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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Ace. We can stuff the vuvuzelas up their backsides and tell them to rev that up.

Went past the Barrier Block on the '45' this morning and Moorland Road taped off with a number of plod in attendance. Not sure what had happened but there appeared to be a recycling box lying in the middle of the road?
Any one remember that guy who would stand outside the hobgoblin with a blue blazer, headphones on, Drinking tins & asking for cigs, There roughly every night.. Hadnt seen him for a long while & then saw him in West Norwood outside Norwood hotel. All the same, except he is in a mobile scooter now..
Any one remember that guy who would stand outside the hobgoblin with a blue blazer, headphones on, Drinking tins & asking for cigs, There roughly every night.. Hadnt seen him for a long while & then saw him in West Norwood outside Norwood hotel. All the same, except he is in a mobile scooter now..

Yeah - I know the one - wonder what happened? He seemed mobile enough before.
Fuck me - it's gone mental here. Mass argy bargy in the street and an undercover cop with balls of steel slapping down a bloke with a fucking SWORD!
Place is swarming with police now.
Sounds lively Ed!!

We have just cast our vote. Pretty much nobody at the polling station apart from us.
the stuff in there looks well pricey. i thought charity shops were cheap!

Not been in yet. There is one in Wandsworth near my work and it is (like most charity shops) a bit mixed. If you were looking for an item you need to keep popping in. I have seen some great stuff at times and they will deliver too.
i live literally just round the corner from it, so will check it out regularly, but i expected to be able to find a nice chair for a couple of notes, rather than £150! might as well buy a new one for that!
All depends doesn't it? They have their own new range as well as the donated items. I saw a wonderful roll top bureau for £60 in one once. Fuck knows how much it would have been new!
Just had a FAB time watching Levi Roots with 200+ primary school kids as orchestral back up on Windrush Square. Plus one obligatory "local character" dancing right in the middle of proceedings as the local press tried to get photos. :D The square seems to be coming into its own with this weather - I only wish in this hot sunlight there was more shade, but maybe when the trees get bigger?
Today's Brixton activity report:

- Steel band playing outside the Ritzy
- Socialist Party outside KFC
- UCKG collectors everywhere.
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