Off the top of my head...
Primal Scream - Eden Project - 2004
Stone Roses - Brixton - 1995
AC/DC - Donington - 1984
Deep Purple - Knebworth - 1985
Chemical Brothers and Prodigy on consecutive weeks at the Newcastle Mayfair pilled off my gurny little face (92?)
Ramones - every time but Manchester International & Astoria stand out
Motorhead - most times but Manchester International sometime late 80s (?)
Leonard Cohen - Big Chill - 2008
There'll be others I'll remember...possibly my first few gigs because they were the first; Girlschool in Chelmsford (81 or 82 I think), Gillan in Southend in 82 and UFO in Southend around the same time...
Pickman's model - were Ramones/ANL supporting Cast of all people at that Astoria gig?!