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Chairman Meow said:
Maybe handmade bread is a bit bitter than breadmaker bread, and its obvious to me anyway that both are better than spermarket crap. But I have neither the time nor inclination to faff around making bread when I can sling the ingredients in the machine and it'll do the donkey work for me. There are only so many hours in a day after all, and to be honest I don't think there is that much of a difference really. In fact I've had some right rank hand made bread in my time. :D

Init :cool:

Post of the Year 2007 :D
aqua said:
but you're always snobby on any threads that involve food :p :D

I can't be arsed to make bread, it's as simple as that, and therefore a breadmaker is still better than shop bought bread :)

It's no way better than the bread bought in my local shop. But that's because my local shop(s) is supplied by decent local bakers. That's not snobby, just an acknowledgment that it's argubly cheaper, and certainly even less hassle, to buy better shop bought stuff for me. I can save the time and cook less basic staples.

What I wouldn't get, of course, is the lovely smell of bread baking. That's almost worth it in itself. But I do zlightly object to talk of breadmaker vs anti-breadmaker crew and the repeated falsehood that breadmakers make loaves anywhere near as good as the real article. Closeish,but no cigar - it's like expecting coffee made in those pods to be as good as coffee from freshly ground beans
mattie said:
My assumption was that either are better than supermarket bread as there are no additives and it's freshly baked, other than that I can't see what the difference would be. Would air conduction be a factor?

That is about right, you really don't want to know about the shite that goes into the vast majority of industrial dough in the UK, nor the methods they use to turn it into the finished product. The taste & texture of your own loaf will be way ahead of anything you can get in the shops, with the exception of a proper craft baker - if you can find one.

And bread making by hand is a bit of a black art that you either can or can't do IMO & as all I seem to produce is housebricks by the traditional method, a breadmaker suits me just fine! :)

I wouldn't say that a breadmaker is much if any cheaper for an ordinary loaf but it is not expensive & the results speak for themselves. :)
Chairman Meow said:
Maybe handmade bread is a bit bitter than breadmaker bread, and its obvious to me anyway that both are better than spermarket crap. But I have neither the time nor inclination to faff around making bread when I can sling the ingredients in the machine and it'll do the donkey work for me. There are only so many hours in a day after all, and to be honest I don't think there is that much of a difference really. In fact I've had some right rank hand made bread in my time. :D

Here here!!

I have only ever turned out shit bread by hand but I don't want to eat that bloody Kingsmill rubbish so I love my breadmaker.
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