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Black & White Stripey Tops - irrational dislike

I've got one of these now, nice ralph t with the stripes and a red collar. It makes my chest look wider than it is, which is a bonus.
photo from twice as nice , garage night
photo from twice as nice , garage night
That guy has obviously read my earlier post and decided it's a look he can run with

I've have a couple of striped tops, one white with blue horizontal stripes, one blue with white, and a couple of pairs of pyjama trousers with blue/white vertical stripes. I tried combining them once, but ended up with a headache.

TBF, he carries it off far better than I would
If you can't appreciate what Jean Seberg is serving here I fear you may be beyond hope:
View attachment 265876

View attachment 265877
i tried jean, audrey, rita - even too-ticki - but nothing worked; op's too far gone into his delusions. a deeply troubled soul...

ska invita : thinking bout this thread of yours i've realised you got a point; there's clearly a smug, well-behaved, bit-to-clean school of two-tone stripe wearing that i hadn't noticed before.

then again,
the other day i stumbled over a song i've tried to remember since a flatmate played it a couple of times mid nineties. turns out it was sophia george ft charlie chaplin 'ain't no meaning'- not 'it ain't easy' as i misremembered. who would've thunk it?
& guess what?
sophia rocks stripes. and yeah
charlie too...
to quote a lone voice of reason from the Fleabag thread "all the characters were horribly middle class and dull." :D
I respect your mad commitment to being wrong about this btw, it's impressive in a way, like if someone started a thread claiming seagulls are good or something.
ska invita, do you generally find that people now associate you with black and white stripey tops? I saw a well-dressed couple today - both wearing black jeans, she was in a black and white stripey top, he was in a black and white checked top - and wondered what you'd make of it.
ska invita, do you generally find that people now associate you with black and white stripey tops? I saw a well-dressed couple today - both wearing black jeans, she was in a black and white stripey top, he was in a black and white checked top - and wondered what you'd make of it.
Im not sure what to say....other than perhaps:

Now the thought
Both of lost happiness and lasting pain
Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes
That witnessed huge affliction and dismay
Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate:
At once as far as angels ken he views
The dismal situation waste and wild,
A dungeon horrible, on all sides round
Served only to discover sights of woe,
Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace
And rest can never dwell, hope never comes
That comes to all; but torture without end

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