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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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With, what 7, buses now going straight up Brixton hill instead of up effra road. I don't see why there is a need to stop cars going up there. Seems simpler than any other arrangement.

Jesus woman, you don't even know how many buses go past your house :rolleyes::eek::D
IIRC, that was the original idea, but after public consultation they allowed through traffic. Might not be the objectively 'best' solution but it's what the people (who shouted loudest) wanted.

Ah well, I wasn't completely imagining things then.

I imagine the plan was scuppered by car driving nimbys in the residential streets nearby who didn't want a few minutes added to their car journeys that they could be doing by public transport instead.

Whether or not it matters in the end depends on how people actually use the new public space. I suspect that the area in the church gardens will be used by a different group of people to those who use the main square (whoever they end up being). In which case the attempt to join the two spaces more effectively by reducing traffic up the first bit of Effra road will be somewhat academic. Who knows.
Going down Brixton Hill this morning, I noticed there was some police tape, with copper in attendance, by the gateway at the back of the Council office on the road just before it (as you're going down the hill). Any ideas?
Going down Brixton Hill this morning, I noticed there was some police tape, with copper in attendance, by the gateway at the back of the Council office on the road just before it (as you're going down the hill). Any ideas?

Maybe someone got pissed off with an employee in Olive Morris House?
Going down Brixton Hill this morning, I noticed there was some police tape, with copper in attendance, by the gateway at the back of the Council office on the road just before it (as you're going down the hill). Any ideas?

Don't know what it's like in there, never had a need to go in it.

I did two weeks ago when b/f's sister came to stay the night and we needed a parking permit.

20 minutes and 3 people it took to find his address after saying it's not on the system and me telling them it must be on the system, it's a sodding council estate.

We then had to buy £15 worth for his sister to stay the one night. (Minimum you can buy is 10 tickets).

I asked her what date do I scrape off if she's arriving Saturday and leaving Sunday. Do I need to use two tickets. She told me she'd be alright as Sunday parking is free.

On the Saturday, I rang to check a couple of minutes before they arrived. I had already scratched off Saturday's date so I could throw the permit to them out of the window.

I was told that Saturday was free as well. So it had cost us £15 for nothing. :mad:
you should have checked the signs to be fair

True. But then I did ring them the day before I went down there and they told me a permit was needed after I gave the address.

Not even sure where the signs are. Will have to make a point of looking out for them.

Despite that, had it been a weekday, they shouldn't have had to spend 20 minutes and 3 people trying to find the address.
There is at least one new Victoria line train out in the wild today. Have just had my first trip on one of them.


I am a little displeased about the fact that not all of the hand rails have been painted in Victoria Line blue.
There is at least one new Victoria line train out in the wild today. Have just had my first trip on one of them.


I am a little displeased about the fact that not all of the hand rails have been painted in Victoria Line blue.

That's shocking. I remember when I went to Uxbridge, can't remember what line I used but it wasn't colour-coded so I wasn't sure what train I was on :oops:
That's shocking. I remember when I went to Uxbridge, can't remember what line I used but it wasn't colour-coded so I wasn't sure what train I was on :oops:

I think I'm right in saying that the Hammersmith and City trains have yellow handrails because they get swapped around with circle line ones sometimes.

This will of course cease to be an issue once the new uncircular circle line starts next month.

The new Victoria line trains have some of the handles in Vic line blue but the rest in something more like Picadilly line blue.

I think I'm right in saying that the Hammersmith and City trains have yellow handrails because they get swapped around with circle line ones sometimes.

This will of course cease to be an issue once the new uncircular circle line starts next month.

The new Victoria line trains have some of the handles in Vic line blue but the rest in something more like Picadilly line blue.


Yep, that was it. Couldn't figure out WTF was happening and got totally confused somewhere where I changed because it's where the circle line finished I think, but then I wasn't sure whether the trains pulling in were Circle or Metropolitan. Was most outrageous state of affairs.

b/f found it amusing though. Said it had been a long time since the tube had confused him.
Annoyingly the pool in the Rec will be closed during December apart from a few hours in the morning and the evening - with no changing rooms apart from the dry ones on the 6th floor (not sure how that will work). For me, the worst possible timing as I was hoping to use them as much as possible during the daytime in December... I'll be unlikely to get a chance to do this again for a while and it's difficult for me to go further afield. :(
There was an almighty street fight going on on the other side of the road to JAMM last night. I think there's some club there and a ton of oafs and oiks came pouring out out lobbing bottles and tussling with each other.
Bloody hell! My son was doing a gig there last night....he didn't mention any trouble at all when he brought the amps and guitars back last night (not that that's the sort of thing you mention to your Mum).
Maybe someone got pissed off with an employee in Olive Morris House?

Or the police have finally decided to deal with Lambeth Benefits staff in an appropriate manner. Arrest the lot of them, then tell them they don't get out until at least one of them agrees to learn to do their bloody job properly.
Bloody hell! My son was doing a gig there last night....he didn't mention any trouble at all when he brought the amps and guitars back last night (not that that's the sort of thing you mention to your Mum).
It wasn't in JAMM but outside the place opposite (a little bit further up the road).
The new Victoria line trains have some of the handles in Vic line blue but the rest in something more like Picadilly line blue.


I was puzzled by this. I'm wondering whether a certain degree of colour contrast is required by the new Rail Vehicle Accessibility regulations [RVAR], but I haven't found anything so far.

This document shows the exemptions from RVAR that LT have got for the new trains:http://www.uk-legislation.hmso.gov.uk/si/si2008/em/uksiem_20082969_en.pdf

However, the colour schemes on the Victoria Line are nowhere near as annoying at the [RVAR mandated ?] announcements at refurbished Northern Line stations that tell you the next station - ON BITS OF THE LINE WHERE THE NEXT STATION IS NEVER DIFFERENT!!!
i'm too busy looking at the people or reading

But have you never noticed whilst waiting for a District or Circle Line that the poles are green and yellow, or the Piccadilly Line is dark blue or the Jubilee Line is silver (grey) etc?

Or do you only go on the Victoria Line?

I suppose you only keep an eye out when you're on a platform that might have more than one line running through it
There was an almighty street fight going on on the other side of the road to JAMM last night. I think there's some club there and a ton of oafs and oiks came pouring out out lobbing bottles and tussling with each other.

Wonder if it has anything to do with the table dancing place near there ? :hmm:
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