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Black Lake (BBC Four Nordic offering)

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
Anyone watching? It's a bit the Shining meets The Bridge but it's pretty.

Lippi and Hanne are my favourites.
Even now I see a picture of the actor, I still can't quite work out which one Lippi is.

It's okay, a bit clunky first episode but does indeed look very pretty. We'll keep watching, no doubt.
Even now I see a picture of the actor, I still can't quite work out which one Lippi is.

It's okay, a bit clunky first episode but does indeed look very pretty. We'll keep watching, no doubt.
Lippi and Hanne are the two who went on the snowmobile to see the ex cop who keeps confidential files in his mountain cabin.
I thought it was pretty good, all told.

My prediction:

History will repeat itself, Hanne will turn into the murderer and kill everyone and drown herself like her brother. Or at least attempt to.
I quite liked it. the boy picked up that there were 2 languages going, but i just read the subs.

whether there is a real mystery or its just a case of scooby doo goings on with the bloke with the kinfe is yet to be seen

Yeah, what's his game?

Not sure if I missed something, but at the beginning he said something to uber-blonde dude about following the plan or something, when they were on their snowjetskithings, then he kicked off, then we only saw him once more and I couldn't tell if uber-blonde dude was pulling a fast one or not when he was on the phone to Hanne while knifebloke was in the background.

Do they basically just never want anyone to buy the place? Do they have a claim on the property? What could cause the red eye things? What's with all the sleepwalking? I don't think there's anything supernatural going on, rather they're being manipulated by a real person, but who and why and how and to what ends?
Conjunctivitis is a ruse, a red herring (Rott Sill) it is irrelevant
There is no magick going on, just a concerted campaign to spook the buyers to running away and allowing *one* of the party to come in with a low ball offer and clean up. the dead owners sister being in France or something is a driver/ factor here. mayb e some incest or something bad sex wise went on in the past to add a bit of spice.
The ratio of scenes to genre cliche is as high as anything I've seen since the first Die Hard film - sometimes simultaneously. I'm hoping for grave/yard/stone activity next week to top it all off.

Impressive selling, even for the Scandie Noir industry.
We have found the hidden part of the building at last. Is it where Mr Benn lives or will it have a skeleton?
Thought the last 2 were pretty good episodes. It's clear now there's no supernatural element to the show (I like shows that don't give that away at the beginning, so you keep wondering). not-bono-ever was bang on about the conjunctivitis, well done.

I'm guessing the clue is in the title: Black Lake -- there be oil in them there hills (lake beds), and that's why there's a weird battle over ownership, or so it seems.

So is the old owner/murderer hiding in the back room, with Erkki making sure he's fed and so on? And what would the motive for helping him like that be? To screw up the purchase by Johan by revealing he's still alive? Whatever game is being played, it's a bloody long one.
i want too far off re the sex thing - 2 pregnancy issues hanging over people + guilt. Surely the old owner is not there hiding in the cellar is he ?
:D I got the names mixed up. I was wrong about which one was Lippi.

That said I still enjoy looking at it, but it better have a pretty fucking good explanation. Is it a supernatural story or not? I hate genre uncertainty as a plot device!
Have we seen blood or bodily fluids yet, a ghostly apirition, a vision in a mirror.
why, does one of the characters keep going off alone...NEVER go off looking for something alone.
I think it's great.

Current theory: Mette is the one who is really struggling with Jacob's death, and she's killing everyone. The eye drops have psychotropics in them (pretty obvious in the last episode). Hanne will have to kill her. Dag and Jostein are after the oil under the lake.
yeh it's so obvious when it's pointed out :facepalm: should have known something was up. but why would m attack hanne, her sister? or was that osvald?
I need to watch episode 5 again, I was rather pissed when I first did so.

The eyedrops thing - duh! Well spotted.

But, not oil. There is clearly something eugenicsy going on - it seems to be a popular Scandi theme at the moment (see also the new Salander book, and the film Samiblod), so the evil two locals have to have been involved in that - blondie is just too Aryan to be anything other than the result of an evil experiment.
yeh it's so obvious when it's pointed out :facepalm: should have known something was up. but why would m attack hanne, her sister? or was that osvald?

I should have said she's causing the others to die and/or kill each other via the eye drops. I think she's one of those highly functioning psychopaths, totally fucked by her brother's death, fuelled by Hanne getting all the attention after he died.
I need to watch episode 5 again, I was rather pissed when I first did so.

The eyedrops thing - duh! Well spotted.

But, not oil. There is clearly something eugenicsy going on - it seems to be a popular Scandi theme at the moment (see also the new Salander book, and the film Samiblod), so the evil two locals have to have been involved in that - blondie is just too Aryan to be anything other than the result of an evil experiment.

Yeah, Jostein is total master race experiment. He's an interesting one. He's clearly not 100% invested in whatever he and Dag are meant to be doing. And how does Erkki factor into it all? He's somehow custodian of the lodge, needs to be there to oversee something, protect something? Hence him trying to stay on once Johan put in the offer on the place.

Batshit, tinfoil, left-field theory that is 99.9% not true: Erkki is Mikkhel and has torn allegiances.
Batshit, tinfoil, left-field theory that is 99.9% not true: Erkki is Mikkhel and has torn allegiances.
It's one I am going with too, tho.

Just rewatched 5, and 6 makes more sense now. What is Dag meant to be delivering to the person who speaks English? Oil connections don't seem to make sense (tho that is deffo oil at the beginning of the opening titles), but neither eugenic ones.

Smuggling something out of the EU for the Chinese, maybe, into Norway....hmmm
I'm probably entirely wrong, lol.

I can't stand watching something that has an element of mystery to it without spending hours speculating. I'm driven by the desire to Work It Out.
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