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Not 100% sure of your point but my main point was student nights in my day weren't cutting edge. Especially in Manchester where real cutting edge music was plentiful.
Well I was getting at 2 different people's points.
Regards Manchester I was there before it took off. The Hacienda etc was after my time.
Stuck my head in new climbing wall on ellerslie square industrial estate and noticed they fully vegetarian cafe and they apparently grew some stuff on site which is nice to see. No menus online yet afraid.
And to level out my earlier praise about the Whiskey Tumbler - I popped in there last Saturday just to show a friend the place. I couldn't order at the bar so a bloke came around and took my order for two Amstels. I had to call him over when I was leaving and was hit with a price tag of £13.39 which is, by any measure, a fucking rip off. And, like a twat, I didn't quibble because I didn't want to make scene in front of the person I was with, but I'll bring it up with the owners the next time I see them.
I'd be interested to hear their feedback on the audacity to add a huge service charge for a member of staff to walk no more than 2 metres from the bar to the table to deliver the drink.
I'd be interested to hear their feedback on the audacity to add a huge service charge for a member of staff to walk no more than 2 metres from the bar to the table to deliver the drink.
I once had a drink, at the bar, in the Charlotte Street Hotel and there was a service charge added, AND the barman had the audacity to put the change down on a dish hoping I'd leave that as well. We didn't stay for a second.
I once had a drink, at the bar, in the Charlotte Street Hotel and there was a service charge added, AND the barman had the audacity to put the change down on a dish hoping I'd leave that as well. We didn't stay for a second.
To give the barman the benefit of the doubt, it could be that the hotel keeps most if not all of the service charge proceedings, and the staff there put a tray out in the hope of pocketing some tips for themselves.

Still a rip off from a customer's point of view, of course...
Delayed massively

...do you reckon this market house venture is like a stopgap until the hondo collab is ready to open, or have the jamm lot fucked the 414 off as a bad job leaving McWilly the kid to do what he will with the premises...?
...do you reckon this market house venture is like a stopgap until the hondo collab is ready to open, or have the jamm lot fucked the 414 off as a bad job leaving McWilly the kid to do what he will with the premises...?
414 will open due to the potential absolute goldmine it could be due to location.
...do you reckon this market house venture is like a stopgap until the hondo collab is ready to open, or have the jamm lot fucked the 414 off as a bad job leaving McWilly the kid to do what he will with the premises...?
The only way the club can remain a club and offer any kind of meaningful return is if they manage to convert the first floor to club premises - and this is the huge obstacle given the current objections referred to in the Buzz article. Jamm are still very much involved with the 414 but they can't open until Twat McWilliams & Co gets the licence they need.
Isn't it funny that licensing is becoming more draconian these days, almost as if people are becoming far less tolerant. Hardly progress. Trying to run a nightclub or late night venue must be a nightmare these days.
...do you reckon this market house venture is like a stopgap until the hondo collab is ready to open, or have the jamm lot fucked the 414 off as a bad job leaving McWilly the kid to do what he will with the premises...?
I wouldnt have expected Jamm to have got their fingers in 2 such pies almost opposite each other. But then again, from what i gather, Brixton Jamm has morphed into a different beast in the last couple of years, making pretty savvy decisions like investing in its garden (or should i say 'courtyard' or 'beach') and aiming itself far more at the nu Brixton brigade by doing brunches, street food, six nations screenings, cheese nights etc. I havent seen a credible night for underground D&B or Breaks advertised there for ages, so they must be doing well out of it. Perhaps Market House will just be a place for the brunch crowd to take pictures of their food and guffaw about 'that time you chundered everywhere in Infernos'. Hopefully, 414 wont be!
I wouldnt have expected Jamm to have got their fingers in 2 such pies almost opposite each other. But then again, from what i gather, Brixton Jamm has morphed into a different beast in the last couple of years, making pretty savvy decisions like investing in its garden (or should i say 'courtyard' or 'beach') and aiming itself far more at the nu Brixton brigade by doing brunches, street food, six nations screenings, cheese nights etc. I havent seen a credible night for underground D&B or Breaks advertised there for ages, so they must be doing well out of it. Perhaps Market House will just be a place for the brunch crowd to take pictures of their food and guffaw about 'that time you chundered everywhere in Infernos'. Hopefully, 414 wont be!
I had a bit of a say in their plans for the 414 and if they stick to their word it should be a pretty good, inclusive venue

We will have offers for discounted food and drinks periods based for people living in Brixton postcodes SW2, SW9, SE5 and SE24. There will be free entry to local hospitality workers on the door after their shifts and discounts on the bar.

