Its money. All the sponsored posts. The reason so many people are sharing this shit is it is turning up in everyone's feed. Posts along the lines of "Isn't it sad some cunts killed a drummer" and "this kids dead aren't the parents who did it shit" are the ones most of my "friends" seem to be sharing quite possibly without looking into the politics. The halal ones and the "oh noes this foreign person did a foreign crime here in what to them is a foreign country but got a medal for it because they're foreign but marines go to orison because they're not foreign" get a few shares. Someone I went to college with reposts all the Rigby grief porn, possibly because her son is in the army or some such, didn't respond when I mentioned that the Rigby family have spoken out against far right groups and got into a dispute with/about Britain First using his name as a vote winner on polling cards. I have been getting constant sponsored posts from them perhaps because I've visited "political pages". Must be costing Dowson a fortune.