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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Just gonna give some dues to the Blenheim Gardens sorting office! Surprisingly!! :eek::D

They tried to deliver something on Monday - I was out, they left a card. I asked for redelivery yesterday - they didn't redeliver. This morning they came round three times with various deliveries but not the one I really need (it's a TENS machine - which is basically pain relief for giving birth - so I'm pretty keen to get it... :D).

Anyway, I collared the 3rd guy and asked him what was going on. He took my telephone number and went back and they had a big search and finally found it and called me. The guy then drove back in his own car to give it to me. :) Thanks BG posties. :)
Just gonna give some dues to the Blenheim Gardens sorting office! Surprisingly!!

They tried to deliver something on Monday - I was out, they left a card. I asked for redelivery yesterday - they didn't redeliver. This morning they came round three times with various deliveries but not the one I really need (it's a TENS machine - which is basically pain relief for giving birth - so I'm pretty keen to get it... :D).

Anyway, I collared the 3rd guy and asked him what was going on. He took my telephone number and went back and they had a big search and finally found it and called me. The guy then drove back in his own car to give it to me. :) Thanks BG posties. :)

They left me a red card a while ago - I arranged a redelivery. As far as I know they didn't (I was in on the relevant morning, and there was no card left).

I went to get it from the sorting office and they said they don't leave red cards when they redeliver. And as they couldn't find the parcel, they said it had probably been sent back to the sender.

So there is no way of telling whether they actually tried to redeliver or not.


I kind of think that the whole system of delivering parcels to residential addresses should be rethought. Just don't even bother trying if it's bigger than a letterbox. Stop the posties having to lug parcels around pointlessly, and pay them to man the sorting office at convenient hours instead.
I kind of think that the whole system of delivering parcels to residential addresses should be rethought. Just don't even bother trying if it's bigger than a letterbox. Stop the posties having to lug parcels around pointlessly, and pay them to man the sorting office at convenient hours instead.

I don't know if you know this but from last Monday the sorting office is open all day long up until Christmas - if that helps at all.

Meanwhile Citylink have been fucking me over too - actually to be fair to them when I finally (after much googling) found a number to call that didn't involve an automated maching - the guy on the end of the line did say.. "ah yes, we used an agency driver for that job - I think he's trying to pull a fast one on us"! So at least there's some honesty there.

He's promised faithfully it will be delivered today, but I'm not holding my breath. I do feel like I'm spending an inordinate amount of time waiting around for deliveries though. If I'm not here for this one they'll return it to the sender - so I won't get it till next year I imagine.
Citylink have been ok with me, the fella rang me up, said he had a parcel and that I wasn't in, what should he do?

Asked him to deliver it next door and he did, no bother

Also, for my parcels that come when I am out, all I do is get down the sorting office, Blenheim Gardens, and get it then the next morning, easy

Gotta big up the PO this year, no fuck ups and helpful staff

I don't know if you know this but from last Monday the sorting office is open all day long up until Christmas - if that helps at all.

Didn't know that, no.

Also, for my parcels that come when I am out, all I do is get down the sorting office, Blenheim Gardens, and get it then the next morning, easy

The problem is though that there is often a big queue. You have to allow for potentially 20 mins standing around outdoors - which apart from being a bit miserable on a cold rainy morning means I'd have to get up half an hour early in order to still get to work on time. Or more if I have to take the parcel home before then going back out again.

It's not the fault of the staff, but there seem to be so many pointless rules when you're picking stuff up.

