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They'd have to get quite a few more staff in to do what the Railway does, although, im sure there are many hospitality staff out there looking for work. Prices would go up probably to pay the extra staff though.
I'm not so sure they'd need that much more staff. The Railway is a pretty big pub with its garden and they do shitloads of food every day on top of the drinks. They've worked out a pretty efficient service although the 10pn close is going to lose them a lot of custom and staff are going to have to be laid off in some numbers now.
So my g/f has developed symptoms today and we're both isolating and trying to book a test. Several people at work who needed one in recent weeks managed to get an appointment more or less right away. But I've been trying all day on the official website and there's nothing: no drive-ins, no home kits, and no walk-ins; keeps saying to try in a few hours.

I've read about 'pop up' test centres in Brixton ITT before. Does anyone know if they're likely to see you without an appointment, and where and when the next one will be?
So my g/f has developed symptoms today and we're both isolating and trying to book a test. Several people at work who needed one in recent weeks managed to get an appointment more or less right away. But I've been trying all day on the official website and there's nothing: no drive-ins, no home kits, and no walk-ins; keeps saying to try in a few hours.

I've read about 'pop up' test centres in Brixton ITT before. Does anyone know if they're likely to see you without an appointment, and where and when the next one will be?
Sorry to hear this. There was the one in Somerleyton Road but the info is not up to date on Lambeth's useless site

When to get a test – do not wait. You need to get the test done in the first 5 days of having symptoms. a. Go online Get a free NHS test to check if you have coronavirus Or call 119. Both channels will present opportunities for testing through the O2 drive-thru site at North Greenwich, mobile testing units within and outside the borough, and home testing which allows test kits to be posted to you. If you opt for home testing, you may need support with swabbing if you cannot self-swab. b. Currently, a mobile testing unit operates every 3 days in Lambeth. You can walk or cycle to this testing unit. This mobile testing unit is based at: Angela Davis Industrial Estate, Somerleyton Road, London SW9 8ND. The schedule for August is: Sunday 9th August; Wednesday 12th; Saturday 15th; Tuesday 18th; Friday 21st; Monday 24th; Thursday 27th; Sunday 30th . Go online or call 119 to book a test at this local mobile testing unit. c. Test centres in neighbouring boroughs may be closer depending on the resident’s location. All can be accessed online.

Update: it seems evening time is the best to get an appointment online, as I’ve just tried again and managed to get a walk-in for tomorrow in Crystal Palace- there were 75 slots left as well. So no longer need help- thanks :)
Worth noting kitchen roll shouldn't be flushed as it doesn't disintegrate like toilet roll does! So could be a shortcut to some blocked pipes.
Had our walk-through test yesterday, at the main car park on Crystal Palace Park. The set-up and procedure was good and geared towards protecting visitors and staff as much as possible.

Some of the members of staff were a bit short and curt- I was being rushed off to get on with it by one of them a mere two minutes after going in, even though the instructions on the poster inside my bay said I needed to read everything carefully first before proceeding. There wasn’t a queue waiting to be tested either, so I didn’t get the urgency. Still, shitty job and they’re probably paid peanuts so can’t blame them too much for not being cheerful.

Results hopefully tomorrow. I’m no doctor but I’d be surprised if either of us have Covid. I think it’s a bog standard flu/ cold but we’ll see.
Brixton Village remains pretty busy - which is good for the traders -but I can't shrug off concerns about the lack of social distancing in there - and there appears to be no track and trace for anyone wandering in with a can to listen to DJs or whatever.
The Windmill was a bit terrifying last night at the No Frills session. Definitely not Covid-secure
I had a coffee at San Marino and ended up only taking my mask down for each sup of coffee as it seemed too busy and confined. No chance of that at Pret though as they've gone to the other extreme and only have two seats for the entire premises!
Local businesses Hootannany, Off the Cuff and the Columbo group are some of the beneficiaries of the government's Culture Recovery Fund

Local businesses Hootannany, Off the Cuff and the Columbo group are some of the beneficiaries of the government's Culture Recovery Fund

How are you accessing those details? I just get a single page of Excel and acres of empty scrolling. Did Pop Brixton manage to bag more money for themselves?
I managed to download an excel sheet with a long list of beneficiaries and they amount they got. Pop Brixton aren't on there as far as i can see, although i have spotted Reprezent are also there.

As follows

Hootananny- £250,000

Off the Cuff- £100,000

Reprezent- £230,000

Columbo seem to be on it multiple times for their various companies for different aspects of the business, i assume.

Fuck knows how the Resident Advisor website and ticket seller managed to bag 3/4 of a million quid!

220k for Pop

Don't think you can attach spreadsheets. If there is a way, let me know and I'll do so
220k for Pop

Don't think you can attach spreadsheets. If there is a way, let me know and I'll do so
If you're on a Windows-based system can't you do alt-Print-Screen on the offeding part, then paste into "Paint" or similar prgramme. The save as jpg. Just a suggestion - I do it on here all the time.
Yes but it’s about 2000 rows / so a fairly tall jpg.
Probably easier just to click on the link on the gov website. (No idea why Ed got an empty file )
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Yes but it’s about 2000 rows / so a fairly tall jpg.
Probably easier just to click on the link on the gov website. (No idea why Ed got an empty file )
Yeah, I got it. Couldn't save in protected mode though - presumably my PC has saved an unprotected copy.