414 will open due to the potential absolute goldmine it could be due to location.

I’m not gonna criticise anyone for liking nightclubs but it’s something that appeals only to a relatively small
fraction of the greater community, and as you say a goldmine because its not cheap...appeals I guess more to those with plenty of disposable so in the context of gentrification most likely a contributor to the process....illustrated by the post above by jimbarkanoodle “aiming itself far more at the nu Brixton brigade by doing brunches, street food, six nations screenings, cheese nights etc.”
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I’m not gonna criticise anyone for liking nightclubs but it’s something that appeals only to a relatively small
fraction of the greater community, and as you say a goldmine because its not cheap...appeals I guess more to those with plenty of disposable so in the context of gentrification most likely a contributor to the process....illustrated by the post above by jimbarkanoodle “aiming itself far more at the nu Brixton brigade by doing brunches, street food, six nations screenings, cheese nights etc.”
Did you read their press release? What they're proposing is nothing like Jamm.

We want to support and develop local artists and crews, pay homage to veterans of the London scene, alongside some eye-catching acts.
We will also host Open Decks evenings to give new local DJs the opportunity to showcase their skills.

Across the bar, we plan to support local small independent brewers and producers to offer a wide range of locally-sourced drinks and make the most of the brilliant talent that has developed in South London.

To support local freelancers, we want to create a daytime space to work, network and foster entrepreneurship.

We also want to use the space to host free cultural and industry events, talks and panels to help spread positive ideas.

We will have offers for discounted food and drinks periods based for people living in Brixton postcodes SW2, SW9, SE5 and SE24. There will be free entry to local hospitality workers on the door after their shifts and discounts on the bar.
Did you read their press release? What they're proposing is nothing like Jamm.

im not speaking about anyone in particular, just that clubs attract a relatively privileged clientele, it’s nice that these promoters are doing something to balance that out, the more groovy an area becomes the more cool customers flock in to buy rent and or even just stay in new hotels, to deny the connection is ridiculous...the number of real life examples is huge.
im not speaking about anyone in particular, just that clubs attract a relatively privileged clientele, it’s nice that these promoters are doing something to balance that out, the more groovy an area becomes the more cool customers flock in to buy rent and or even just stay in new hotels, to deny the connection is ridiculous...the number of real life examples is huge.
I'm not sure who is 'denying the connection' here, but some venues clearly have more of an impact that others - ones that charge shitloads for entry, for example, or ones that charge sky high prices at the bar, or ones that demand membership just to get through the door.

Happily there's still a small handful of late night places offering entertainment that remain totally free to enter, and with bar prices that aren't a total rip off.
im not speaking about anyone in particular, just that clubs attract a relatively privileged clientele, it’s nice that these promoters are doing something to balance that out, the more groovy an area becomes the more cool customers flock in to buy rent and or even just stay in new hotels, to deny the connection is ridiculous...the number of real life examples is huge.
But that doesn't suit certain peoples agenda - so they will carry on in denial
clubs attract a relatively privileged clientele
Jamm didnt used to attract the privileged clientele, it was an off the beaten track, slightly down at heel, cheap bar, on till late nightclub playing music that the average six nations rugby loving bottomless bruncher would be terrified of. They built that garden to survive the covid lockdowns and it looks to me like they are enjoying the income it comes with attracting that clientele and arent about to give it up just to let low spending pill heads have their jungle and jump up drum & bass nights back at the venue.
Jamm didnt used to attract the privileged clientele, it was an off the beaten track, slightly down at heel, cheap bar, on till late nightclub playing music that the average six nations rugby loving bottomless bruncher would be terrified of. They built that garden to survive the covid lockdowns and it looks to me like they are enjoying the income it comes with attracting that clientele and arent about to give it up just to let low spending pill heads have their jungle and jump up drum & bass nights back at the venue.
I used to host free live music/poetry/comedy nights at Jamm and the notion that they were for 'relatively privileged clientele' is ridiculous. Admission was free and the beers were reasonably priced too.

Up until lockdown they were hosting loads of dnb/jungle/grime/garage nights and it seems extremely petty and small minded to criticise them for doing what they had to do to survive as a venue - especially as they've started up those nights again.

