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Brixton chitter chatter part 1 (Nov 2006-June 2008)

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ianw said:
A friend takes her baby son to a baby singing group on the Clapham borders. Today's excitement is that a dad turned up to the group too, with his child, and joined in the singing. So that's one group of women singing, and one bloke.

The bloke being Mark Owen.


Apparently the singing was a bit "subdued". Apart from Mark who was belting 'em out like a trooper.

BEST Brixton chitter chatter yet.... :D
Massive police operation at Mass last night - was walking home at around 4:30, must have been at least 20 cars, 6+ vans, teams of guys running around, coralled groups of punters. Didn't seem 'planned' and more cars/vans were arriving all the time. Was far too knackerd to hang around and ask what was going on, but it looked pretty serious.
Someone got knocked down on Sout Lambeth Road this morning - I think it was a young kid (or a very small adult) - they didn't look too good - an oxygen mask and heart massage was being applied
The gate is fixed!! After a series of notices put up by local residents - culminating with pictures of all the local councillors and details of their pay rises - Lambeth have finally fixed the Tulse Hill gate into Brockwell Park.

There's a free ATM at the new Sainsburys on Brixton hill, which I will have to try and remember.
gaijingirl said:
The gate is fixed!! After a series of notices put up by local residents - culminating with pictures of all the local councillors and details of their pay rises - Lambeth have finally fixed the Tulse Hill gate into Brockwell Park.


Marvellous! No more wall-scaling gymnastics required.
gaijingirl said:
My housemate's friend works in Sainsbury's local by the tube on the checkout and wrote a song about his experiences! :) Oh and bizzarely his name (or maybe it's his nom de plume) is Urb!!

http://www.myspace.com/urbscrunting (Click on Sainsbury's Brixton)

Urb is now famous and on page 3 of the SLP who apparently read about it here first!! :D

Today U75 Brixton chitter chatter - tomorrow Wembley.... :D
Minnie_the_Minx said:
where exactly? Mace/Nisa? Somewhere else?
Google Maps reckons it's on the corner with arodene road, so opposite the shops downhill from blenheim gardens.
dirtyfruit said:
My police source tells me it's <edit>
I wouldn't be surprised - I've seen some odd things going on - I've been locked in there whilst they're trying to imprison someone who's offended the lady who works theres. I was passing the other day and the police were there and it looked like they'd locked in another nutter.
I don't care about the <the things that can't be mentioned: ed>. I just want the fucking shop to open a bit earlier so I actually can buy a paper on the way to work without a detour. Call yourself Brixton News and not opening till after 10, well after the commuter rush - where's the fun in that. I demand a trade descriptions crack down.
:mad: ;)

That shop's a bit of a peculiar one though. The friendly old staff seemed to disappear unexpectedly overnight - LQ misses her brief Hindi conversations with them
Crispy said:
Google Maps reckons it's on the corner with arodene road, so opposite the shops downhill from blenheim gardens.

Yeah, realised after it had to be that side 'cos the other side of the road is evens.

You mean where the 2nd hand furniture place is?
Orang Utan said:
They're always friendly to me

The women in there are always nice but there's a couple of blokes who work there who've been intimidating/bordering on sexual harassment a couple of times I've been in there. Tend to avoid it now tbh :(
editor said:
Sorry, but I'm sure you understand that having such unsupported claims published here could cause us real problems....

Cool. I was wondering if it would be ok. Now I know. Reliable source mind :eek:
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