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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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...Something to do with Herne Hill possibly deriving its name from "Heron Hill".

Maybe, maybe not.

The Brixton Arts and Creative Lighting Projects Report says:
Weathervane project
Maggi Hambling is one of today’s most celebrated British artists and is a Lambeth resident. Hambling discovered a connection between the old River Effra, which would have run along a similar course to Brixton Road, and the name of the nearby Heron Road. This inspired a heron-shaped weathervane
which will reflect the changing nature of the area and the influences coming in from all over the world.
What would really help Central Brixton (by that I mean between the railway bridge and KFC) would be somewhere to have a sit-down that wasn't a bus stop and uncomfortable seat.

I'm fairly convinced, on the basis of no evidence at all, that seats in Central Brixton are made deliberately uncomfortable to discourage lingering. It could just be the fashion, but I doubt it.
I have the Lambeth Life article in front of me and it says "The sculpture has been created to celebrate Brixton's history and the herons that used to populate the River Effra, which now runs below ground". It goes on to say that "it is thought that Herne Hill could derive from Heron Hill".. but as an aside I think.

Full article here (page 5)..

I keep my Lambeth Life in the toilet - good to read for those "moments" and can always double up in an emergency!
Has no-one heard of Herne the Hunter?

That's not really how things work nowadays, is it.

Now that the lower orders can use their Oyster cards to get to Herne Hill, I fear the onslaught of "cider tourists" arriving at the Lambeth Country Show by train for free. Let us therefore be thankful that the proprietors of the railway companies have seen fit to close the Thameslink line, so that only the south London multitude will descend upon us.
Now that the lower orders can use their Oyster cards to get to Herne Hill, I fear the onslaught of "cider tourists" arriving at the Lambeth Country Show by train for free. Let us therefore be thankful that the proprietors of the railway companies have seen fit to close the Thameslink line, so that only the south London multitude will descend upon us.

It's always closed at the weekend.
bit of a bee in my bonnet here, but why does that hootenany pub have the them skanky crap flags hanging over the door! such a beautiful, impressive looking pub - those flags make it look like a skip!

cheers, greenfish.
Good point on the Hoot. I actually like the casual/scruffy feel of the place but the flags are a big ugly. It is a lovely building.
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