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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Also worth pointing out that the common argument of increased journey times for disabled people is a feature of people still taking non essential journeys in cars, not LTN's. If those who don't need to drive used alternatives then there wouldn't be a problem. As for taxis that ask people to meet them at the bottom of a road because they can't be arsed to go a long way around? Take away their license. Simple as that. No taxi - not a single one - is prevented from using a road in an LTN. They're just being lazy twats.
Also worth pointing out that the common argument of increased journey times for disabled people is a feature of people still taking non essential journeys in cars, not LTN's. If those who don't need to drive used alternatives then there wouldn't be a problem. As for taxis that ask people to meet them at the bottom of a road because they can't be arsed to go a long way around? Take away their license. Simple as that. No taxi - not a single one - is prevented from using a road in an LTN. They're just being lazy twats.
It's a good article. But it highlights a lot more than that as obstacles, as I regularly point out.
It also highlights how negative the impact has been of lack of proper consultation.
Also worth pointing out that the common argument of increased journey times for disabled people is a feature of people still taking non essential journeys in cars, not LTN's. If those who don't need to drive used alternatives then there wouldn't be a problem. As for taxis that ask people to meet them at the bottom of a road because they can't be arsed to go a long way around? Take away their license. Simple as that. No taxi - not a single one - is prevented from using a road in an LTN. They're just being lazy twats.

You really don't understand how the economy works. Shows how people like you are out of touch.

You sound more like a boss of a delivery company.

This comment shows prejudice and contempt for the working class.
I don't believe that LTNs make things better for the majority of wheelchair users. Less traffic is probably one of the lower down issues that impacts on people getting around in wheelchairs. I think it will be very little help to this group at all so wish you would stop using them to make your point.
That's a fair enough point and I should be careful about speaking for people whose experiences I don't directly share.

But I have tried to limit my claims for what is achieved by the current implementation of the trial LTNs. It's certainly true that they don't include a lot of things that would be needed to make a meaningful difference for people in wheelchairs. Throughout, I've said that I'd agree that if technically feasible there should be exemptions for blue badge holders, while I'll continue to argue against a general exemption for residents.

I would see the current schemes as an early step along the road to street infrastructure that genuinely prioritises those who are walking, or getting around on non motorised wheels. Pavements need to be widened and made level, there needs to be consistent level access everywhere and there needs to be an absolute ban on things like pavement parking, and widened to remove other obstructions whether they are wheely bins on pavements that are simply to narrow for them, or people dumping giant christmas trees or other rubbish on pedestrian routes that ought to be maintained clear, in the same way that such obstructions are not tolerated on the roadway at present.

My opinion is that if we are going to get to that point, then LTNs are part of the path to it, and continuing the status quo absolutely isn't.
Interesting article from New Zealand arguing that there is an advantage to consulting on the fly (for a scheme that can also be adjusted on the fly).

I think that article from New Zealand is a bit glib. Very glib in fact.
New Zealand has not had the experience of years of Brexit paranoia followed by Trump paranoia rammed down their throats every day.
I think that as in New Zealand the average punter is annoyed about measures being sprung on them - in our case by misusing and abusing Corona-virus legislation.
I personally do not think these measures are reversible. Its like Brexit. I voted against it - but I now have to lump it.
But then again its not like Brexit - because the public were not consulted on it Only The Elite to coin a phrase.

What this all boils down to is that the traffic engineers and their political masters are sure they are right - and eventually the public will cease complaining and resisting.
Or so they hope,.

Read this interesting article. Looking at the website it looks to me that they are building up to try to field candidates against the Progress led Council. I agree with a lot of what this new organisation is saying about how Lambeth deals with residents and how this Progress led Council works.

Estate "regeneration", libraries and now LTNs - all demonstrate how poorly this Labour Council deal with residents.

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That's a fair enough point and I should be careful about speaking for people whose experiences I don't directly share.

Throughout, I've said that I'd agree that if technically feasible there should be exemptions for blue badge holders, while I'll continue to argue against a general exemption for residents.

Have you argued this throughout?

I'm not so sure. Here is what you said to nagapie in post 1465:

These schemes do not exclude the needs of those with disabilities.
For some of those with a disability and access to a car, it may lengthen some of their journey times by a small amount.For some those with a disability and no access to a car, it is likely to reduce exclusion

You have sometimes agreed for exemption for Blue badge holders at other times not. So it hasn't been throughout.
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Here are all the posts I can find where I've mentioned blue badge exemptions.