For example - to pick up something for another member of my household at the same time as getting something for myself I have to take my ID and proof that I live at the address AND some kind of ID for them. What's the point of that? They know I live at that address because I'm picking up an item of mail addressed to me at that address. They know my housemate lives at that address because there is a parcel addressed to them right next to the one addressed to me. If I wanted to nick their mail I'd do so when it came through the letterbox. :facepalm:
For example - to pick up something for another member of my household at the same time as getting something for myself I have to take my ID and proof that I live at the address AND some kind of ID for them. What's the point of that? They know I live at that address because I'm picking up an item of mail addressed to me at that address. They know my housemate lives at that address because there is a parcel addressed to them right next to the one addressed to me. If I wanted to nick their mail I'd do so when it came through the letterbox. :facepalm:

I think that's a fair enough rule actually. I'm sure you know people in shared houses who have suspect housemates.
I think that's a fair enough rule actually. I'm sure you know people in shared houses who have suspect housemates.

But the point is that the suspect housemates could just as easily intercept the stuff when it was delivered to the house. Also, they will accept as ID something like a gas bill, easily retreivable from the kitchen table by a suspect housemate. It doesn't actually protect anyone, just makes their life more difficult.
Midwinter madness

Crazy people swimming in the Lido this morning.

Icebreaking duty:

Yes, that is ice floating on the water they are jumping into

On the subject of parcels delivery there is a scheme set up by whereby you can get it delivered to a local pub and then go and pick it up in the evening.

I saw details when I was in the Sun and Doves the other day - its called Useyourlocal.com (http://www.useyourlocal.com/) which potentially could be useful. Site requires registering and stuff so havent investigated further but could be a way around red card misery!
On the subject of parcels delivery there is a scheme set up by whereby you can get it delivered to a local pub and then go and pick it up in the evening.

I saw details when I was in the Sun and Doves the other day - its called Useyourlocal.com which potentially could be useful. Site requires registering and stuff so havent investigated further but could be a way around red card misery!

Now that is a bloomin' brilliant idea! :)
I just had a look on that site to see if any near me were part of the scheme. Only the White Horse came up - it is listed as registered but "not accepting parcels". :confused:

:( Ah, that's not quite what I was hoping for. It's still a good idea in principle though, but I can only see it working if they get more pubs signing up. And what the point is of registering but "not accepting parcels" is I don't know.
:( Ah, that's not quite what I was hoping for. It's still a good idea in principle though, but I can only see it working if they get more pubs signing up. And what the point is of registering but "not accepting parcels" is I don't know.

Maybe I'll ask them about it when I'm next in there.
Yes having had a look at the site further I can see that its got lots of potential but could do with a bit of tweaking - when I entered my postcode for example the list of pubs that came up included at least three that had closed locally (which is a different story)

Whatsmore it failed to give the one pub in the area that I know is part of the scheme (the Sun and Doves, Coldharbour Lane) even though it is only 500metres or so from my house.

So being a good consumer I filled in the feedback form on the site and got a polite email back this morning saying thanks for your feedback we are still developing the site. They suggested the best way forward was to tell local pubs about it and get them to register to receive parcels etc.

I also queried their data protection/ information retention policy (its part of what I do at work so I'm a bit nerdy about such things) as the site is financed by Heineken and I feared that it would be used solely to gather email addresses for promotional purposes. The person who responded assured me that it was independent of the brewery and the information would only be used for this site only.

So as others have said its a very good idea with lots of potential...

(and no I am not connected with the site at all or the Sun and Doves)
Yes having had a look at the site further I can see that its got lots of potential but could do with a bit of tweaking - when I entered my postcode for example the list of pubs that came up included at least three that had closed locally (which is a different story)

Whatsmore it failed to give the one pub in the area that I know is part of the scheme (the Sun and Doves, Coldharbour Lane) even though it is only 500metres or so from my house.

So being a good consumer I filled in the feedback form on the site and got a polite email back this morning saying thanks for your feedback we are still developing the site. They suggested the best way forward was to tell local pubs about it and get them to register to receive parcels etc.

I also queried their data protection/ information retention policy (its part of what I do at work so I'm a bit nerdy about such things) as the site is financed by Heineken and I feared that it would be used solely to gather email addresses for promotional purposes. The person who responded assured me that it was independent of the brewery and the information would only be used for this site only.

