Pickman's model
Starry Wisdom
Don't pretend you've forgot!
i'll take that as an admission you can't.
Don't pretend you've forgot!
It might if anarchists were part of a unified "political movement", but we're not. Something you've been told over and over and over again, but which you appear unable to grasp.
Sectarianism is bigotry, discrimination or hatred arising from attaching importance to perceived differences between subdivisions within a group, such as between different denominations of a religion or the factions of a political movement. < fit's u75 anarchist's to a tee.
It might if anarchists were part of a unified "political movement", but we're not. Something you've been told over and over and over again, but which you appear unable to grasp.
Anarchists (and autonomists and left/social libertarians) are part of a broad philosophical spectrum, not adherents to the same creed or interpretations of a creed.
It might if anarchists were part of a unified "political movement", but we're not. Something you've been told over and over and over again, but which you appear unable to grasp.
Anarchists (and autonomists and left/social libertarians) are part of a broad philosophical spectrum, not adherents to the same creed or interpretations of a creed.
Enough evidence to satisfy whom. Forgive me for being abrupt, but you're hardly a neutral on this pint, are you, given your numerous fallings-out with so very many "anarchist groups"?I think there is enough evidence to say that the different class struggle anarchist groups, and other associated ultra left groups, piss into the same pot.
"Of a sort" could mean anything or nothing (probably the latter).It is a political movement of a sort (that is not to say it is any good).
I beg to differ. The main enmity is against you.The bitching and emnities are huge (mainly/especially emanating from/in London)...
The problem with this analysis being that you have such a hard-on for your own ideas that you write off a lot of people because they disagree with you. One only has to look at the contretemps your various identities on Urban have engaged in over the years to see that....the political practice/nous is lacking, and the open political practice has been totally lacking though it is extremely slowly improving (but not on or by people on U75).
Try as I might, I can't understand why anyone would want to. Politics is about getting things done, not about being an anodyne.You've given his definition more substance than it has. It is extraordinary but nevertheless true that RMP3 has not associated sectarianism with any creed or interpretation of creed. He has not even defined it as factionalism. He is so astonishingly politically backward, that he actually thinks it is a form of hatred. As it happens it is perfectly coherent (if mistaken) to think that anarchism is a hateful but broad philosophical spectrum.
Your crime is to not make your political beliefs compatable with the most insipid liberalism -
I certainly hope so....you might appear to be hateful to the most moronic liberals.
I can't bring myself to. Expediency is the enemy of any politics worthy of the name, not just of working-class politics. If not selling out makes me enemies, so what? They can join the queue to piss on my grave when I'm gone!The horror. This is a big crime for RMP3 and BlackHand - just think of all the cherished beliefs they've had to abandon in the name of expediency. You won't even abandon facts of the matter you know to be true. You haven't abandoned anything, you swine!
A good thread, there seems to be a common theme regarding Butcher and PM, what is their problem?
My problem is with people who can't be arsed to look beyond the obvious when it comes to anti-fascism. I'm not impressed by rmp3's posting up of "resources" that turn out to be a series of links to stories and videos rather than hard data or hard analysis.
If nothing else, this thread had brought home to me the fact that elements of the left are every bit as fractious and prone to petty internecine squabbles over ideological purity as the various elements of the right.
If nothing else, this thread had brought home to me the fact that elements of the left are every bit as fractious and prone to petty internecine squabbles over ideological purity as the various elements of the right.
If nothing else, this thread had brought home to me the fact that elements of the left are every bit as fractious and prone to petty internecine squabbles over ideological purity as the various elements of the right.
No they're not....
Why? There's been no discussion of the lefts varied positions on the BNP. There's just been post after post of whining/hobby horsing/piggy backing etc
Serious attempts to look at the BNP were drowned by the above.
They fucking are, because I say so. Now prove they're not, or belt up!
They fucking are, because I say so. Now prove they're not, or belt up!
And you didn't play your part? Let he who is without sin yaddah yaddah yaddah......
And we have another scarecrow. It's bizarre. Have you been so warped by your cosy own bnoard that other people talking about the BNP are seen as an affront to you? That disagreeing with your positions and telling you so are wrong in themselves and acts of rebellion?
No i didn't. And nor did i keep whining day after day about it.
If nothing else, this thread had brought home to me the fact that elements of the left are every bit as fractious and prone to petty internecine squabbles over ideological purity as the various elements of the right.
And we have another scarecrow. It's bizarre. Have you been so warped by your cosy own bnoard that other people talking about the BNP are seen as an affront to you? That disagreeing with your positions and telling you so are wrong in themselves and acts of rebellion?
He was joking ffs...
No, I just don't see why differing approaches to tackling a problem need to be in opposition, necessarily.
And where have these differing approaches even been discussed on this thread? They haven't been. It never once went near that discussion.
Your crime is to not make your political beliefs compatable with the most insipid liberalism - you might appear to be hateful to the most moronic liberals. The horror. This is a big crime for RMP3 and BlackHand - just think of all the cherished beliefs they've had to abandon in the name of expediency. You won't even abandon facts of the matter you know to be true. You haven't abandoned anything, you swine!
Maybe that's where the discussion ought to go then, because all I'm seeing is people with a common enemy jousting with one another over, well, nothing really.
In a nutshell, what are the major shortcomings of current anti-fascist efforts and what should they be replaced with?
you couldn't put the argument in that article in words of one syllable for MrA and his little echo?You mean something like this
Bullshit backslapping is pathetic. I and probably we have abandoned nothing, we just don't fall for simplistic ultra left shite.
The Black Hand said:Butch has done nothing intellectually challenging, virtually jack shit. As I said, repeating what the BNP say ad infinitum is not useful.
All there is pathetic and second hand, derived shite about 'how good the bnp are and how well they are doing'. There is nothing radical, new or original in the formulation.
A) Enough evidence to satisfy whom. Forgive me for being abrupt, but you're hardly a neutral on this pint, are you, given your numerous fallings-out with so very many "anarchist groups"?
B) "Of a sort" could mean anything or nothing (probably the latter).
C) I beg to differ. The main enmity is against you.
D) The problem with this analysis being that you have such a hard-on for your own ideas that you write off a lot of people because they disagree with you. One only has to look at the contretemps your various identities on Urban have engaged in over the years to see that.