Tomorrow they're hosting a nighty of garage, 10pm-4am. £6 entry if you're quick. Hardly for the elite.

editor and jimbarkanoodle using a lot of ‘was‘ ‘were’ and ‘used to‘ kind of underlines the point I am making
i wonder if the old lads who used to drink in there when it was a pub would share your sentiments about the new venue. And throwing smoke bombs like ‘petty and small minded’ into the debate is not a great look, more ad hominem bollocks tbh, as for the bit about elites then I would suggest that’s relative, it’s not just about funds, although I’m dubious about people sna ffling an early bird ticket and not coughing up for pricey drinks, anyone with an early start Saturday in a low paid job, or struggling with a family on low income or benefits likewise, and that’s before we start on the old, the sick, the disabled and other marginalised groups.
editor and jimbarkanoodle using a lot of ‘was‘ ‘were’ and ‘used to‘ kind of underlines the point I am making
i wonder if the old lads who used to drink in there when it was a pub would share your sentiments about the new venue. And throwing smoke bombs like ‘petty and small minded’ into the debate is not a great look, more ad hominem bollocks tbh, as for the bit about elites then I would suggest that’s relative, it’s not just about funds, anyone with an early start Saturday in a low paid job, or struggling with a family on low income or benefits likewise, and that’s before we start on the old, the sick, the disabled and other marginalised groups.
I really can't keep up with your ever-moving goal posts here. We were talking about the changes at the 414 and now you're going on about the 'old, the sick, the disabled and other marginalised groups' and people with 'an early start Saturday' job. I'm really struggling to see your point.

Maybe it would just be easier to explain what you want from Brixton's bars and clubs, given that's what this thread is about?
I really can't keep up with your every moving goal posts here. We were talking about the changes at the 414 and now you're going on about the 'old, the sick, the disabled and other marginalised groups.'

Maybe it would just be easier to explain what you want from Brixton's bars and clubs, given that's what this thread is about?

ummm, when one talks about living in one of the most deprived areas in the country what kind of people are you visualising because those groups are part of it, as for Brixton’s bars blah blah I’m speaking as a relative outsider in that respect but who has felt the changes first hand, does that disqualify me from the right to an opinion...?
ummm, when one talks about living in one of the most deprived areas in the country what kind of people are you visualising because those groups are part of it, as for Brixton’s bars blah blah I’m speaking as a relative outsider in that respect but who has felt the changes first hand, does that disqualify me from the right to an opinion...?
You're entitled to any opinion you like but I'm struggling to see what your point is in the context of this thread. What has people with Saturday jobs got to do with anything? :confused:

And yes it fucking sucks that Brixton has been taken over by expensive bars, exclusive members-only clubs and rip off cocktail bars, but you (apparently) focusing on Jamm seems to really be going for the wrong target.

Apart from the fact that they've been here a lot longer than most of the shiny new businesses rocking into town and have supported the local live music/dance scene for years, it's clear that they're trying to be inclusive,

They've stated that they will support local workers in the low paid hospitality industry by offering them free entry to the 414 and provide discounted beers. Do you see any other venue in Brixton offering that?

As for me, I'll continue to do what I can to offer totally late night free entertainment which may not to be to everyone's tastes but it'll be anything but exclusive.
You're entitled to any opinion you like but I'm struggling to see what your point is in the context of this thread. What has people with Saturday jobs got to do with anything? :confused:

And yes it fucking sucks that Brixton has been taken over by expensive bars, exclusive members-only clubs and rip off cocktail bars, but you (apparently) focusing on Jamm seems to really be going for the wrong target.

Apart from the fact that they've been here a lot longer than most of the shiny new businesses rocking into town and have supported the local live music/dance scene for years, it's clear that they're trying to be inclusive,

They've stated that they will support local workers in the low paid hospitality industry by offering them free entry to the 414 and provide discounted beers. Do you see any other venue in Brixton offering that?

As for me, I'll continue to do what I can to offer totally late night free entertainment which may not to be to everyone's tastes but it'll be anything but exclusive.

I really am not focusing on jamm, I think you might be tho’because they are one operation that is promising to put something back....my points are general, listing people who clubs are little use to seems to be going over your head here’s another...young people who security don’t like the look of...there’s loads of people who nightclubs don’t appeal to for or are excluded for whatever reason, great you are putting on what you say are cheap events ( if you stick to drinking tapwater ) but really they are for a certain type of person, I was that type of person but seriously it’s mostly just hedonism and cash flow nowadays ....that said it does bring some benefits to the local economy, but so do eating out joints....
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