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Have you ever played a famous instrument?

I used to have a Wurlitzer that had Stealer's Wheel stencil spray-painted on its bottom, so I guessed this was part of their gigging rig?
drummer in my old band had some drumsticks that once belonged to the drummer from showaddywaddy and I had a go on is kit with them. magical.
Ooh, my oldest pal's dad was a guy called Roger Coulam.
He was a session player in the 60s and 70s on the old Hammond.

He played arguably the most famous Hammond riff of all time - Je Taime.

I've text me mate to ask if he played it on his own Hammond, which me mates mum still has. He died about 15 years ago so can't verify obvs
Yep it was his Hammond he used on all his sessions, including Live and Let Die and the Self Preservation Society.
I wonder if the Hammond Organ Je Taime was played is worth something to a collector?
The venue I work in has Lang Lang's former piano (upright) and a Model D grand that came from the Proms. I've pushed some keys on both of these, but tht's not quite 'playing'.
I've lugged plenty of famous people's instruments and record bags about.
I once sneaked into the top of the pops studio while I was at a wrap party for the Jonathan Ross show, and played the piano which was on the stage.
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