Maybe Ed is like "Serco test and trace" - having problems importing this official spreadsheet because it or he has a different version?

I notice that my old stomping ground Conway Hall got £223,497.
Not sure how they work these things out. Conway Hall is really a meeting hall which specialises in meetings for people who are a bit off beat. I remember going to a book launch there about 15 years ago, where the book being launched was the life's work of a hard-core communist - probably Stalinist - who had died before bringing the book to publication. A combined memorial meeitng and book launch as it were.

It is often noted that the parents of Piers and Jeremy Corbyn met at a radical event at Conway Hall.

Moncure Conway, called to be their minister in 1864, had originally travelled to London to hold private negotiations regarding the American civil war which left him persona non grata on both sides. Conway himself had a strong record as an abolitionist, but the majority of his family in America were Confederates and slave owners.

After appointment as their minister Conway turned the South place Ethical Society from a Unitarian congregation into something much more Humanist or even Atheist. The Conway Hall does (or has had in the past) more or less weekly chamber music concerts. Maybe the grant is because of being unable to do concerts and hold physical meetings.
Hopkins has just sent out an email supporting the Circuit Breaker Lockdown - specifically for Lambeth

Dear resident,

As you will know, earlier this week, the Prime Minister announced a change to the structure of Covid-19 restrictions across the country, with areas categorised as Tier 1, 2 or 3. London has been placed in Tier 1 which contains measures that are broadly the same as they are currently, including a limit on groups of more than six gathering, a curfew on hospitality venues of 10pm and a recommendation that people work at home if they can.

In other areas of the country, Tier 2 will include preventing all mixing between different households or support bubbles indoors, with mixing only allowed outdoors, while Tier 3 will include banning all mixing between households and the closure of most hospitality venues.

While London is currently in Tier 1, it is likely that the capital will be placed in a higher tier in the coming days. I am supportive of this, as are many other London council leaders and the Mayor of London. This is because the infection rate, hospitalisations and the spread of the virus continue to increase significantly.
In Lambeth, the recorded current rate of infections is 87.3 people per 100,000 people. This has more than doubled in the last couple of weeks and while some London boroughs have much higher rates, all London boroughs are seeing significant increases and the real number could be higher as we know over the last month people have had difficulties getting a test. On track and trace we have given up hope the government will bring about a “world beating” system, we are arguing for them to give local councils in London the money and responsibility as we are more confident of delivering a system that works.

Without that in place now, nationally we are in danger of losing control of the spread of the virus. That’s why I am joining London Mayor Sadiq Khan and other leaders across local government in calling for a ‘circuit breaker’ short term lockdown to get back control of the virus and to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed. If we don’t I fear that significant numbers of people will lose their lives and we will face many more months of economic and health challenges.

As I and other leaders urge government to take this step, it is critical that at the same time the Government provide a support package for local businesses, more resources for communication and enforcement and the ability for Lambeth Council to take over the contact tracing programme locally to help correct the failings we have seen with the national system.
We have been successful in some of our lobbying, with the government introducing self isolation payments of £500 for those who are required to self-isolate, cannot work from home and are already in receipt of benefits like Universal credit or housing benefit. But we need a return to the furlough scheme for areas with greater restrictions, full funding for localised test and trace, more support for businesses and more resources to fund interventions like mental health support which are crucial when so many are struggling with the impact of the virus and the lockdown.
It isn’t easy to call for additional restrictions, and none of us want to stop seeing our families and our friends. But action now can help to slow the spread of the virus and ensure we don’t face many more months of restrictions that impact our lives while at the same time not reducing cases of Covid-19. The government’s own scientific advice is clear, as is our local public health advice and I will continue to fight for the best possible outcome and support for Lambeth and you, our residents.
Best wishes,
Hopkins has just sent out an email supporting the Circuit Breaker Lockdown - specifically for Lambeth

Dear resident,

As you will know, earlier this week, the Prime Minister announced a change to the structure of Covid-19 restrictions across

etc etc​
Wonder what Brixton BID make of this?
Still with some venues already being compensated by the Arts Council, for the remaining parts of the Brixton 24 hour economy Captain Jack could take out another of those multi million pound loans Lambeth Council get from the Public Works Loans Board and put it on the rates (sorry council tax) in 2035.
Hopkins has just sent out an email supporting the Circuit Breaker Lockdown - specifically for Lambeth

Dear resident,

On track and trace we have given up hope the government will bring about a “world beating” system, we are arguing for them to give local councils in London the money and responsibility as we are more confident of delivering a system that works.

Without that in place now, nationally we are in danger of losing control of the spread of the virus. That’s why I am joining London Mayor Sadiq Khan and other leaders across local government in calling for a ‘circuit breaker’ short term lockdown to get back control of the virus and to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed. If we don’t I fear that significant numbers of people will lose their lives and we will face many more months of economic and health challenges.

So basically Hopkins is telling Boris to hand over the responsibilty of dealing with the virus to local Councils and Khan. That is Labour Councils.

I don't know what is worse. Living under Boris or living under the One Party State of Progress Lambeth.

I was getting sympathetic towards the Council during lockdown.

At the Brixton Rec Emergency Hub Council I saw the Council were working with local community to help others.

I thought this might be a change of heart from the Council.

Then the Council decided they liked the new power they got with the pandemic and decided to put LTNs across Lambeth.

I don't want the Council to get even more power without scrutiny.
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