per the first monitoring report that was released a couple of weeks back.
Lambeths report showed a 5% decrease at that spot back in September and a 9% increase at the bit between Atlantic Road and Brixton cross. That's for All Motor Vehicles and not just cars.

TfLs traffic light data showed
N09/027: J09/027 Coldharbour Lane/Loughborough Road/Hinton Road 3% increase
N09/025: J09/025 Coldharbour Lane/Gresham Road/Barrington Road/Moorland Road 8% increase
N09/026: J09/026 Coldharbour Lane/Atlantic Road 14% increase
N09/010: J09/010 A23 Brixton Road/Brixton Hill/Acre Lane/Coldharbour Lane 12% increase
That's for the same weeks in 2020 and 2019 with Lambeths Covid weighting applied.

We'll just have to wait and see what the numbers look like later in the year when things are, hopefully, back to normal.
Lambeths report showed a 5% decrease at that spot back in September and a 9% increase at the bit between Atlantic Road and Brixton cross. That's for All Motor Vehicles and not just cars.

TfLs traffic light data showed
N09/027: J09/027 Coldharbour Lane/Loughborough Road/Hinton Road 3% increase
N09/025: J09/025 Coldharbour Lane/Gresham Road/Barrington Road/Moorland Road 8% increase
N09/026: J09/026 Coldharbour Lane/Atlantic Road 14% increase
N09/010: J09/010 A23 Brixton Road/Brixton Hill/Acre Lane/Coldharbour Lane 12% increase
That's for the same weeks in 2020 and 2019 with Lambeths Covid weighting applied.

We'll just have to wait and see what the numbers look like later in the year when things are, hopefully, back to normal.
What's the source for the traffic light data?
Brixton Hill and Effra Road were catastrophically busy last week and deserted this. It’s very odd. And I’ve seen traffic far from the LTNs like in Sydenham do the same. It’s going to be hard to make sense of it. Public transport is looking busier so that may have something to do with it.
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