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That Blank Cafe on Acre Lane sure looks mighty pricey. Anyone been?

£3.20 for a large Americano could be a challenger for the most expensive coffee in Brixton (35p extra for almond milk). A thumping £12.50 for tomato, hash browns, toast, avo, baked beans and mushrooms. £9 for mixed berries, yogurt and maple syrup pancakes.

Menu — Blank Brixton

Say, what?

That is so expensive! West end hotel prices for a veggie breakfast
Since the sad demise of Luanda grill / the Gallery: (a long term reduction in quality finalised with terminal "going on fire") I have started to feel the need for some decent piri piri ribs and chicken takeaway.
Any recommendations in the brixton / Tulse Hill / Streatham area (not Nandos?)
Since the sad demise of Luanda grill / the Gallery: (a long term reduction in quality finalised with terminal "going on fire") I have started to feel the need for some decent piri piri ribs and chicken takeaway.
Any recommendations in the brixton / Tulse Hill / Streatham area (not Nandos?)
Got me thinking about the ribs at Brazas again... much missed..
I liked Helter Skelter. Places I remember when I was first in Brixton include a place on Acre Lane, where Barrio now is, Bon Ton Roulet in Herne Hill, the Original Restaurant Provencal in Herne Hill before it became Pullens and Cafe Provencal moved to its current location, then Bah Humbug and the original Lounge when it was smaller and further down Atlantic. But I didn't really eat out anywhere except the original Francos in the market. And drink in the Albert back when the landlady banned anyone with a mobile phone because they were only used by drug dealers in those days! And the Ritzy sold big hunks of homemade cake very cheaply, that could sustain you through a good double bill.
Hello, I am messaging as yesterday my aunty Sally Sherratt passed away and I would like to try and find out more about her time in Brixton in the 70s and 80s. I know she had a resteraunt called the Bon Ton Roulet and then she opened another resteraunt after that but I'm unsure of the name. I have found some mentions of the resteraunt bring in Herne hill. Any info would be great.
Thank you
Another burger bar for Brixton, this time taking over one of the Brixton arches:


Other Side Fried licensed burger bar to open up in Brixton Arches
Anyone remember Cafe Pushkar, veggie place run by the lovely Helen then a somewhat morose (excellent chef) bloke?

It was run by Helen, and later by Morose Tony, but in between it was run by a lovely bloke called Pete, who was the best boss I ever had in my life. I worked underneath Pete when Cafe Pushkar was inside the market, and then under Tony when it moved to the place opposite Bookmongers.

By the way, the Think Positive Fashion Cafe on Elm Park now has an alcohol licence and will be open for wine & beer in the evenings.

It’s an odd little place. Definitely part of the wave of gentrification but also not at all, because it’s independent, quirky, and owned by someone who lives round the corner. He’s Italian, and there has long been an Italian presence in that area (one woman still live in the house she grew up in).
Has anyone been to the Upstairs bar/restaurant Upstairs ? (Members only, £240 p.a.) I might be able to go soon as someone's guest. I expect to be outraged by smug, self-satisfied arseholes, twats and wankers.
It was run by Helen, and later by Morose Tony, but in between it was run by a lovely bloke called Pete, who was the best boss I ever had in my life. I worked underneath Pete when Cafe Pushkar was inside the market, and then under Tony when it moved to the place opposite Bookmongers.

By the way, the Think Positive Fashion Cafe on Elm Park now has an alcohol licence and will be open for wine & beer in the evenings.

It’s an odd little place. Definitely part of the wave of gentrification but also not at all, because it’s independent, quirky, and owned by someone who lives round the corner. He’s Italian, and there has long been an Italian presence in that area (one woman still live in the house she grew up in).
thanks, loved working with you too. I thought she meant me for a moment
Has anyone been to the Upstairs bar/restaurant Upstairs ? (Members only, £240 p.a.) I might be able to go soon as someone's guest. I expect to be outraged by smug, self-satisfied arseholes, twats and wankers.
My friend went there as the guest of someone they knew. Said it was fucking awful. Super middle-class white, super privileged and super shit.
You lying fuckers:

Upstairs was opened to friends, family and the local community as a relaxed social space. And the word spread!
Due to rapid demand Upstairs launched as a members club in November 2018.
You lying fuckers:

I was at the Brixton Neighborhood Forum last night.

Unlike Brixton BID it doesn't have lots of funding.

An issue that came up was that it has been difficult to get more interest in the Forum.

Thing is now the Brixton BID is set up and going IMO the Council work through that. Not local long term residents.

Its imo a real problem.

Squire and Partners have two people on Brixton board.

See here:


IMO Brixton is effectively run by Brixton Board. Community groups of residents find it difficult now to have a voice.

Its very New Labour. Working with "entrepreneurs" not community minded residents.

A neighbourhood forum will only work if people see that its something the Council listen to.

Have same problem with a couple of community groups representing residents. Its like this New Labour Council isn't really interested in residents.

Its more keen to work on politically "sexy" projects like Pop and Brixton BID. Which is more about the new wealthier demographic. Not about long standing working class Brixton.

I don't feel ordinary working class people in Brixton or who use Brixton have much of a say any more. Or middle class people who are socially concerned but aren't part of the business "community".
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