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Blair sticks his oar in ...


I hummus, therefore I am ...
As if he hasn't wrought enough havoc already, he's now aiming to seal Europe's doom.

Eurosceptics welcome Tony Blair's political comeback and Brexit intervention

Tony Blair’s plan to make a comeback to political life by spearheading an anti-Brexit group was last night welcomed by Eurosceptics who said it would increase public support for leaving the EU.

Tory MPs welcomed Mr Blair's decision to set up a new political institute that will seek to influence Britain's withdrawal and said that the level of public anger still directed at the former Labour leader will simply embolden the Brexit movement.

Last month Mr Blair told Remain voters "we're the insurgents now" and said Britain should keep its "options open" over holding a second referendum.
Wasn't populism invented by nu labour though? In the current 'you couldn't make it up' mayhem this just looks like the hand of the inevitable. :D

There's bound to be a Caesar more worthy of having "invented populism". After the vacuous millennium dome it seems wrong to tie NU Labour to invention and creativity, but they did hone 'focus groups' - which were like trying to found out what noises to make while spoon feeding the public spaghetti hoops, be it a train or a plane...you're still having hoops.

Blair - the only bloke looking at whats going on in Mosul and thinking "my work here is done."
Tony Blair's office denies Brexit campaign role report

Suggestions that Tony Blair is positioning himself to play a role in shaping Brexit are "wholly wrong", his spokeswoman has said.

She also denied a report that the former Labour prime minister regarded Theresa May as "a total lightweight" and Jeremy Corbyn as "a nutter".

Mr Blair has announced he is winding up some of his businesses, leading to speculation over his future.

He has also recommended keeping "options open" over Brexit.

Tony Blair's office denies Brexit campaign role report - BBC News
As its the all new online only independant - im assuming speculative clickbaity bollocks?
That's what people haves been saying upthread. Sorry. :( It is perhaps interesting nevertheless inasmuch as it it is all very corporate, quelle surprise.
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