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as was said elsewhere, who do you report it to? (not that I think that's your style), people will always push to see where the limits are and this government has made them so ethereal that people will forget just what the end result will be. Being 'alert' means absolutely fuck all and gives people the freedom to do whatever they want, enabling the government to blame the people for not following advice, blame the scientists for giving the wrong advice. blame anyone but themselves. It's going to be a shitshow to end all shitshows when we have the second wave, winter flu and no deal Brexit
Yeah it's not the sort of thing I would report but I am concerned for the staff, but the blame really goes with government for their shitty vague advice which has resulted in this.

The place is nearly as full now. Here's how it looked earlier:

Stormzy's particular lyrics from Vossi Bop are playing over and over in my head when thinking about Boris and his advice leading up to inevitable moments such as this.
Sad to the see the older members of my neighbourhood - the ones most likely to be badly affected by COVID-19 - all back out in the street and drinking like it's the good ol' days today.
Sad to the see the older members of my neighbourhood - the ones most likely to be badly affected by COVID-19 - all back out in the street and drinking like it's the good ol' days today.

I know what you mean...as much as truly saddens me I just have to keep my distance and look after my health (that's all we can do).
I'm really worried and hate going out. I've avoided Brixton for weeks now.

What I usually do is use back roads and try and avoid the main road as much as possible - makes life a lot simpler and you encounter much less people in the process. Do whatever makes you feel safest though. It's because I'm relentlessly hyperactive in my energy I manage to make the top-up shopping trips I do as I'm helping take care of two older women who are vulnerable. Being the youngest and most energetic on top washing my hands frequently and carrying sanatiser gel gives me some of mind. I still have to cautious when out about having mild asthma and being south Asian too.
Sad to the see the older members of my neighbourhood - the ones most likely to be badly affected by COVID-19 - all back out in the street and drinking like it's the good ol' days today.
Our back street barbers has had the shutters 3/4 down and black bin bags taped to the bottom windows and for the last week from what I can hear sounds the same as pre- Covid just as busy and full
of a high risk demographic the only difference I suppose is that there is no sport to watch ☹️🙄
What I usually do is use back roads and try and avoid the main road as much as possible - makes life a lot simpler and you encounter much less people in the process. Do whatever makes you feel safest though. It's because I'm relentlessly hyperactive in my energy I manage to make the top-up shopping trips I do as I'm helping take care of two older women who are vulnerable. Being the youngest and most energetic on top washing my hands frequently and carrying sanatiser gel gives me some of mind. I still have to cautious when out about having mild asthma and being south Asian too.
Thank you.
Crisis? What crisis?

Full football game taking place in Brockwell park yesterday with refs and subs.

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Thing is I don't blame them.

Its all part of the Tory strategy.

Few weeks back Boris announced schools would open in June. With no consultation with local Councils or Teaching Unions. Then media like Evening Standard start laying into the Unions.

Boris wants us all to go back to work. He doesn't care about our health.

But the Tories/ Boris want get out card.

They aren't saying in public the Lock down is ended. They are giving hints and nudges that it has. Enough for people to realise they can play football and have outside barbecue party ( I saw today) without being stopped.

But enough leeeway for the Tories / Boris that if deaths go up Boris can hold his hands up and say its public fault not his.

Example of the "nudge" theory.This time used for dubious reasons.
Put this here for now.

Its a website Lambeth Council have made about response to transport during the pandemic. Includes link to the full Council report.

Its in summary bringing forward more quickly some already agreed / partially agreed schemes.

Working with TFL - TFL control Brixton Road and all traffic lights. Asking TFL to increase times for pedestrians at lights.

Looking at how cycling, walking, scooters, mobility scooters can have more road space. As lockdown winds down for now. How to take pressure off public transport and enable socially distanced road / pavvement space

The report says they are waiting for extra money from Government. So plans are a minimum and maximm. Will depend on extra funding for the maximum

Park scenes

Brockwell Park is packed as the lockdown weakens

There's been a busy party going on outside my block all day. Around 50-60 people all acting like the virus doesn't exist.
What is the best time of day to shop in Lidl, Acre Lane to avoid queues and whole families who have no idea how to do social distancing? Is 8am any good?

Last time I went (over a month ago) although there weren't many people allowed in the shop at any one time, but people kept getting right next to me, reaching over me, literally bumping into me, and allowing their kids to run free. I didn't get half the things I needed as I could wait to out of there.
What is the best time of day to shop in Lidl, Acre Lane to avoid queues and whole families who have no idea how to do social distancing? Is 8am any good?

Last time I went (over a month ago) although there weren't many people allowed in the shop at any one time, but people kept getting right next to me, reaching over me, literally bumping into me, and allowing their kids to run free. I didn't get half the things I needed as I could wait to out of there.
I walked in, no queue at all at about 7pm this evening. Not sure if that was a fluke of the sunny weather or what. It was fairly quiet so you could swerve people if you make a conscious effort - although social distancing by others was as hit or miss as any shop.
What is the best time of day to shop in Lidl, Acre Lane to avoid queues and whole families who have no idea how to do social distancing? Is 8am any good?

Last time I went (over a month ago) although there weren't many people allowed in the shop at any one time, but people kept getting right next to me, reaching over me, literally bumping into me, and allowing their kids to run free. I didn't get half the things I needed as I could wait to out of there.
I've been a few three times recently at around 7pm too, and every time I've gone straight in.
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