So as others have said its a very good idea with lots of potential...

(and no I am not connected with the site at all or the Sun and Doves)
Like all of these things it's horribly out of date, showing long closed pubs and has some non existent entries.

I'm mulling over plans to build a proper Brixton pub guide.
On the subject of parcels delivery there is a scheme set up by whereby you can get it delivered to a local pub and then go and pick it up in the evening.

I saw details when I was in the Sun and Doves the other day - its called Useyourlocal.com (http://www.useyourlocal.com/) which potentially could be useful. Site requires registering and stuff so havent investigated further but could be a way around red card misery!

I reckon there will be a lot more in the way of ''independent parcel depots'' services. The Post Office has lots of local depots but courier services tend to have depots in pain in the arse places. Once they've properly destroyed the post office you'll get people running depots so the mail delivery companies don't have to fork out on premises. We'll probably have to pay a fee to collect things at convenientish locations.
I reckon there will be a lot more in the way of ''independent parcel depots'' services. The Post Office has lots of local depots but courier services tend to have depots in pain in the arse places. Once they've properly destroyed the post office you'll get people running depots so the mail delivery companies don't have to fork out on premises. We'll probably have to pay a fee to collect things at convenientish locations.


With courier firms not only do you have to be around from 9 to bloomin' 5 because they can't tell you precisely what time they'll be coming, but then when you miss them they're on some industrial estate miles out of town. Not good when you don't drive :mad:

At least the Royal Mail deliver in the morning, and even if you should miss them, you can get a re-delivery on a Saturday morning pretty easily or get them to take the parcel to a local PO branch in town.
Seems to have been an accident at the top of Brixton Hill overnight, the traffic lights were bent and a bin overturned and its contents spilt on the corner by Paolo'z Way - and, more importantly for those who can't live without their daily fix of portugese custard tarts, Paolo'z front entrance was all taped off and the shutters still down at 7am this morning.

Whether they're using the side entrance on New Park Road and they're now open, I can't say cos I'm at work now.
It's just taken me an hour to get up the hill on a bus. I know I could have walked but my feet were too cold and wet. Can't see what the reason for the gridlock is apart from a) we've had a teeny bit of snow and b) the lights at the corner of New Park Road are out.
Fucking mental. Just (4.45pm) sent Nanker Jnr off to Waterloo on a bus, at 5.30pm we were at the police station.

He continued on and got to waterloo at 6.

I walked back and arrived home the same time.

Buses stopped everywhere. They've all thrown everyone off by Brockwell Gate. Wheels spinning in the ice. going nowhere.

Crowds of people all walking up from Brixton.

Gonna be fun tomorrow!
Christ - just called mum - sent her home from Brixton about 2 hours ago - she's only got to get to Bromley/Lewisham borders - well she's not home 'cos there's been some big bus crash involving 4/5 buses or something (I don't suppose it's at any speed - probably just all slid into each other)? Meanwhile my brother's stranded apparently on the M25/M2 or summat 'cos they've closed the motorway.

I can't believe that everytime the snow causes this much chaos? WTF!!!
I just walked up the hill from Brixton tube, to New Pk Rd, it took me 40 mins as it was SOO icy - loads of black ice. Really treacherous! :eek:

There were horrendous crowds outside the KFC waiting to catch buses (are people mental?! the traffic was completely stationary!).

My other half is still on a bus by Loughborough Junction having left work (Camberwell) at 4.30pm. It is now 6.40pm. :eek: She doesn't think it worth risking walking as she hasn't got great balance and hates walking on ice.

Bloody ell.
This why I get all bah humbug about snow.

Don't get me wrong - if I was snowed into a country cottage with some good friends, lots of food and wine, and a roaring fire I would be delighted.

However, it's a different matter in the city when you know that the whole transport system will grind to a halt after a few snowflakes :mad:
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