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Black Lake (BBC Four Nordic offering)

I'm probably entirely wrong, lol.

I can't stand watching something that has an element of mystery to it without spending hours speculating. I'm driven by the desire to Work It Out.
I'm driven by the need to come up with What Turn Out To Be Completely Plausible Alternative Endings.
I'm not convinced we've seen the last of the detective. I'm trying to work out what the extra levels of shenanigans relating to him are. He might just be fucked up from not feeling the case was satisfactorily concluded though.
I'd like to point out that I strictly wasn't 100% incorrect because I did place Erkki and Mikkhel in the same sentence at one point.



Well, what did everyone think? It was okay, but I have to say I was right pissed off it was actually a curse and a ghost. ffs. Cop out, frankly.
Nah. Much preferred the bridge, deutchland '83 and similar. This was the weakest I remember of this type of drama.
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