Feel free to show me where I've argued against exemptions being considered for blue badge holders.

If you mean, can blue badge cars drive through the modal filters, then as I understand it the answer is no. I am not sure if this is because of technological limitations or something else. If it's something that would be possible to implement then I would probably support it.
It's not that difficult to understand - there has to be a balance struck - the relative convenience of short car journeys made such that people will be persuaded to change behaviours, but not made so inconvenient that it becomes completely unreasonable for those who genuinely do need to use a car. And if there's not a system to exempt blue badge holders, then that obviously has some impact on what can be called reasonable.

As for privilege - it's great if the motability scheme can provide some disabled people mobility and independence - a good solution for those for whom it can work - but let's not pretend that this is a solution for all or most people with a disability.

If we are talking about mobility, then someone who has a disability which does not prevent them from driving a car (whether it's bought independently or provided via motability) does have a privilege over someone whose disability does not allow them to drive, and who does not have someone to drive them. They have to rely on public transport, walking, or other services.

If a livable neighbourhood scheme means that someone with a disability and a car can get everywhere they want to, but some journeys they make take a bit longer than they used to, then I think that's OK if it allows other people, with a whole range of disabilities that either don't allow them to drive or don't qualify them for things like the motability scheme, to have more freedom to do stuff like make independent trips to the local shops and other places.

If a scheme can be devised such that blue badge holders are exempt then that seems like the ideal solution, which is why I said above that I'd likely support it.
If the technology is there, definitely do it for blue badge holders.

Do a "locals exempted" as a last resort perhaps, if it's that or nothing. You do however lose the aspect of the scheme that's supposed to be about discouraging unnecessary short journeys. How much traffic that would then add back onto Railton Rd etc I don't know. I'd be worried that it would create a situation where things are a bit better than before, but it hasn't really changed anything fundamental, people living inside the zone are better off because they get the quieter streets and no restrictions on their car use, and the benefits outside the zone would take the larger hit (because it loses some of its strength as a policy aimed at reducing the number of car journeys overall). And - the benefits for those inside the zone would be greater for car owners than they would be for non car owners.

Read this interesting article. Looking at the website it looks to me that they are building up to try to field candidates against the Progress led Council. I agree with a lot of what this new organisation is saying about how Lambeth deals with residents and how this Progress led Council works.

Estate "regeneration", libraries and now LTNs - all demonstrate how poorly this Labour Council deal with residents.

I lway like to know who is behind things.
I would have a heart attack if I was inveigled into supporting Richard Tice and Isabel Oakeshott by deception.

All I've seen so far is that there is a OneLambeth fundraiser organised by Charles Jenkins:

He and his wife possibly were Lib Dem proposers/supporters in Clapham Common ward seven years back

I must say this traffic issue is a bit of a poser - party-wise.
I tell you in confidence that the Green Party agent in recent elections was bitterly opposed to controlled parking in Thornton Road where he himself lives.
Just goes to show that the most environmental among us can also be nimbies.
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Read this interesting article. Looking at the website it looks to me that they are building up to try to field candidates against the Progress led Council. I agree with a lot of what this new organisation is saying about how Lambeth deals with residents and how this Progress led Council works.

Estate "regeneration", libraries and now LTNs - all demonstrate how poorly this Labour Council deal with residents.

Costs £25 a year to be a member, which strikes me as quite high? Also you have to agree with all their aims. So if you support some but not others, that's it, you can't join. 🤷.

Read this interesting article. Looking at the website it looks to me that they are building up to try to field candidates against the Progress led Council. I agree with a lot of what this new organisation is saying about how Lambeth deals with residents and how this Progress led Council works.

Estate "regeneration", libraries and now LTNs - all demonstrate how poorly this Labour Council deal with residents.

Whats interesting about a bunch of right wing trolls and haters setting up a party?
Re One Lambeth as a political entity
One Lambeth launches with the aim of holding Lambeth Council to account over LTNs, housing , parks and libraries
the whole thing is a bit odd as far as I am concerned. They behave like a political party, but they are not registered at the Electoral Commission.

I can't quite see if they are going to stand candidates how this works. If you are standing as an Independent that is what you are. supposed to be.

Supposing One Lambeth stood candidates in all the LTN affected wards, and they were all supposed to be Independent the returning officer and the Electoral Commission could probably disqualify them for breaking the rules.

