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Best anti-fascist organising books?


Well-Known Member
What are the best books on grassroots anti-fascism?

We’ve got a long thread on the excellent Beating The Fascists. I rate Dave Hann’s Physical Resistance too.

What other decent reads are out there?
Those two, plus older stuff like We Fight Fascists and Out of the Ghetto, are the main ones I've read. As far as the new crop goes, I know the Mark Bray book was pretty hyped when it came out, and the new 12 Rules book? Although maybe that one's more a book about fascism than a book about antifascism. Oh, and there's a book by a (former?) u75 poster called Militant Antifascism as well, which I've also not read.
Looking through AK Press's site, here's some others I've not read which might be interesting?
was going to link to the Mark Bray book, but hitmouse got there. consider this a booster

i have a file of links, will look there to see about anything else.
This is most of what I have, plus the more recent 12 Rules For What and Sonabend’s 43 Group one (both great).


I’d definitely add to the recommends of Morris Beckman and Martin Lux. And add Joe Jacobs - Out of the Ghetto on Cable Street (ETA - that’s just one section of the book but the whole book is great).

Libcom has an archive of AFA’s Fighting Talk magazine and there is also an online archive of Red Action to be had.
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21/30 12 Rules For What - Post-Internet Far Right: Fascism In The Age Of The Internet

Interesting small book from the 12 Rules For What podcast. Actually a lot more readable than the bits they read out aloud on the show led me to believe. Explains the various currents of European/US fascism concisely and well. Some good bits on their limitations (for example the precarious relationship that online grifter "influencers" have with their "swarm" of fans). Quite useful for old farts who have their analysis of this stuff rooted in the 1980s and 1990s, I think. Makes some suggestions for what could be done at the end but wisely ends by saying that these things really need to be worked through by a movement. Good stuff on how climate change is going to fuck everything up and what this means for anti-fascists too - their next book is on eco-fascism.
hitmouse reminds me that I wrote this on the book challenge thread. :)
What do you think of 'the culture of fascism'?
It should be fought etc etc. :D

The book is ok from what I can remember. There is some mad stuff in there about the BUF’s jazz bands and I think some good stuff on women in the BUF too. It is one of them anthologies by academics so not so much on the fisticuffs etc.

I think it was quite expensive (a present).
Has anyone read this one? :hmm:


“A young congresswoman falls in love with a daring masked protestor in Seattle, Washington. After encountering him at a non-violent burning down of a federal building she can't tell what is hotter, the fire or her feelings developing for him.”
I was hoping someone could let me know that, but the reviews on Amazon are somewhat less than effusive. :thumbs:
I think it sounds pretty promising...

'After encountering him at a non-violent burning down of a federal building she can't tell what is hotter, the fire or her feelings developing for him.”

This is most of what I have, plus the more recent 12 Rules For What and Sonabend’s 43 Group one (both great).

View attachment 294058

I’d definitely add to the recommends of Morris Beckman and Martin Lux. And add Joe Jacobs - Out of the Ghetto on Cable Street (ETA - that’s just one section of the book but the whole book is great).

Libcom has an archive of AFA’s Fighting Talk magazine and there is also an online archive of Red Action to be had.

Club Life and Socialism is a cracking wee book. :thumbs:
The 43 group by Morris Beckman

I’m half way through this, it’s excellent so far, good shout. They were seriously organised: highly skilled intelligence, actual commandos, in-house doctors and lawyers and making full use of the extra skills and resources available. It’s pretty humbling especially considering the multiple actions that was engaged every week.
i'm feeling a bit left out here somrades!

Third post in this thread!
ETA: on a related note, Freedom just published a review of the 12 Rules book. The review itself is slightly tl;dr for me so far but I'll get around to it at some point.
First few copies of fighting talk a reasonably useful on what militant working class anti fascism effectively is!
Total Resistance!

Towards A Citizens Militia!
Not really that much use practically (maybe dug outs and similar illustrations may be of use) however reasonably entertaining!
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