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I wonder how Pop managed to get CRF money when criteria say this:

How do I prove that my organisation was ‘financially viable’ before Covid-19?
You will be asked to provide a cashflow, answer a narrative question and provide at least one year’s full independently certified or audited financial statements. You must also provide a balance sheet at 31 July 2020, showing levels of restricted and unrestricted reserves.

My organisation was in some financial difficultly before Covid-19, but the pandemic has made things much worse. Can I apply?
While we appreciate that the Covid-19 crisis will have impacted further on your financial situation, we are not able to accept applications from organisations to cover significant costs or debts incurred before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Footlocker yesterday morning had a queue of 60+ kids standing cheek by jowl - poor security guard was trying to make them queue in a more socially distanced manner but wasn’t having much luck.
I've notice two signature closures in far east Brixton.
Norris Bedding 86-88 Coldharbour Lane seems to have closed.
Seems to be part of a chain - which started in Coldharbour Lane - so possibly it will continue manufacturing in Belvedere and selling in other locations.
I always used to fantasise about the goings on of Shagger Norris, John Major's Minister for London, when walking past Norris Bedding on my way for a blood test at Kings'.
Also on the Brixton Camberwell axis, it looks as though Gx Gallery has now closed.
The Brixton buffoon. Yeah, wearing a mask is exactly the same as slavery and Nazism.

The Brixton Covidiot continues to scrawl dangerous nonsense around town

I've notice two signature closures in far east Brixton.
Norris Bedding 86-88 Coldharbour Lane seems to have closed.
Seems to be part of a chain - which started in Coldharbour Lane - so possibly it will continue manufacturing in Belvedere and selling in other locations.
I always used to fantasise about the goings on of Shagger Norris, John Major's Minister for London, when walking past Norris Bedding on my way for a blood test at Kings'.
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Also on the Brixton Camberwell axis, it looks as though Gx Gallery has now closed.
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Will the Gx Gallery building go as part of The new Butterfly Walk complex?
Will the Gx Gallery building go as part of The new Butterfly Walk complex?
I hadn't thought about that. My recollection of the redevelopment was it involved removing the covering over Butterfly Walk - but don't recall demolition of Victorian shops fronting onto Denmark Hill - especially as far up as Gx.

This on the original consultation from the Camberwell Society seems to confirm this
New "walk-through" testing locations

One of the big local complaints about the Government's ("NHS" branded) free COVID testing during the first wave was that it was all "drive-through" and at outer London locations, which was useless for the 50% of Lambeth and Southwark households who don't have access to a car.

There have been plenty of issues about trying to get tests mailed to your home instead.

In what is hopefully good news, there is now a new "walk-through" COVID testing centre at the former car park site at The Rookery Streatham Common South SW16 3BZ.

It is only for people with COVID symptoms, and you have to book in advance through the same website.

Get a free NHS test to check if you have coronavirus

They are marketing as being for people who can walk or cycle to the site (even though it is at the very top of the slope of Streatham Common!)

For people who live elsewhere in Lambeth, it may be more convenient to use one of the other "walk-through" sites that opened recently
  • in the Peckham Pulse car park SE15 5QN
  • Crystal Palace Park Car Park - Canada Gates off Anerley Hill - SE19 2GA

I'm not sure what the status of a test site at the Wheatsheaf community hall in Vauxhall that is appearing on some maps.
Will update when more certain
I wonder if we'll ever have testing for people who dont yet have symptoms but suspect they have been around someone with symptoms/covid. Surely once you show symptoms you might as well just stay at home because thats what you are meant to do unless you deteriorate and have problems breathing etc, at which point you call an ambulance. If you have been around someone at work, or a housemate etc that coughing loads but you arent (yet), would it not be prudent to get tested so for the incubation period you dont go out to Tesco and unwittingly spread it?
I'm not sure what the status of a test site at the Wheatsheaf community hall in Vauxhall that is appearing on some maps.
Will update when more certain

someone I know got a test there at short notice last Tuesday , book appointment online....you have to swab yourself.
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There's way more shops open than I expected, including Poundland, Marks & Spencer etc., and Electric Ave looks pretty much the same as usual. It's busy out there.
Has anyone been tested in Lambeth recently? If so, how long did the results take to come back?

Im going for a test at the Wheatsheaf Community Hall near Vauxhall this morning and wondering when to expect the result.
Has anyone been tested in Lambeth recently? If so, how long did the results take to come back?

Im going for a test at the Wheatsheaf Community Hall near Vauxhall this morning and wondering when to expect the result.

I live in Lambeth but my test was in Croydon as I'm t'other end of the borough now, but anyway I was tested Sunday morning and got results Monday night so 36 hours. Other people I know have reported quicker results. You'll likely get result at some point tomorrow.
Has anyone been tested in Lambeth recently? If so, how long did the results take to come back?

Im going for a test at the Wheatsheaf Community Hall near Vauxhall this morning and wondering when to expect the result.

i know some who went there twice, first test was Tuesday, result came in 24 hours. The second was on a Saturday, that result took longer, 48 hours, probably lbecause it was the weekend.
Went for a routine blood test at Kings today. It was all a bit odd. There was a nurse marshaling people at the entrance to "Phlebotomy" telling anyone (like me) with a GP blood test form to go over the road to Kings Dental Hospital. There we had to queue in a corridor and ultimately have the blood taken sitting in the dentists chairs on the ground floor of the unit.

On the way out I noticed that a marquee has been set up on the north side of the Dental Hospital feeding onto Denmark Hill. This is labelled "Hospital Pharmacy". The hospital website says this would be happening in October 2017 - but I never noticed it before.

So it looks like the hospital managers are trying to cut down on overcrowding - or improve social distancing - depending on whether you are a glass half empty or half full person.
On the way out I noticed that a marquee has been set up on the north side of the Dental Hospital feeding onto Denmark Hill. This is labelled "Hospital Pharmacy". The hospital website says this would be happening in October 2017 - but I never noticed it before.

So it looks like the hospital managers are trying to cut down on overcrowding - or improve social distancing - depending on whether you are a glass half empty or half full person.
I passed that a couple of days ago and there was a huge queue outside.
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