Maybe One Lambeth is still in the process of registering. For sure they will not be registered in time for the Mayoral/GLA election in May.
They’re also seeking donations from the One Lambeth FB group via their gofundme page that’s specifically about LTN judicial review, not wider party political work. Are political groups allowed to accept anonymous donations?
Here's a wonderfully balanced post about LTNs in Brixton

Its 2020. Black Lives Matter. It’s out of order that Lambeth is trying to create a whites-only ghetto just south of Brixton, stopping black people from going south from black areas in Brixton and Loughborough Junction, to use white and middle class services in Herne Hill and Brockwell Park. Lambeth is keeping poor black people in crowded accommodation in polluted areas, and now stopping us getting to cleaner areas just because they are white and middle class.
Here's a wonderfully balanced post about LTNs in Brixton

Oh my!
I hadn't realised that was still there, let alone visible.

Not balanced at all, to be fair it is a copy of someone else's comments from Nextdoor(?) at a point where feelings were running particularly high.

It was just me trying out the website tool and wasn't ever intended to be live.
It definitely doesn't represent the views of any of my neighbours and they never saw it let alone approved it.
That'll teach me to tidy up behind myself a bit more thoroughly in future.
Oh my!
I hadn't realised that was still there, let alone visible.

Not balanced at all, to be fair it is a copy of someone else's comments from Nextdoor(?) at a point where feelings were running particularly high.

It was just me trying out the website tool and wasn't ever intended to be live.
It definitely doesn't represent the views of any of my neighbours and they never saw it let alone approved it.
That'll teach me to tidy up behind myself a bit more thoroughly in future.
To be fair, there's really no 'to be fair' to be applied to that nonsense that looks to groundlessly stir up racial divisions.
They’re also seeking donations from the One Lambeth FB group via their gofundme page that’s specifically about LTN judicial review, not wider party political work. Are political groups allowed to accept anonymous donations?
That is one function of th electoral commission Donations have to be reported to the commission - iincluding any which are not accepted eg from foreign donors which would be illegal. It would not be permissible to have anonymous donations - but the commission would not expect to be notified of the names of donors below a threshold - though they would expect the party to keep a record of these.
Oh my!
I hadn't realised that was still there, let alone visible.

Not balanced at all, to be fair it is a copy of someone else's comments from Nextdoor(?) at a point where feelings were running particularly high.

It was just me trying out the website tool and wasn't ever intended to be live.
It definitely doesn't represent the views of any of my neighbours and they never saw it let alone approved it.
That'll teach me to tidy up behind myself a bit more thoroughly in future.
Interesting that you chose that particular quote for your website.
Whats interesting about a bunch of right wing trolls and haters setting up a party?

They aren't.

I would have thought that Lambeth Cyclists recent problem with online racism would have led to more balanced view of both sides in this LTN argument.

I know people who are against LTNs. I've listened to people who aren't happy with LTNs.

They aren't all right wing trolls and haters.

Trolling and hating isn't the preserve of anti LTN people.
As far as I can gather the One Lambeth judicial review case is about rights of disabled. Hardly something right wing trolls and haters would do.
On being right wing haters and trolls.

My popular Labour Cllr Rachel Heywood supported her constituents to oppose Road closures in Loughborough Junction.

One of the reasons the Progress Labour leadership destroyed her.

If one is going to look at "haters" that should include many still in leading posts in the Lambeth Labour Group.
This One xxx phenomenon is restricted to Lambeth and Wandsworth as far as I can see. The websites are stylistically similar, but not the same.

Presumably as the One Lambeth battleground issues, setting aside the LTNs, are about council oppression in terms of regeneration schemes imposed and library cuts etc the Lambeth Green Party is in the situation of the Whigs and Tories regarding the Repeal of the Corn Laws.

To quote Disraeli:
The Right Honourable Gentleman caught the Whigs bathing and walked away with their clothes. He has left them in the full enjoyment of their liberal position, and he is himself a strict conservative of their garments.
Chiswick, real one Dulwich, One Islington, one oval, one Sutton...

One Lambeth has two fb profiles - the public more wider community based issues one and the closed membership ‘wE PaY RoAd TAx, CyCLisTs dON’t’ one.
Latest yougov survey (based on mayoral voting intentions) shows 52% support for LTN and 35% objecting. Which leaves 13% in the don’t know category.

Details on p15

Screenshot 2021-04-08 at 13.26.52.jpg


  • overall support even in outer london
  • overall support higher in BME ethnicity than white ethnicity
  • support higher in ABC1 than in C2DE, but still overall support in C2DE

- only identified demographics with an overall oppose are tory voters, leave voters and over 65s.
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