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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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....and milk floats are a thing of the past since they stopped milk tokens...it's all cold-filtered organic hand pulled by virgin milk-maids at dawn and delivered by sodding Ocado now, so it is.

We get our milk delivered by milk float. Driven by Dave. Nice chap.

Still, I might try this being hand-pulled by virgin milk-maids, that sounds better.
Another new cafe has opened up on Brixton Station Road almost directly opposite San Marino (and looking rather similar too).
Blimey, it's going to be caffeine wars! I hope Starbucks are trounced. Their coffee is horrible and I can't be doing with having to learn a new poncey language because you aren't allowed to ask for a 'cup of black coffee' because it's not part of their corporate nomenclature.
I kind of feel like maybe Lambeth's attention might be better focussed elsewhere as far as planning breaches are concerned. They didn't seem so enthusiastic about taking action when the old listed coach&horses pub on CHL was having giant signs and canopies hammered into it.

It's hard to see that the carwash place is really harming anyone, and I don't expect the people who are running it are exactly making millions from it. An easy target perhaps?
I kind of feel like maybe Lambeth's attention might be better focussed elsewhere as far as planning breaches are concerned. They didn't seem so enthusiastic about taking action when the old listed coach&horses pub on CHL was having giant signs and canopies hammered into it.

It's hard to see that the carwash place is really harming anyone, and I don't expect the people who are running it are exactly making millions from it. An easy target perhaps?

Maybe Lambeth would rather they were all signing on instead? I'd say they would make a tidy sum there but unfortunately, there's so many of them working there, I don't see how they can possibly make much profit. Fair play to the workers though, that place is often incredibly busy and they work their bollocks off. I wonder how much they get paid though and how much their bosses are taking off them? They might get paid a pittance. I don't know how it works or the set-up there.

Would Lambeth rather have it sitting there empty? Probably
I'd say the chances of them getting paid a pittance are fairly high.

I find it hard to think of a reason why anyone would object to them being there. I don't see how an empty derelict garage site is any better than a derelict garage site with some folk washing cars on it.
I'd say the chances of them getting paid a pittance are fairly high.

I find it hard to think of a reason why anyone would object to them being there. I don't see how an empty derelict garage site is any better than a derelict garage site with some folk washing cars on it.

and better than a burnt down tyre place.

Maybe Lambeth want the land themselves. Wasn't it one of the proposed sites for a new school at one stage?
No, I think that was the Water Board Allotments near the prison because the middle-class parents lobbying for a new school didn't want one in an area where poorer people lived...they lost a lot of support over that. When the site of the Evelyn Grace Academy was mooted they complained that it was crime ridden and dangerous which really pissed off people from my ends.
No, I think that was the Water Board Allotments near the prison because the middle-class parents lobbying for a new school didn't want one in an area where poorer people lived...they lost a lot of support over that. When the site of the Evelyn Grace Academy was mooted they complained that it was crime ridden and dangerous which really pissed off people from my ends.

Yeah, but wasn't that bit for playing fields? (ie. the Waterworks). I'm sure there was even a picture posted up here of what the school would like and it was where the garage/tyre place/carwash place is now
I had a great night out in town tonight, mixing it with loads of old school Brixtonites in the Alb and Dog.

That is all.

I'd say the chances of them getting paid a pittance are fairly high.

I find it hard to think of a reason why anyone would object to them being there. I don't see how an empty derelict garage site is any better than a derelict garage site with some folk washing cars on it.

Playing devils advocate, one could argue that breaching the use class is fairly fundamental, and that councils should not passively circumvent planning law by ignoring something based on merit (as opposed to facilitating change of use). I assume it is still classed as 'Petrol Station'.

Personally I have no objection. As Minnie says, they're working their bollocks off, and it's good that people are employed.
Playing devils advocate, one could argue that breaching the use class is fairly fundamental, and that councils should not passively circumvent planning law by ignoring something based on merit (as opposed to facilitating change of use). I assume it is still classed as 'Petrol Station'.

Personally I have no objection. As Minnie says, they're working their bollocks off, and it's good that people are employed.

They work hard and it's incredibly cheap - I have never paid more than £10 for an inside/outside clean which takes them a good 15 minutes. That's £80/hour if they can do two cars at a time divided by at least six of them - and of course they are standing around with no customers for a good part of the day.

I wonder though if they were paying business rates to Lambeth and if not whether the planning thing was the easiest way to clobber them?
Why do Starbucks serve bad coffee? Is it cheaper to make bad coffee?

It's not bad coffee... it's just not particularly strong tasting so if you like coffee, it can be too bland. Tasty enough for the majority though.
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I imagine it is cheaper to make bad coffee. To get as many beans as starbucks would need and to get them cheap enough, I assume they are going to be disease resistant, intensively farmed etc etc to manage the supply chain and keep prices down. These are not going to be award winning beans.
a source tells me that the man who likes to hang about the crossroads on the A205 (at the border between brixton and streatham) has been fitted with a high vis jacket. presumably this is for his own safety? his behaviour at that traffic island can be unpredictable.
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