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Brixton chitter chatter part 1 (Nov 2006-June 2008)

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The police have been called to the bookies on Coldharbour Lane so many times recently, they might want to consider opening an office in there.
Urb Scrunting looking for gigs

Hi Brixtonites,

My name's Urb Scrunting and I'm a singer songwriter. A wee while ago there was some chat about my song "Sainsbury's Brixton Local" on this sight and randomly a reporter caught it and did a story on the song which was in The South London Press last Friday.

My stuff can be heard at www.myspace.com/urbscrunting and downloaded at www.indiestore.com/urbscruntingmusic

Love to know what folks think of the song and if anyone can give me gigs, leads etc...I'm looking for places to do my stuff.

I heard there was a festival this weekend in Brockwell park? I'd be well up at playing a collection of my stuff there so if anyone is involved in organising could let me perform / busk that would be wicked.

Contact me at lucamatthew@googlemail.com


Urb Scrunting said:
Hi Brixtonites,

My name's Urb Scrunting and I'm a singer songwriter. A wee while ago there was some chat about my song "Sainsbury's Brixton Local" on this sight and randomly a reporter caught it and did a story on the song which was in The South London Press last Friday.

You're a bit late to get a gig at the Country Show now, but it's still worth a visit - it's a great day out.

I run a live music club in Brixton - I'll give your stuff a listen later - but note that it's not really done to plug your own stuff much here. Adverts are really frowned on, so you'd be better off just joining in with the general chat!

Enjoy the boards, but remember - no more plugging your own stuff please!
New permanent sign on the, finally repaired, Dick Sheperd (Tulse Hill) gate warning all and sundry that it is an area where people experience crime in the evening. :( I'm assuming that they mean if you walk across the (locked) park at night it's dangerous? :confused:

Sometimes I feel like I live in a parallel universe ....
gaijingirl said:
New permanent sign on the, finally repaired, Dick Sheperd (Tulse Hill) gate warning all and sundry that it is an area where people experience crime in the evening. :( I'm assuming that they mean if you walk across the (locked) park at night it's dangerous? :confused:

Sometimes I feel like I live in a parallel universe ....

And they wonder why fear of crime outstrips crime itself.
A reply and stuff


Sorry about the plug, I totally understand the need to protect the chat forum from becoming an advertising/spam bin. I wouldn't have done it out of the blue but it was just due to some interest that seemed to come here before, I thought I'd do a shout out.

Well I'm more of a Claphamite than a Brixtonite now, but still within striking distance. Still get down there a fair bit, was at The Prince last night at The Jamm....quite quiet, use to be busier a few months back.

Will get down The Country Fair on Saturday afternoon to have a wonder,


memespring said:
the prince is getting a smoking shelter: http://tinyurl.com/2vv2tr

What's the Prince of Wales like? It's quite close to where I live but I always forget it's there for some reason. Everytime I go down Lyham Road, as I did earlier, I think how nice it looks, but I've never managed to get myself down there :oops:
Donna Ferentes said:
Local website wins website of year award
Way to go!

Nice to see you back posting here too!

And on another Brixton related note, a Merchant Navy steam locomotive just thundered by, pulling a lovely set of malachite green coaches.
editor said:
Way to go!

Nice to see you back posting here too!

And on another Brixton related note, a Merchant Navy steam locomotive just thundered by, pulling a lovely set of malachite green coaches.

The Merchant Navy has trains?
Anarchy in the Latte anyone?

The Prince Regent pub quiz descended into heckles and threats of violence last week. Its justa pub quiz. :confused:
snowy_again said:
The Prince Regent pub quiz descended into heckles and threats of violence last week. Its justa pub quiz. :confused:

I was there last week and didn't see that?? Maybe it was in the other room? The 3 tube Qs were Marble Arch/Cannon Street and somewhere else... maybe you're talking about a different week?
Its a bit like the Archers in there...

There's a couple of regular winning teams and a fair bit of chatter going around the room. Last week was a tie breaker question for the winner. When Normal Winning Team #1 lost the tie break, Normal Winning Team #2 chose to loudly tease them about how sad they were to see their rivals lose. Cue pushing and shoving, accusations of cheating and threats of violence etc.

It would have never happened in Howards day, is all I can say. There's meant to be some reparations (in some form or other) tonight. I'm going for a swim, but I might just pop by on my way home to see the repercussions.

NB. Sadly I didn't attend last week, so this is all second hand gossip.

Edited to add - pub quizzes and smoking bans don't really go hand in hand do they?
The big crane that was looming over the bankrupt block of half built flats on Coldharbour Lane (opp Barrier Block) has finally been taken away. I wonder if that block will ever get finished?
editor said:
The big crane that was looming over the bankrupt block of half built flats on Coldharbour Lane (opp Barrier Block) has finally been taken away. I wonder if that block will ever get finished?

I'm sure it will be - the place is almost finished and must have £10m worth of flats in it. Surely whoever the debtors are will eventually have the site sold to somebody who will complete it?
Bob said:
I'm sure it will be - the place is almost finished and must have £10m worth of flats in it. Surely whoever the debtors are will eventually have the site sold to somebody who will complete it?
Well, it can't be looking good with the crane being taken away when there's still work to be done.
those things are in hot demand right now - I'm surprised it didn't get taken away sooner, tbh.
The Hobgoblin's lease is still for sale. Someone's apparently offered a fair old sum for the last 2 years of the lease. Rumours of gastropub chain, but the plan I've heard involves turning one bar into a chinese restaurant and keeping the other running. Various surveyors, lawyers and chefs have apparently visted in the last week.

More later....
snowy_again said:
Its a bit like the Archers in there...

There's a couple of regular winning teams and a fair bit of chatter going around the room. Last week was a tie breaker question for the winner. When Normal Winning Team #1 lost the tie break, Normal Winning Team #2 chose to loudly tease them about how sad they were to see their rivals lose. Cue pushing and shoving, accusations of cheating and threats of violence etc.

It would have never happened in Howards day, is all I can say. There's meant to be some reparations (in some form or other) tonight. I'm going for a swim, but I might just pop by on my way home to see the repercussions.

NB. Sadly I didn't attend last week, so this is all second hand gossip.

Edited to add - pub quizzes and smoking bans don't really go hand in hand do they?

Eh? This just didn't happen!! There was no tie break last week? :confused: The winning team were miles ahead... (ETA I wish it had though - it would have been quite exciting and distracted us from our pathetic score!!) - I'm sure I would have noticed all of that happening!!

Agree about the flying ants though at the Lido.. although it didn't stop us getting cake.... :oops:
gaijingirl said:
Eh? This just didn't happen!! There was no tie break last week? :confused: The winning team were miles ahead... (ETA I wish it had though - it would have been quite exciting and distracted us from our pathetic score!!) - I'm sure I would have noticed all of that happening!!

Agree about the flying ants though at the Lido.. although it didn't stop us getting cake.... :oops:

Then I shall have to go back to my sources and reprimand them for their rubbish info! Although the two (now suspected) offending teams were distinctly absent yesterday.
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